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If Not Nintendo, Then Who?


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If not Nintendo then who?


Hmmm... interesting, well if Nintendo went the way of Sega and still produced software I'd go where the Nintendo games end up going. Though if they were "multiplatform" then I'd probably go PS as I'd likely find the bigger software choice of Japanese games and RPGs over there to compliment the Nintendo games.



Though let us hope we never see such a world ;)

Edited by Mokong
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I just don't get this point at all.


It's 2012, everyone, at least in the European Union learns English in school. If you don't know sufficient english to understand a game, you're either to young to play anything more violent (or storydriven) than New Mario Bros and if you're old enough to play proper games and still don't know english, you're not disciplined/clever enough to play anything more advanced than Wii Sports.

Either that, or your English teacher should instantly commit harakiri to maintain the honour of not only him/herself, but his/her family, national education system and indeed entire nation.


(NOTE: certain level of sarcasm, som level of Clarksonism. Thus: don't take too seriously)



Don't waste time or money on a surplus of translations. Call me weird, but I NEVER turn on the Swedish settings in any game that has it. Personally, I'd like every country that doesen't need a translation to get exclusive DLC which costs as much to develop as the Swedish translation would've cost.


So instead of getting a stupid voice over for let's say the next CoD, we get an AK5, AK4, Kpist, Ksp58, Swedish uniforms and a small multiplayer map taking place in Lapland.


It's a bonus, not a necessity. I recall you making a similar point before, and I still disagree. Not everyone is fluent in English, even if they were taught at school. Spain is the most obvious example, since they dub everything they get their hands on. Even if they bother to learn english properly, they still have a lot of difficulty speaking it. Just because the Dutch and the Nordics can learn it easily doesn't mean everyone can.

And that's coming from someone who can't stand dubbed live-action films/series.


Furthermore, I'm pretty sure I started playing games before learning English. You know, back when platformers didn't have varying objectives. And when I got stuck at certain games that required me to know how to read English. I know I wouldn't be able to play Age of Empires at age 10 if it wasn't in Spanish, much less understand the historic interludes. The first English-heavy games I played were King's Quest VIII (where I had an older cousin helping me, and items and locations were all that was needed) and Pokémon (I was the first kid to realise you had to deliver Oak's Parcel to Oak before continuing).


Point is, english proficiency isn't as universal as you think. Hell, my parents can't speak english fluently, either, they only understand a few things here and there (which is common for the Portuguese who grew up in the 60/70s). If it wasn't for that particular cousin, I wouldn't have anyone helping me with the language.


(Also, I don't think translations and extra content are interchangeable like that.

And there is an English word for hara-kiri.)

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Easy question.




Actually, I'm a PC gamer at heart anyway. Without a gaming capable PC. Or money. Or time... The first two points might change in the foreseeable future, the last won't. :heh:


Quiet honestly though, the PC is the ultimate stationary gaming platform for me. New console generations may technically leave it behind for a year or so, but from then onward, even a mid-range PC has always been more versatile. In this day and age, the PC is also just as capable as a "couch-platform" as any console.


Having bought a PS3 for some of its exclusives and as a poor man's PC for some multiplatform titles, I've really come to realize that Nintendo's are the only consoles I need. Everything else, I'd do better to play on a PC. What isn't on the PC, I'd do better to ignore, seeing as I don't have the time anyway.

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Interesting question. Not sure if I'd go anywhere immediately because just like D_prOdigy said, theres ALOT of backlogging to do before a new system and new library of content would really be needed. Sometimes I think it would be nice if Nintendo would just call it quits already so I can spend my time catching up with whats out at the minute. Is that blasphemous of me? :eek:

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I would go for Sony. I much prefer the PS3 to the 360, probably based solely on the controller. I find it much more pleasurable and satisfying to use. The 360 one feels cheap and plastic and nasty to me. Plus, i am not a massive online player, so paying for Xbox Live was always a put-off to me, even though it is the best. For the time being at least.


It is a tough call though. I own all three naturally, but would be just as happy if they brought all exclusives on one super-console with the online structure of the 360 and compatibility with multiple types of controller. Alas, this will never happen.


