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Leeds is just as bad!

There is a Main GAME on The Headrow, another round the corner on Albion Street (a 2-3 min walk) then there is a Gamestation on Kirkgate (2-3min from either of the others)


And the White Rose Centre (which is half the size of Meadow Hall) had at one point 3 GAME stores! Admittedly it was only for about 3-4 months around Christmas but its surely not a good idea to have three stores to cope with demand, hire more staff its surely cheaper than hiring more staff and renting stores



Its a shame Game is going down the toilet, the staff don't deserve it, a better management team at the highest levels could have saved the company.

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Leeds is just as bad!

There is a Main GAME on The Headrow, another round the corner on Albion Street (a 2-3 min walk) then there is a Gamestation on Kirkgate (2-3min from either of the others)


And the White Rose Centre (which is half the size of Meadow Hall) had at one point 3 GAME stores! Admittedly it was only for about 3-4 months around Christmas but its surely not a good idea to have three stores to cope with demand, hire more staff its surely cheaper than hiring more staff and renting stores



Its a shame Game is going down the toilet, the staff don't deserve it, a better management team at the highest levels could have saved the company.


Yeah it's just stupid. There used to be one above Border's (i think it was, it was definitely a book store), but i don't think it's there anymore.


I went down to Crown Point to have a look in their store, and it wasn't even open.

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I don't know, would it not be really easy for shops to record the PS3 serial number to prevent such a thing?


It probably would, but I highly doubt they do.


Not sure, you may have to swap a sticker perhaps.


It looks in fairly decent nick actually, still, not quite brand new/returnable condition, few minor scuffs if you look close enough.

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Well I went to GAME last night to see what other bargains I could find, and I assume the Spring clearance sale is finishing / finished, as Pre-owned games that were selling for 2.98 such as brink and bulletstorm had increased back to 7.98.


A bit annoying, but never mind. I did get Wii Fit & Balance board for £20

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Well I went to GAME last night to see what other bargains I could find, and I assume the Spring clearance sale is finishing / finished, as Pre-owned games that were selling for 2.98 such as brink and bulletstorm had increased back to 7.98.


A bit annoying, but never mind. I did get Wii Fit & Balance board for £20


That is annoying and dumb. I planned and making another visit at some point no point now.

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Pffft. Thats nothing. Sheffield is a big city. Or town.


As Debug always says, in Hemel Hempstead there are two GAMEs and a Gamestation.


Walk from Gamestation to GAME one is about 30 seconds, walk to GAME one to GAME two is about 80 seconds.


Mate, between one of those GAME's and Gamestation isn't even 30 seconds. It's more like 10, you could probably even run there in 3 seconds. What the actual fuck were the management thinking..

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Well I went to GAME last night to see what other bargains I could find, and I assume the Spring clearance sale is finishing / finished, as Pre-owned games that were selling for 2.98 such as brink and bulletstorm had increased back to 7.98.




Just because they're in administration, doesn't mean a price hike. Usually, it should mean a massive clear-out once and for all.

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Went into my local GAME and Gamestation today, the former didn't have any real decent games left and the latter was pretty much gutted except for it's chart stock that wasn't on any deal.


Looks like I missed any potential bargains, however I'm skint so it's probably for the best I left empty handed.

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Spent my £20 on Professor Layton and the Spectres Call.


They are really pushing for people to trade-in their old games. Literally every customer, it was "don't forget to bring in your old games to trade!". Like that's going to help.


Also noticed this GAME still had pre-orders open for Luigis Mansion 2 and Mario Tennis Open. This one even still had Kid Icarus on display with a countdown tuntil tomorrow. I wonder if they'll actually sell it or if it is just an old promo display. I'll be pretty annoyed if they do sell it. The website doesn't have it, so i assumed no GAME shops would and bought it on ShopTo. Grrr.

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Spent my £20 on Professor Layton and the Spectres Call.


They are really pushing for people to trade-in their old games. Literally every customer, it was "don't forget to bring in your old games to trade!". Like that's going to help.


