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The 'Illuminati' / whatever.


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I really should go to bed soon so I'll be brief. I know I won't feel like creating this tomorrow though.





The Illuminati. This New World Order. Free Masonry. All that jargon. If you're interesting in this already then I presume you've heard of http://vigilantcitizen.com/. I recall this being mentioned once on N-E before. By Paj! I think. It was only a brief reference. Everyone moved on. So, I'd like to try create a full-on discussion.


For those unaware, this 'new world order''s mission is to allegedly create one government to take control of Earth and have one world religion. It all ties into Satanism and Lucifer and all that. The Illuminati were a secret organisation some time in the 1700's, if my memory serves right. Apparently they still have considerable power in the modern world and are trying to gain further power through the use of modern media, primarily. I don't know -- I'd say the website mentioned above describes it much clearer than I am. I'm only focusing on one aspect of it. There is more to it.


I know it's not fact but I'm going to use a factual tone from now on.

Celebrities. They use celebrities as their puppets to spread the message of their organisation. It's fairly complicated and I'm sure I only understand a fraction. Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Rihanna are, probably, the most quoted on the website. Once you read the articles it does seem a little...strange.


Images such as these appear everywhere.


The one eye.










The dummy / mind-control.






The Devil.




There are a few videos about it too.






Recently it hasn't even entered my mind (except jokes with my Sister.) but I can't help but look at that website every now and then. Separately it all seems like shite but there is something chilling whenever I see it all together. It's not just one artist or person that likes to cover their eye with a hand, or make the 'OK' sign. It's everybody. I just can't fathom it. Everyone with some sort of popularity in today's modern culture is doing it. The most exoteric symbols are the one eye, the horns of Baphomat, the 'OK' sign with a hand, butterflies, checker-board tiles, trans-humanism -- the fusion of man and machine. Ugh, it chills my bones a little to think of it all.


I admit that most of it is nonsense. I'm not indoctrinated completely by the website. There's just too much of it to wipe it off as 'coincidence'.


(Edit: Just got a brain-wave, we should bring the Mad Monkey back to make this really interesting :p)




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Sadly for the people who try to peddle such bullshit, I am capable of having thoughts, and therefore capable of thinking. Finding low-frequency patterns (taking all albums covers into consideration) is easy - making some crack-pot theory about it takes some real grade A-crazy.


If you're one of the people who believe this crap, or any related nonsense like chemtrail believers or anti-vaxxers or anti-fluoridation of water people, ask yourself this one question: what would prove you wrong?

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Being totally honest, I'm sceptical. However, the website is put together well and whoever is writing is certainly quite knowledgeable and intelligent (which is far more than I was expecting and more than you normally get from a conspiracy site). I'll give it more of a read tomorrow.

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I fucking love me a good conspiracy. I'm one of those who believe in very little of them, but they're interesting stories that make our world seem a little less bland. I think the only one I truly believe in is the 9/11 conspiracy.


As for Illuminati, meh.. There are some coincidences. There are famous people who have cryptically spoke out about them, but surely if they control the media and shit like they're supposedly capable of, those people wouldn't be able to get that far as to tell any one?


I don't think the Illuminati exist, but there might just be a group with not as much theorised control as the illuminati that exists. Maybe the UN or something? It's incredibly funny how countries with anti-western leaders are being made targets in the name of 'democracy', only to be replaced with pro-west ones (even funnier that recent events are started to match those similar to the events in Gundam 00). All the renewable energy advocates keep vanishing.. companies with cars fuelled by water go mysteriously under.. I think the only form of control I'm convinced of is by oil cartels to be honest. You only have to look at the story of Tesla to know some thing is very wrong. Nothing near the Illuminati though.


How about that Nazi moon base? Now that is one awesome conspiracy.

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A music website I go on sometimes has a few members who are fanatical about it.


It's quite an interesting idea - could be a joke concept for a film or something. I don't think it has anything to it though, at least nothing sinister or apocalyptic.

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I love horseshit like this. Attributing pattern to coincidence is classic conspiracy theory fodder and these guys are no different. They take popular imagery like the 'one eye' and say it's repeated because of a conspiracy. It's actually repeated because it's a successful sales technique, but that's a fine detail.

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okay seriously just watched a video showing cartoons that are influenced by it.


Monsters Inc? seriously? because they designed Mikey with one eye.


London 2012 Olympic mascots also have 1 eye.:o



It's really interesting read (and passing time at work at the moment) but bull!

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You gotta be a grade A dumbshit to give this crap the time of day. Its the same as always, people find/ hallucinate patterns that don't exist, primarily because they neglect to take in all the data that would allow them to come to a conclusion, and instead, come to the conclusion first and then assemble a line of logical fallacies in order to prop up their cockamamie ideas, and then they go and pretend to some secret knowledge of the inner workings of the world; knowledge that they picked up from wikipedia, or some other back alley fictitious website built by an undiagnosed schizophrenic. Fuck all that.


These people are genuinely no better than this guy:


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If there were any truth to conspiracy theories, they wouldn't just be theories. People are shit at covering things up, there's always at least one person who will let it slip and then the media would be all over it. If anyone actually thinks the media are all working together to help cover something up however..... then they're an idiot :p

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If there were any truth to conspiracy theories, they wouldn't just be theories. People are shit at covering things up, there's always at least one person who will let it slip and then the media would be all over it. If anyone actually thinks the media are all working together to help cover something up however..... then they're an idiot :p


Exactly! And if these groups were right about all this being a massive conspiracy how have they:


A: Acquired so much evidence from their home computers




B: How are they still alive? Any actual world dominating evil secret society capable of controlling society as we know it would have them all killed.

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Exactly! And if these groups were right about all this being a massive conspiracy how have they:


A: Acquired so much evidence from their home computers




B: How are they still alive? Any actual world dominating evil secret society capable of controlling society as we know it would have them all killed.


Ah, but because every flaw is incorporated in the conspiracy, it's to make you think like you do - they're being left out there with not quite enough information to convince people otherwise, and as such the Illuminati are making them look like nutters.


That, or they're just nutters.

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