A gaming industry without Nintendo though is unthinkable, and i think the industry and pure gameplay ingenuity would soon stagnate and suffer a slow and painful demise.

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Is that blasphemous of me? :eek:


Not at all. There are only so many hours in the day to put aside for hobbies and when you get games coming out every week it's hard to keep on top of things. On top of new releases it's always nice to go back and play some retro games form the consoles that have long gone.


A gaming industry without Nintendo though is unthinkable, and i think the industry and pure gameplay ingenuity would soon stagnate and suffer a slow and painful demise.


Yeah, I feel the same way. Although i'm not as much as a Nintendo fanboy as I used to be, they are still my go to guys when it comes to when I want gaming at it's purest level. That may not make any sense ::shrug: but it sounds right in my head. :D


Thanks for the replies, guys. Nice to see everyone coming together without starting a console war argument. :)

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Just for the ipod playlist, I am not exactly racist against Nintendo (Nintendoist?), I am more of a wiiist. The WIIU is another experiment as well as a demonstration to prove to the fans that third parties will not develope games for 'Nintendo' (partly because it's creating games for 10 year old girls) merely for the reasons of HD capabilities, robust online functionalities and fancy shmancy crowd-pleaser gimmicks - needless to mention the power of the system.


Microsoft's 'Xbox 777' for teh win, I tell ya'z.

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I hope this doesn't come across as too fanboy-ish:


I'm not sure who I'd go for if there was no Nintendo system, to be honest. I bought an Xbox last generation because I could get it for a cheap price, but ended up buying/enjoying fuck all for it and lost interest. Aside from loathing the controller and the whole feel of the console, it just didn't grab me in the same way that the Gamecube did.


I've lived with a guy who had a 360 and we used that together pretty often. Didn't really enjoy it or connect with it in the same way that I did the Wii. My housemate in my house that I just moved out of had a PS3 and, at a push, that's probably the system I would go for if I had to. Even then, I severely dislike the controller. Terrible design and it feels a bit meh to use.


This is probably because I've spent so much time using Nintendo controllers, I love the way that the Wiimote and nunchuk feels in your hands, or even the Wavebird. After using that setup for shooters, I don't really want to go "backwards" and use dual analogue, which is one of my reservations for the WiiU.


Even then, I don't really like these modern day shooters in a Space Marine/WWII setting (Aliens: Colonial Marines exempted, purely for the licence) and I don't get on with these Forza racing game...things. On a PS3, I'd be more of a Wipeout kinda person, because it's the closest thing to F Zero. Or Motorstorm for the link to ExciteTruck. Ish.


If Nintendo went third party, I'd follow the system that their games appeared on. But, I can't say I'd be overly keen on getting a 360/PS3. I've toyed with the idea over the years, but in the end I don't think I'd get much use out of it, considering how I've struggled to keep up with my Wii collection. The main reason I was thinking of getting a 360 was for Colonial Marines, and now that's on the WiiU.

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Mate you didnt really sound like a fanboy (well you didish) but you did manage to sound like a wii owner (ten year old girl). Im the most wiiistest wiiist, so your post provokes me at an instant. To stubbornly express that the mighty 360 didnt do anything for you is just mega bs. well, ten year old girls wouldnt understand their fathers toys now would they?...

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Mate you didnt really sound like a fanboy (well you didish) but you did manage to sound like a wii owner (ten year old girl). Im the most wiiistest wiiist, so your post provokes me at an instant. To stubbornly express that the mighty 360 didnt do anything for you is just mega bs. well, ten year old girls wouldnt understand their fathers toys now would they?...


Best post I've ever read. Genuinely made me laugh. :grin:

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I wouldn't say many, but yeah I have played games on all of those systems, mainly in multiplayer though when visiting friends and family.


I do love me some customization. :D


I know I must come across to some people on here as rabid Nintendo fanboy, but I can assure you that's not the case.

I definitely see the appeal/merit of other consoles/games, it's just that they simply don't appeal to me personally on anywhere near the same level as Nintendo does. ::shrug:


Even something like LittleBigPlanet (which I have played briefly), that seems like it would really be my cup of tea, somehow just doesn't grab me like, for example, WarioWare: D.I.Y. :blank:


Yeah, Little Big Planet is sort of my dream game in throes, it just never ever clicked with me, I hated the controls, the character didn't quite work for me... I just though, this is a nintendo game; but without that something!!


