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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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All just a bit of bantz ain't it? No need to get too serious guys! I'm sure we all know how big our dicks are(bigger than everyone elses amirite?) so let's keep it light.


If there's one thing that's not light, it's my dick. It's like getting a rhino through a catflap. Amirite?


#bantz #smashnicelookingbirds #notasexoffender

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Less of the personal insults. We're all adults.


If he wants to shag about then that's his business. Doesn't make him a bad person. I say fair play to be honest.


It doesn't affect me. As a friend as long as he's happy that's all what matters.

Edited by Rummy
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The great thing is, myself (the devil) and my (equally evil) friends (who use terminology that you all find so hilarious) all seem to find women and have sex regularly.


However all you wonderful and totally not socially awkward people never seem to be able to get anyone to date you, let alone actually manage to get sex.


Weird that, don't you think?


No disrespect because I actually like you but, personally, I'm looking for a relationship. I've been through that phase and I still get girls asking me for a 'good, hard shag' but I'm not interested at all and I'm not into slut-shaming but when there's absolutely zero chase or a first-night shag sort of puts me off. I don't know why. It might be because I was cheated on but yeah, I'm just saying that I'm not about that one-night life anymore, haha.


Obviously, this isn't me saying all men and women are terrible for having sex with anybody they hardly know because it's their hot bodies, they can do what they want [/Cartman] but it's just how I feel. Serious question: Do you pick them up in clubs when you drink or can you pick them up in any environment? (just curious, is all).


However, as far as terminology goes, I admittedly use 'birds', 'peach' and all that shit with my mates. However, if you speak street slang, I will judge you, haha. ;)


*So when I came back home in The Netherlands, I wasn't planning on telling my girlfriend I had slept with someone else, instead I just told her that I didn't want to put any more energy in the relationship.

*I did however told one of my mates about my adventures in Japan, but he also sees my girlfriend from time to time and he told her that I cheated on her.

*He felt very ashamed and foolish after that and we've settled things now, but a very strange move still...


Honestly, I was asking the three questions above in my head but first and foremost was a kind of statement and a question: DO NOT TRUST YOUR FRIEND. Why would your friend do that to you? Also, apologies for what I'm saying. Don't be offended, take it as a pinch of salt but there's a reason why I say it.


I totally get that he's against cheating (I am too, I don't see the point in it and it's happened to me so I know it hurts) but that is a pretty dick move to do.


I was in exactly the same boat as him. My friend told me that he cheated on his girl and she seems nice but I know another side to her that leaves me like "This hoe is crazy!"


You know what I said? Nothing. Why? Because it simply isn't my place to say. If my friend was the type who boasted about cheating on her and getting away with it and he just used her, I would genuinely tell her. I wouldn't want to hang out with a bro like that and it's wrong to use people. However, if I could tell he genuinely made a mistake, felt remorse, cared for her or she did the same to him, my lips would have been sealed and when it came down to my mate, they still are. Personally, I think your friend likes-likes her. That ain't no normal action to do, ESPECIALLY when he knows her history (presuming he knows she a cheat) and your history (about Japan and shit). I'm not saying not to be friends with him but I'm saying watch your back. That just don't sit right with me.


Also, how's your ex gonna hit you? SHE CHEATED ON YOU! How is she seriously getting upset?! I read that and was like "UH-UH! I know she ain't hitting you! You cheated on your man, recognise yourself and hit yourself!". Damn! I'd have reminded her of her cheating actions and annoyed her like the little paperclip back in Word in the 90s.

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Less of the personal insults. We're all adults.


In my defense (if it was even aimed at me), I insulted the whole of the north. If anything, that's the opposite of a personal insult. For what it's worth, I actually like the north. I've watched Kes at least 4 times and I pretty much bathe in Irn Bru.




And regarding Fused King's dilemma, you should probably stop smashing that particular nice looking bird. I'm not saying you shouldn't #smashnicelookingbirds, but you do need to be #smashwise. If you've both cheated on each other, it's clear that it's not working.