Also noticed this GAME still had pre-orders open for Luigis Mansion 2 and Mario Tennis Open. This one even still had Kid Icarus on display with a countdown tuntil tomorrow. I wonder if they'll actually sell it or if it is just an old promo display. I'll be pretty annoyed if they do sell it. The website doesn't have it, so i assumed no GAME shops would and bought it on ShopTo. Grrr.


They won't, Nintendo have cut ties with them for the forseeable future. And with being in administration doesn't help either. Basically, GAME doesn't exist no more.

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Well my copy of LA Noire (pre-owned) arrived from GAME just now. Took it long enough! Had my dispatch e-mail on friday!!


Good condition considering I only parted with £1.69 cash for it!!


Yeah I'm still waiting for my cheapo copy of Haze that ordered on a the same day (maybe day after)

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I found this photo kicking about on Neogaf earlier.


I have no words if this is true. Apologies if reposted.


Wow, along with this outdoor billboard I saw the other week:




"Play the Vita for £10"


They are pretty much being douchebags, good riddance to them.

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They are pretty much being douchebags, good riddance to them.


If you buy a Vita you can return it for your money back minus £10. They're not charging you to £10 to play a demo unit if that's what your thinking.

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What I infer from the photo is they're basically trying to fool the common public into picking up Mass Effect 2 instead of 3, cleverly placing it at number one in the chart and covering the 2 with the reduction sticker. This is exactly the kind of thing an innocent but uninformed mother or grandparent would fall for.


The whole £10 Vita thing is pure desperation too, not to mention similar in trickery as I bet you have to jump through hoops to get your money back.


Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but there's a difference between desperation and deceit. As far as I can remember myself playing games, GAME have been a part of my life. I really wish I cared about their survival as much as many of you, but I just can't get behind them as a name or company anymore.


To anyone losing their job, I'm sorry. To anyone crying over GAME or Gamestation store closures: http://www.shopto.net will comfort you. You won't even have to leave your house.

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I don't think anyone will miss GAME specifically (they've been pretty bad for the past year) and I'm not defending their tactics (buying GameStation was a terrible idea), but what bothers me is the idea of there not being any video games specialist at all on the high street.


I was in Tesco today and was surprised not to see any copies of Kid Icarus: Uprising - the big Nintendo release this week. Is this the future of games retail? The UK is the 2nd-biggest games market in the world and, according to IGN in a recent article, the vast majority still buy from bricks & mortar stores. We may buy online, but a large amount of people are not interested enough to. I believe this could affect which games publishers bring to the UK.


But hey, there's nothing we can do about it. I just predict gaming will get very stale until downloadable games can take off properly.

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I don't think anyone will miss GAME specifically (they've been pretty bad for the past year) and I'm not defending their tactics (buying GameStation was a terrible idea), but what bothers me is the idea of there not being any video games specialist at all on the high street.


I was in Tesco today and was surprised not to see any copies of Kid Icarus: Uprising - the big Nintendo release this week. Is this the future of games retail? The UK is the 2nd-biggest games market in the world and, according to IGN in a recent article, the vast majority still buy from bricks & mortar stores. We may buy online, but a large amount of people are not interested enough to. I believe this could affect which games publishers bring to the UK.


But hey, there's nothing we can do about it. I just predict gaming will get very stale until downloadable games can take off properly.


downloadable games are rubbish because they take to long to download and take up a lot of memory and I am sticking up for game because I have been a customer all the time and I want them to be a new company with the same staff at my Game or get bought and I was in Tesco today and they haven't got Kid Icarus: Uprising and PokePark 2 and a staff members said they only get new games when they go in the charts so my mum said we get them from ASDA but we got them from Granger Games both for £32

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I don't think anyone will miss GAME specifically (they've been pretty bad for the past year) and I'm not defending their tactics (buying GameStation was a terrible idea), but what bothers me is the idea of there not being any video games specialist at all on the high street.


Not really but I am starting to run out of shops to visit when I do go "outside" :P

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