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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I broke up with my boyfriend on the weekend. It was an incredibly hard decision and it really tore at me to be the cause of so much pain and confusion in him.


Nothing was bad in the relationship. In fact, everything was better than ever. Except I realised that although I loved him dearly, I wasn't in love with him anymore.


He's my best friend.


Aw, man, I'm so sorry. :( That is indeed a really sucky situation. But you did the only right thing. I hope you can retain your great friendship.

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As I posted in the "what have you bought" thread, I'm going to the Zelda concert with the girl that got back in touch with me (she enjoyed the board game night and is going to come back).


I don't think it's a date, but we were never that close friends before we stopped talking (I just thought she was at the time due to loneliness/depression and her pretty much being my only friend outside of here), and she would have never agreed to (let alone suggest) doing something together.

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What's usually a good first message on Tinder? I'm new to this. :/


Goafer's pretty much got it sussed... ;)


Step 1: Get 2 cars.

Step 2: Open every message with "Look at my cars".

Step 3: Make sure you have a stick handy, because you're going to be fending off the women for a long time my friend.


In the unlikely event that the two-pronged car attack fails though...


...erm, just open with something like... "Hi there, I see you're also interested in Cars - or insert relevant interest - what's your favourite?"


Yeah, I really have no clue. ::shrug:


If all else fails, break out a picture of your Fire Emblem collection. :awesome:

Edited by S.C.G
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I don't know how detailed Tinder profiles are, but back in my OKC and PoF days, I just found something that interested me on their profile and asked about that. There was always something that interested me, otherwise I wouldn't have messaged them in the first place.



Some had unusual music tastes (J-Rock and K-Pop to name a couple), so I just asked for band/group recommendations.

Some were into art or similar, so I asked to see some of their work and complimented accordingly (even if they were shit. ESPECIALLY if they were shit).


Basically just ask them to expand on what they've put on their profile. And avoid heavy topics like politics etc like the fucking plague. You'll only end up disagreeing on something.

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Somehow I'm still seeing that same girl I met on Tinder in January. I'm starting to think something (more) serious could come out of this after all....


Have you spoken to her about how she feels about the relationship? Last I remember is you didn't want to change the status quo...

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I did want things to move forward, but I didn't want to take any risks by being the one to instigate that change. I know it sounds chickenshit but... we met through Tinder, which isn't your typical place for starting a serious relationship - I honestly think holding back has gotten me this far, past me would've fucked it up.

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I did want things to move forward, but I didn't want to take any risks by being the one to instigate that change. I know it sounds chickenshit but... we met through Tinder, which isn't your typical place for starting a serious relationship - I honestly think holding back has gotten me this far, past me would've fucked it up.


I don't know about the whole serious thing, but for some perspective, I'm currently dating my friends younger brother that I met through playing guild wars. (we're now over 2 years together!)


I mean, just saying that perhaps using Tinder as an excuse... maybe? :laughing:

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@Shorty, for some reason I thought that you'd said something to her and she'd pushed back, but did you just chicken out from having the discussion altogether?


You need to do it. Yes Tinder is used as a fuckbuddy platform, but I've known plenty of people meet through tinder and end up in a relationship. What have you got to lose? You ask her where she sees this relationship; either she says she would like to make it more serious, great, or she says she's not looking for something more serious, not great, but at least you know and can make a decision as to whether you are happy to continue as is. You need to have the discussion as living in confused ignorance clearly isn't working for you.

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I must've given the wrong impression! Things are good right now. We're not just fwb, we're definitely exclusive, we spend a lot of time together, text pretty much every day, we talk about serious personal things. We might not have stuck the girlfriend/boyfriend label on it right now, but that's not a problem to me. I think if I suggested it, she'd go for it, but I've gotten this far by holding back, so I'm happy to carry on that way.

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I appreciate the... suggestions. Kind of. But there's no way you can really understand how things are. I regret bringing it up here, I thought I was saying something positive but evidently I've given the wrong impression. It doesn't need to be called something for it to be something.


I'm happy for the first time in years.

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@Shorty, I'd just leave it and let things continue. If you're happy and she's happy (I'm assuming she is, I don't know her), then enjoy it and see where it goes. Your phrase about being happy for the first time in years is the clincher. Maybe there will be a natural moment where the right circumstances pop up and you ask her if it's serious.
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