My advice? #smashnicelookingbirds until you figure out what you want in the long term. Or just do your own thing for a bit.

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For the record it was in the context of a post that I deleted, however there was nothing wrong with Blade's post so I simply edited out the quoted post there and left the rest including that as I think it's a fair and general message for everyone, not anyone in particular. You guys need to chill out sometimes, lighten up and stop thinking everything has to be an attack and/or argument.

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For the record it was in the context of a post that I deleted, however there was nothing wrong with Blade's post so I simply edited out the quoted post there and left the rest including that as I think it's a fair and general message for everyone, not anyone in particular. You guys need to chill out sometimes, lighten up and stop thinking everything has to be an attack and/or argument.


Is this aimed at me? I don't even see what I've done wrong. This personal attack upon my character is disgusting.

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*So when I came back home in The Netherlands, I wasn't planning on telling my girlfriend I had slept with someone else, instead I just told her that I didn't want to put any more energy in the relationship.


*Then I went over to my ex and we had a chat and she hit me and it was all pretty awful really.


Speaking from personal experience, lying about that sort of thing tends to hurt as much as the act itself. It turns someone you trust into someone you can't trust in any way, shape or form.


Of course, I'm just saying, as I don't think it would've been any better, even if you had told her straight up what happened.


For the first time in my life, as the end of my bachelor approaches, I honestly have no clue as to what I am doing or where I want to go from here.

I have passions, sure and hobbies too, but for some reason I feel kind of alone and unable to grasp the root of the problem.


Think of a thing you want to do. Something crazy, even (such as, say, working in Japan), and aim for that, do that. I definitely know what it's like to lose any sense of what "the goal" is, of what I wanted to do, but focus your mind on something you earnestly want to do and go for it.


Things start to make more sense when you have some actual time for yourself (or rather, when you spend your time doing things for yourself).


(Out of curiosity, what is your Bachelor's in? You strike me as an "art" kind of guy, but I don't want to assume.)


I'll just stop here and leave you guys with some questions:


-How do you guys deal with 'friends' who are only good for doing certain things together, but aren't really on the same level as you?

-Given that my 'ex' has these urges, should we just stay apart form each other again to shed the feeling of being each other's comfort zone?

-Or should I still meet up with her from time to time to remain a part of her life, hoping that she will 'see the light' one day?


1-Do those things you like to do with them, but they tend to not be very close friends. If you're talking about the friend who told on you to your girlfriend, he sounds more like the kind of friend you shouldn't trust (honest mistake or not);


2-It's normal for her to have these urges, but that relationship would seriously have to be rebuilt from the ground up. As in, starting by addressing why the lying and cheating happened, and if you're both willing to trust each other to not make the same mistakes again. In my opinion, it's not really worth rebuilding, from what I hear: it was hard for both of you to get happy for the other person, and both ended up cheating on each other because you felt the relationship was lacking;


3-For now, if she's holding on to hope that you might get back together, it's better not to see her too much, don't feed that false hope. I suppose you could try to at least stay friends with her, but only later on, not now.


Just my two cents on the whole thing. I do hope things get better for you, you deserve good things for your life :)

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-How do you guys deal with 'friends' who are only good for doing certain things together, but aren't really on the same level as you?


Personally, I wouldn't define them as friends but acquaintances. I hung out with this one group for about seven years before I actually realised they weren't really my friends, they were acquaintances. Shitty acquaintances but acquaintances nonetheless. If they're shitty acquaintances, fuck 'em off. Best off without that stress. If they're decent, carry on as you are. Depending on whether you get along with them or not, keep on talking to them. There's no reason why you shouldn't. However, as I've said previously, keep watch on that one kid. I don't trust him. With this question, I have one for you: Do you feel that you can not trust these to be your friends? You mention that they're not on your level. How so?


-Given that my 'ex' has these urges, should we just stay apart form each other again to shed the feeling of being each other's comfort zone?