Mate you didnt really sound like a fanboy (well you didish) but you did manage to sound like a wii owner (ten year old girl). Im the most wiiistest wiiist, so your post provokes me at an instant. To stubbornly express that the mighty 360 didnt do anything for you is just mega bs. well, ten year old girls wouldnt understand their fathers toys now would they?...


Bots are getting much more clever aren't they?!

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Yeah, Little Big Planet is sort of my dream game in throes, it just never ever clicked with me, I hated the controls, the character didn't quite work for me... I just though, this is a nintendo game; but without that something!!


I've only played a tiny bit of this, but it didn't capture me either. It's the sort of game that needs charm but I didn't find it charming at all. Maybe more of a playthrough would have changed that opinion.

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I doubt I'll go for a console next generation. I've not unpacked my 360 since I moved here in october, and my Wii has been back at home, which I've only used for Zelda (which wasn't anything special) since I went to uni nearly 3 years ago.


I'm just going to stick with PC gaming. Far better support, graphics, DL shops (steam), etc. People keep harping on about how it's too expensive for a gaming pc, but most people spend £3-400 on a PC anyway, add the £300 that you'd spend on a console and you've built a pretty decent PC. And the "with a PC you have to keep upgrading it" is bollocks. If you build a PC that's better than console X, then it's always going to be better than console X. Sure in a few years your PC isn't going to be top of the range anymore, but it'll still be better than console X (tbh this "console X" is starting to sound tempting, where can I get one?), and still able to play any games that the console can.





well, ten year old girls wouldnt understand their fathers toys now would they?...



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She'd understand handhelds but not dedicated home consoles; their game's on an entire new level :laughing:



Ok, ok, guys, the cats out the bag (or in game terms: the ravin rabbid's out of the mote :p ), so on-topicness from this point onwards and do forgive for my troll.

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Microsoft, I reckon. I've had my 360 for a year now and love the online services, especially the downloadable games (and RARE of course).


Weirdly I can't get into much of the 'big' titles, I'm kinda burnt out on gaming at the moment. Whenever I do play games they tend to be ones I can pick up and play for 20 mins at a time hence why this year my main titles have been Kid Icarus, Mario Kart 7 and Space Channel 5! (downloadable Dreamcast games being the BEST thing ever :P)


But I actually don't see much difference between 360 and PS3, as a few of you have said it's mainly a case of where your friends are.

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Microsoft, I reckon. I've had my 360 for a year now and love the online services, especially the downloadable games (and RARE of course).


Kameo and Nuts & Bolts are brilliant games. I think Rare's biggest problem is that their games don't suit the Xbox - so they were thrown into making Avatar and Kinect stuff, letting all their beloved franchises gather dust.

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Kameo and Nuts & Bolts are brilliant games. I think Rare's biggest problem is that their games don't suit the Xbox - so they were thrown into making Avatar and Kinect stuff, letting all their beloved franchises gather dust.


Those were the first two games I got! Nuts & Bolts is especially good, it's a shame people can't look past the whole 'ZOMG, VEHICLES IN BJ, WTF' because it's such a great title. Banjo Land is probably the best homage to anything, ever.


I agree though, you can tell they don't suit the system due to the fact barely anyone knows what they are. Out of my 30 something friends I have on Live, not one of them has any Rare game that I can compare achievements with. :shakehead


It's a great shame they've been forced to do just Kinect stuff, I hope they can get back on their googly eyed adventure games soon!

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Some people do like playing games in their native language.


I get this if you mean subs.


Dubs, however, are the devil's bane, and are always inferior to the original language, as the original is the true interpretation, all others being adaptations. Plus, how lazy do you have to be to need dubs?

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I'd go for the 360 because most importantly for me the controller is far more ergonomic. I hate Sony controllers, the sticks are too loose. I also really like Gears of War and quite like Halo too.


I think I'd definetely spend a lot less on games as I'd also play more on my PC and that may even become my platform of choice.

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