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So it seems that for men most people listed as bisexual are actually gay men, and for women it is a higher proportion of straight women.


Actually the other way around. According to these charts, most "bisexual" men are actually straight, while it evens out with women.

(Though you probably just made a typo :heh:)


People are actually pretty open when it is an anonymous survey. Even if we include the 0.5% other and the 3% don't know/don't want to say then bisexuals still account for less than 4%.


Even if the 0.4% figure isn't 100% accurate, it's still clearly much lower than the 32% I observed (or the 12% according to OKC Trends).


Not sure if this is unlikely, but what if bisexuals with a preference for one gender would rather put "Gay" or "Straight" than "Bi" with the survey? One of the former could represent their romantic/sex/dating life they actually have, for example.

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So it seems that for men most people listed as bisexual are actually gay men, and for women it is a higher proportion of straight women.


I hate to say it, but maybe it's a bit of a "trend" with women. Plus, a lot of research shows that both men and women enjoy the female form, aesthetically, so maybe that confuses them.

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Actually the other way around. According to these charts, most "bisexual" men are actually straight, while it evens out with women.

(Though you probably just made a typo :heh:)


Well I was looking at the younger ages range, for 18 year olds more than 50% are gay, but yeah as age goes on this changes significantly.


That point could be that young gay men, who haven't fully come to terms with their sexuality often label themselves as bi rather than gay.

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Talking about #Smashingnicelookingbirds... I'm not. Haha!


Getting dates is easy, I can get loads, but my conversion rate is awful. I'm like Torres at Chelsea, I'll be put right through but fluff my chances somehow! #Backofthenet :p


Got a date Saturday though and chatting to another girl on POF who is quite bloody tasty! Maybe one of these will go well, although given my amazing track record with crazies...



Update: I've called today's date off, I'm just not feeling it. I'm getting along with the other girl much better.

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Back in singledom again... woooooo... I'm a disaster, right? 2 failed relationships in a year :D AHAHAH. I ended this one though, he was a nice person, but we just had nothing in common, whatsoever. (and our sex drives were poles apart, which really didn't help matters)


I'm having complicated feelings for a friend, someone who I met online 10+ years ago, and only met in person very recently. He initiated the meeting, and diverted his course of work to stop in with me, so it was a secret from his girlfriend. I was a bit reluctant but let it happen as I knew I was not letting anything sexual happen & its not my place to get involved in what he does with his girlfriend.


Bah, people are complicated :(

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Back in singledom again... woooooo... I'm a disaster, right? 2 failed relationships in a year :D AHAHAH. I ended this one though, he was a nice person, but we just had nothing in common, whatsoever. (and our sex drives were poles apart, which really didn't help matters)


I'm having complicated feelings for a friend, someone who I met online 10+ years ago, and only met in person very recently. He initiated the meeting, and diverted his course of work to stop in with me, so it was a secret from his girlfriend. I was a bit reluctant but let it happen as I knew I was not letting anything sexual happen & its not my place to get involved in what he does with his girlfriend.


Bah, people are complicated :(


Sorry to hear that Raining. Sounds like you were right to end it though if you didnt really see it going anywhere. Better than stringing it along and making it harder down the line.

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Spent some time with the girl I like while babysitting over the weekend. After talking for a bit, I realised that due to the distance between us, as well as her often visiting family elsewhere, things were extremely unlikely to work between us (and that's if she would actually be interested) due to how much time we'd be able to spend with each other.


Still, I can see us becoming quite decent friends.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Let's hope I get somewhere this year. #MissionSerebii


If that fails, next year's right around the corner :p



Three weeks ago my girlfriend and I started a relationship. It's long-distance so we only see each other every 2 or 3 weekends.


Spent last weekend at her place and had the time of my life. We didn't leave the house once. We cooked, watched movies, had chocolate fondue, kissed, cuddled, had sex.


I'm happy. And she's happy. And we'll see each other after Christmas, probably for 1 1/2 weeks as we both have some time off from university.


Life's good :)

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Oh, it turns out that I was speaking rubbish in my last post. I can't just give up like that. Things can work.


I actually spoke to my sister and told her how I felt about her friend. She told me that now isn't the best time, but that I should talk to her over Facebook (which, surprisingly, I actually have been doing). After Christmas will be better for telling her/asking her out. Also, my sister said that she'll invite her over whenever I visit. So she seems to actually like the idea (I was worried that she would be against it).

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Ragequit. Gonna be a crazy cat lady.


ex ex is crying on my shoulder about the ex he pretty much dumped me for. Fucking class.


I hope you said "Let it Go, hoe, let it gooooooo!" and shut the door on him! : peace:


You should have said "You had aaaaalll of this with mind-blowing sex that sent you to paradises you could only imagine in your wildest dreams but instead, you left all this just to go to Blackpool for a daytrip. This ain't no return trip. Bye!"


Well I meant in the year until the next game haha


I have a good feeling about next year, dude. You're going to own this shit like a fat man owns his cake...that fat man being me and the cake actually being mince pies...12 packs...demolished...cake...



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I flipped the bucket big style when i found out he got back with his ex, after dumping me for no fault of mine. He was going through whatever blah blah blah. Heard from a few friends that he was having a really bad time at the moment, thought as I knew what only I knew, I should show a bit of kindness & see if he needed help. Added him on facebook. Never got a response until i messaged him. In the meantime he posts this:




I'm the ex circled in red, druggy bitchface is the ex circled in black


bad fuckin holiday my ass, I was a 5* fucking round the world trip compared to the druggy ex who treated him like shit n stole his money lol


oh and also - there is one fucking thing I hate about the internet - when people air their dirty laundry on it. Really was this even neccesary........

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I flipped the bucket big style when i found out he got back with his ex, after dumping me for no fault of mine. He was going through whatever blah blah blah. Heard from a few friends that he was having a really bad time at the moment, thought as I knew what only I knew, I should show a bit of kindness & see if he needed help. Added him on facebook. Never got a response until i messaged him. In the meantime he posts this:




I'm the ex circled in red, druggy bitchface is the ex circled in black


bad fuckin holiday my ass, I was a 5* fucking round the world trip compared to the druggy ex who treated him like shit n stole his money lol


oh and also - there is one fucking thing I hate about the internet - when people air their dirty laundry on it. Really was this even neccesary........




Yes girl! Love it! Five-star round the world trip on a cruise ship with fine-ass cuisine to dine on! Girl sounds like she'd class the hotel that The Jeremy Kyle Show provides is a holiday. Fuck that hoe!


Fuck that twat as well. Like, what sort of person does the whole "My ex talks to me now I'm single, she must want the D"? What is he, 12? I remember bitches back in secondary school doing that shit on MySpace. Tell him to drag his ass back to the present, remind him of his age and tell him to grow the hell up.


You too grown for him anyway. He wants a girl because he can't handle a real woman! ;)


Tell him to do one! Tell him to Let It Go, Let It Go, That dick ain't getting you no more! :p

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New Years Eve Party in another town with a few friends but lots of people I haven't met.


It is on. #MissionSerebii


YES! This actually made me smile :)



There's something going on with me. I'm currently in a very, very weird place. It's almost something out of a movie. Nothing I can elaborate right now because I still don't really know what has happened/is happening/will happen.

It's just insanely weird.

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