Yes. Your relationship isn't healthy. It's the truth. You both cheated on each other (given the fact that you're both even, either one of you will do it again and it'll be a bad cycle). Stay well away! Don't drag yourself down to her level, stay away from her. You're worth more than that.


If she begs you back, tell her to stop being a beg and tell her that she could have had ALLL OF THIS *show off body* but you decided you wanted a McDonalds' cheeseburger rather than prime steak.


-Or should I still meet up with her from time to time to remain a part of her life, hoping that she will 'see the light' one day?




I'm busting Shaniquanisha out for this shit!


NO! NO! NO! NO! DO NOT ACCEPT HER! Oh HELLLLLLL NO! NAH-UH! You don't need that sort of trifling in your life. At the end of the day, this 'woman' cheats on you and you meeting up with her is telling her that she still has you hooked on her. You let her know that you dine on japanese cuisines now. I wouldn't want her to see any light but the light Jesus gives her because she sure as Hell needs something like that right now. I ain't religious but I'm hoping she sees some error to her cheating-ass, trifling, lying ways! Clean break her ass (no sexual context, just not see her ever or talk or message her) and do better than her by doing you.


Don't be standing for no shit. Don't let her think you'll forgive her. Tell her to do one and tell her you're worth a fuck-lot more than how she treated you and get her back by getting someone better, working abroad and achieving your dreams and shit.

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Is this aimed at me? I don't even see what I've done wrong. This personal attack upon my character is disgusting.


Hey guys just leave me out of this ok? I want nothing to do with it.







I really hate people sometimes.


No one in particular mind!

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Just be sure here:


My girlfriend cheated on me 3 years ago during a time when she already knew she wanted to break up with me.

It's quite a bit different from what I did, but it's still cheating, I guess.


Still, there's nuance there.


Thanks for all the advice. It's interesting to see you guys' opinions on these matters.


I'll be alright.

These experiences have showed me who I really love, but I can also live with separation.


It's a bit of a complicated matter, but for now we'll just see what happens.


(Out of curiosity, what is your Bachelor's in? You strike me as an "art" kind of guy, but I don't want to assume.)


I am now in my 4th year of Japanstudies.

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Calling bullshit on this. :P


It's true. This has only been happening recently though. The first time I did internet dating, got nothing. Tried it again, I got loads of offers. Well, I have lost weight and shit so maybe that's it but I'm not interested in girls who put it out to complete strangers.

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Can confirm, when I asked @Animal for a cold, hard shag he refused the goods because I haven't watched all the Twilight films :(


Nah, it wasn't that, it was when you asked me to put a Justin Bieber mask on and call you Selena...it was too much, dude! :p


Are they single girls in your area?


Some were in my area but they were either single that had a reputation or they were in a relationship with someone. One of them I actually knew from school and I remember her offering lads blowjobs for cigarettes. I remember her having cold sores all the time and some boys were stupid enough to go ahead with it.


She doesn't look great at all now. She looks 50-odd! *sudders*

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So, 3rd date at the Comedy Store was a blast. Went for a drink afterwards and had a right laugh.

She's sweet, funny, smart, gorgeous and hasn't gone nuts in the slightest... have I actually found a normal girl for once?!


I wonder how I'll mess this one up! Haha

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Had a cracking first date with someone last night. Ended up at her place playing the piano together and talking until 4am. She's cute, intelligent, successful and beautiful. I was floored how well we clicked. Meeting next week for another date. :)

Off on a date tonight with a 'pre-booked' other girl. Healthy to not dwell too much on one at this early stage me thinks - even though it was awesome.

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Met a girl two weeks ago. We were both drunk, I didn't ask for her number and I couldn't remember her surname so there was no way to for me to get in touch with her :(


Last Saturday she found me on Facebook, we chatted for a bit and 10 minutes later: Number get!


Tomorrow we'll both be at a party and she told me today that she'll buy me a drink.


She also told me that I'm a good looking man.



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