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N-Europe Turns 14


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N-E is a golden oldie. A long-runner if you will. Is there any noteworthy site older than N-E? Maybe Yahoo...


I first discovered this site in a Portuguese forum that no longer exists, back when it was Cube-Europe. It was the only reliable source of Nintendo news (still is my preferred gaming news site), but I was always reluctant to join any forum at all back then.


Some time in 2007, I started visiting the forums more regularly, liked what I saw, and eventually joined (I recall the trigger being a thread about Wind Waker vs. Twilight Princess. Serious stuff, Zelda :heh:)


It's still my favourite online community, of course :) May N-E live for much longer, as it still is going quite strong.

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Holy moly, happy birthday N-E.


I don't know what I'd be without you guys and n-e, where would I go when online? I remember the reason I first started here was to figure out why my ds dongle wasn't working. Gosh even that was an age ago.

Edited by nightwolf
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What are the chances of N-E ever being bought out by a faceless corporation like tends to happen with popular independent sites?


should be none, considering we dodged a bullet like that last year I think it was :heh:


Ash stood up and told Sony they could shove their money up their collective asses before showing them a full moon :heh:

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Happy birthday N-E! My favourite site on the net by far, even more than pornhub haha.


I remember stumbling upon the site back at the end of it's N64-Europe days whilst I was looking for discussion about the Big N's next home console.


I love you N-E!

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should be none, considering we dodged a bullet like that last year I think it was :heh:


Ash stood up and told Sony they could shove their money up their collective asses before showing them a full moon :heh:

Sony were trying to buy a Nintendo focused website?

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I love N-E, I'm glad it's still here after all this time :)


I joined just after the change to Cube-Europe and lurked. Can't remember when I started posting but I mostly kept to the consoles sections and gradually crept up.


This site has the best community I've ever found on the internet, somehow managing to be quite diverse while maintaining an overall common ground. Everyone has their own opinion but they're levelled enough to deal with others which allows for some great discussion threads.


Big thanks to all the members and staff for making this place what it is!

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