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When do you put your Christmas tree up?


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Ive noticed a lot of people on my Facebook posting photos or talking about how they put their Christmas tree up this weekend and it just made me wonder about when everyone else usually puts theirs up.


At my house we tend to wait until about mid December before we do and I always thought that was a fairly common time to wait until.

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I haven't got one.


I now, I guess, live by myself, meaning that I don't own one, as they are quite expensive.


I may go out to tescos tomorrow and grab some things to jazz up my room and that, but it gets quite sad to do when you live in a shared house with two people who are never here.


My parents on the other hand, tend to do theirs around the 2nd week before christmas and take them down the week after. We love christmas, but the clutter gets annoying.


I sound so un-christmassy, but I do love christmas, but I don't really feel it here!

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Back home it's generally the weekend closest to the 15th. They stay up until the 12th Day of Christmas as it is bad luck to have them up longer than that.


However I think this year because we're going away on holiday on the 19th for 2 weeks it'll go up earlier.


We usually get a real one but I would hazard a guess that we'll just use the fake one so it doesn't die when we're away.


Since I've moved out I haven't once decorated my flat. Whether that continues this year, now I live with a girl, remains to be seen.

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I haven't got one.


I now, I guess, live by myself, meaning that I don't own one, as they are quite expensive.


I may go out to tescos tomorrow and grab some things to jazz up my room and that, but it gets quite sad to do when you live in a shared house with two people who are never here.


My parents on the other hand, tend to do theirs around the 2nd week before christmas and take them down the week after. We love christmas, but the clutter gets annoying.


I sound so un-christmassy, but I do love christmas, but I don't really feel it here!


Same here, live with one other/mostly alone and I really cannot be bothered. I go home for Christmas anyway. Before my mum had to work, we used to put it up mid-December, or a little earlier. But now it's very last minute as both my parents are busy.

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Mom usually puts up the lights in the windows in early December/late November, but we don't usually put up the rest of the Christmas decorations until a day or two before Christmas.


We're lazy.


And then we usually leave everything up until halfway through January.


We're really lazy.



I have a butler that does it for me.


He is lazy and does it on the 26th. Dammit.

I hope you plan on giving him a good flogging. :blank:


Stupid good-for-nothing butlers.

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Most Christmas decorations go up around December 1st, but we don't put up the tree before the 23rd. My dad and I have a tradition where we drive out to the local plantation and select the one we like best. :) This is usually done a couple of days before.


In my apartment up here I just have a couple of simple Christmas decorations since I'll be going home for Christmas and New Year's. :)

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Christmas morning.


I thought that this is what everyone did up until I was about 12.


I know it's a bit weird.


But yeah it's a tradition.


We start cooking food together, then while it's cooking/you have a spare moment, you put the tree up.


Then you eat.


Then afterwards people bring gifts and put them under the tree.

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I decorated my classroom on Friday, we spent the last hour of the school day making Christmas decorations, including a Christmas tree made from paper hands.




I then bought my first real Christmas tree today, mainly due to Dan's dad being available to transport it for me. I haven't bought any decorations yet, that's my job for next week :).

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Aww bless her, we're abit worried about Frankie and what she might do to the tree..


Well our tree managed to stay up all night, which we were quite shocked with, and she has lost interest in the tree decorations too now, so so far so good.


Normally we'd be putting our presents under the tree, but not sure if that's a good idea as Millie might enjoy opening them herself.


Going to put a tester present down, wrapping up my 3DS box tonight and leaving it under the tree, will have to see what she makes of it tomorrow morning.

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Personally, i believe any time in December is ok, and i would usually do it the second week in December.


However, i have my girlfriend to contend with, who is like a Christmas tsunami. It's all you can do to just keep your head above water. Ours went up on the 24th November, and i think she would have had it up sooner had she not needed my help to carry it home from Homebase.

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I shall share my story! :D

We get a real one every year.

This year, I almost broke tradition and asked my mum and dad if we should get an artificial one as they are easier to decorate. I believe the word is 'conical'?


Anyway, after a kick off from my sister (24 year old sister lol) we decided to stick with real.


Me and my dad did the usual tradition of going to find the tree, playing tick and legging it away through the trees :laughing: - done it since I was a kid haha.

It was pissing down - so we were both soaked and the trees were all rubbish. That's the problem with a real tree - it's tricky to find a decent one!


I found one I liked the look of - a different colour than the 'fir'? one we normally go for with different branches. My dad wasn't convinced but I basically told him I could not be arsed and we were soaked so it was that or nothin!


We bought it - £27, which is loads cheaper than the £70 we paid from the same place last year! We both exchanged shifty looks whilst we paid like we were doing something wrong :laughing:


Once we got it home, we stood it in the base and my dad got the shears ready to 'shape' the tree like we normally have to do every year. He started to cut the wrap off the tree and 'BOOM' it just exploded out in the most perfect Christmas tree shape ever.


We didn't cut a single thing off it. It is by far the best Christmas tree (and cheapest) we have ever had. It even smells amazing whereas a lot of the time the smell disappears quickly. It's the first thing I smell when I get home from work every night with this one!


Anyway we found a place for it by the window and I decorated it and it's awesome!






My sister - very pleased with herself haha.



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