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The time of 2012 is coming, apparently there's some sort of Olympics going on. Noone really seems to be interested so they're giving away tickets in almost every advert these days. And is the world going to end (again?)


But what about those promises you make to yourself to change your ways that you usually falter a month or two into the new year?


My potentially empty promises:

Buy and learn the saxophone.

Get a website up and running.


I'm sure there's more but they fail me at the moment.



Your turn!


Dazz's New Year's Resolutions

  1. Lose at least one or two stone
  2. Dance again
  3. Review at least two movies a week like I used to
  4. Write a book
  5. Get up to 50,000G on Xbox 360 (pointless one but whatever)
  6. Make a blog or video


There's probably more but there we go, lmao.


Properly learn chess, cut down smoking, get into carpentry, get fitter.


I've got a year with, hopefully, more free time and I want to spend it in ways that are more beneficial than just sitting around surfing the web and playing computer games (tears fell as I typed that)


My boss managed to quit smoking using champix tablets, if that's any interest to you or anyone.


My new year's resolution is to eat more cake.


I say the same things every year, and they are


1 - Lose weight


2 - Become more social


Thats all i promise myself every year, last year (2010) i lost 4 stone. This year, i hope to lose a little more. Becoming healthier in the process.


I actually do wanna get back to the gym.


I mean, I've been going, but no where as near as much as I was going during the summer.


That's obviously due to being back at uni and no longer having a 9 to 5.


But yeah need to make more time for gym.


There's always work to do so fuck it.


This year has gone well for me. I've wanted to get much fitter, which I have been. Been improving with guitar and the drums, so I'm happy with that.


Agree with Dog-amoto, making changes everyday is far easier to keep up with than making a resolution on New Year's Day. I guess if I had to make one, it would be to start up a band. I would love that so much.


Play some video games, watch some television, post on the forum.


It'll be tough, but I intend to keep my resolutions this year.



End this dry spell before the world ends

At this point, I think you having sex may actually cause the world to end.


I think it's getting to that point now where we just simply need to offer up the next female that joins the forums to Serebii.


Like a sacrifice to the Gods. Except not to a God. Just Serebii.

I think it's getting to that point now where we just simply need to offer up the next female that joins the forums to Serebii.


Like a sacrifice to the Gods. Except not to a God. Just Serebii.


We'll have to do it in a way as not to scare her away. Gently does it as it were.

I think it's getting to that point now where we just simply need to offer up the next female that joins the forums to Serebii.


Like a sacrifice to the Gods. Except not to a God. Just Serebii.


Give her to Serebii? He's not the only one going through a long-term dry spell. Where's my sacrificial virgin?




*virginity not necessary.


Poor Ine!


I have none, because I know I'll never keep any, I did pretty good this year, moving away and getting a decent job, but I try to take it a couple of days at a time nowadays.

Maybe you should stop hogging Ine. :blank:


Ugh, that sounds terrible. Sorry, Ine!


I'm allowed to hog her. I have snared her in my trap and now she belongs to meeeee. [/sting and the Police]


You need to go get your own Belgian Hot White Chocolate. Or, witte chocolade, as they say there. :heh:

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