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Kurtle Squad

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Sooo I've been seeing this girl for the last few weeks. It started off pretty slow but we've been spending a lot of time together recently, pretty much together now. She's pretty fab, a barrel of laughs and makes me tea quite a lot so I can't complain. She still hasn't succumbed to my inner nerdiness however I'm working on it...Hopefully i'll have her quoting AVGN by the end of the month.



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A bit out of character, I ended up striking up conversations with a lot of people yesterday on a night out.


Nothing came of any of them mind, but I felt pretty 'boss' (as they say) for just growing a pair for the evening. It was fun, I enjoyed myself :)

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A bit out of character, I ended up striking up conversations with a lot of people yesterday on a night out.


Nothing came of any of them mind, but I felt pretty 'boss' (as they say) for just growing a pair for the evening. It was fun, I enjoyed myself :)


Good effort. The approach is the hardest part.


I used to shit my pants any time I would try to talk to a girl in a bar/club environment but I do it regularly now - half the time I don't even realise I'm doing it!

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I talked one of my friends into giving a cute waitress he'd be eyeing his phone number last weekend. It's easy enough to encourage others to just go for it. :heh:


Peer pressure, never fails.


My mate and I sat down at the same booth as a couple girls the other night (purely because there were no other seats). He instantly stood up to go to the bathroom and told me that he was expecting me to be talking to them by the time he got back.


Challenge accepted!

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Random )-=


I kinda fancy Vince Kidd off The Voice.


He has that sliver of edge/punkemo/hipsterylondon that I like in small doses, without being really skinny or annoying to look at. His style is what mine would be if I could be bothered/could pull it off. And he looks the right side of raging homosexual.


And he looks slightly stupid, with what I call evil eyes. Those eyes always spell trouble. Snake eyes. I like his voice/performances too.


Felt like I should post this as I never fancy/find anyone on TV attractive beyond the neutral/objective 'they're good-looking'.

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It's just so unfair that the one guy I've fallen for has to move across the world. As I mentioned before about meeting a guy -- we just *clicked*. It was easy, exciting and fast-paced. It was clear the feeling was perfectly mutual too. Of course, he's on his way to Hong Kong where, most likely, he won't come back unless there's a job etc.


Bleurgh. I'm happy but sad. Happy because I had an amazing two weeks. Sad because it's over and he has to leave. I rarely, probably never, met someone who I've clicked with so well, had interesting conversations with and been extremely attracted to, I'm glad I experienced that.




아바 아바 아바

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Blarg, still haven't gotten a chance to speak to that girl. There's a very small window to me arriving at the bus stop and the bus arriving, I tried talking to her on the bus once but it felt uncomfortable so I gave in (didn't say anything to her).


At one point I convinced myself to give up entirely. That was before she gave me 2 quick glances when she was getting off the train once.


Trouble is, some days she seems interested and some days she doesn't. Not that I expect her to do something every day mind.


She seems to be pretty interested past 2 weeks though. Last week I was looking out the window, turn around and she's looking at me over her shoulder, she was in front of me on the opposite isle. At first I thought she was looking at what is was looking at, but after thinking about it I don't think so now. On Wednesday when I got up to leave the bus, I looked over in her direction (by accident) and saw her looking away fast. No idea if it was me she was looking at since I didn't see, but we were near the front so wasn't much too look at really. Of course I could have just caught her doing something else but it seemed odd. There was a few other times as well.


Managed to hold eye contact (I think, I'm really bad at telling) with her while I was walking towards the bus stop on Wednesday as well, this would have probably been a good time to talk to her but I chickened out :P




Bit annoyed and frustrated I can't talk to her really, had a couple of good chances but I messed up. Just needed to vent a little I guess.

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It's just so unfair that the one guy I've fallen for has to move across the world. As I mentioned before about meeting a guy -- we just *clicked*. It was easy, exciting and fast-paced. It was clear the feeling was perfectly mutual too. Of course, he's on his way to Hong Kong where, most likely, he won't come back unless there's a job etc.


Bleurgh. I'm happy but sad. Happy because I had an amazing two weeks. Sad because it's over and he has to leave. I rarely, probably never, met someone who I've clicked with so well, had interesting conversations with and been extremely attracted to, I'm glad I experienced that.




아바 아바 아바


Maybe you'll meet again someday :)

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There's a very small window to me arriving at the bus stop and the bus arriving


Arrive earlier?


At one point I convinced myself to give up entirely. That was before she gave me 2 quick glances when she was getting off the train once.


Trouble is, some days she seems interested and some days she doesn't. Not that I expect her to do something every day mind.


She seems to be pretty interested past 2 weeks though. Last week I was looking out the window, turn around and she's looking at me over her shoulder, she was in front of me on the opposite isle. At first I thought she was looking at what is was looking at, but after thinking about it I don't think so now. On Wednesday when I got up to leave the bus, I looked over in her direction (by accident) and saw her looking away fast. No idea if it was me she was looking at since I didn't see, but we were near the front so wasn't much too look at really. Of course I could have just caught her doing something else but it seemed odd. There was a few other times as well.


Managed to hold eye contact (I think, I'm really bad at telling) with her while I was walking towards the bus stop on Wednesday as well, this would have probably been a good time to talk to her but I chickened out :P




Bit annoyed and frustrated I can't talk to her really, had a couple of good chances but I messed up. Just needed to vent a little I guess.


She looks at you a lot, you hold eye contact. She's obviously interested in some way.


Man up



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