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So I've got to leave for work in about an hour, going for these birthday drinks after work with the girl who's birthday it is/was recently, few people from work and presumably quite a few of her friends.


Any advice?


Don't be afraid of just being yourself. You're a sound lad, you'll have a good time.

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So I've got to leave for work in about an hour, going for these birthday drinks after work with the girl who's birthday it is/was recently, few people from work and presumably quite a few of her friends.


Any advice?


Buy her a drink. I'm sure you were going to anyway, but definitely do that.


Anyway, what @Serebii was saying, it's true. Women do make a move if they're interested but, like most of us, it takes quite a lot of effort to do so. So if you do decline something like "Come to the bar" you can totally miss out, even if it didn't seem obvious she was asking you out.


This is why I'm not discouraged for S.C.G. that this girl has a boyfriend. Relationships fizzle out on their own. By bothering with you, it does show she finds you interesting/attractive as a person and wants to get to know you.

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Buy her a drink. I'm sure you were going to anyway, but definitely do that.


Anyway, what @Serebii was saying, it's true. Women do make a move if they're interested but, like most of us, it takes quite a lot of effort to do so. So if you do decline something like "Come to the bar" you can totally miss out, even if it didn't seem obvious she was asking you out.


This is why I'm not discouraged for S.C.G. that this girl has a boyfriend. Relationships fizzle out on their own. By bothering with you, it does show she finds you interesting/attractive as a person and wants to get to know you.

I thought she was just trying to mooch a drink off me :(

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I thought she was just trying to mooch a drink off me :(


LOL, well you should have bought her one anyway. :heh:


No seriously, I don't blame you for not realising she was asking you out (because she wasn't), it's just that the reality is you have to look out for subtle things like that. I was once extremely close to a girl but she asked me to do something I really didn't want to do (it was unreasonable, frankly, and she still had a boyfriend at the time who could have done it, even though she was drifting away from him). I laughed and politely declined, but she took it as a rejection and hardly spoke to me again. Now she's really frosty with me.


Before that I knew another girl who flirted with me quite a lot. One day she asked me into the cupboard to "fix the printer". I thought "OK, let's go for it", and followed her in there. Once inside, I saw there was another chap in there sitting at the computer - she really did just want me to fix the printer!

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LOL, well you should have bought her one anyway. :heh:


No seriously, I don't blame you for not realising she was asking you out (because she wasn't), it's just that the reality is you have to look out for subtle things like that. I was once extremely close to a girl but she asked me to do something I really didn't want to do (it was unreasonable, frankly, and she still had a boyfriend at the time who could have done it, even though she was drifting away from him). I laughed and politely declined, but she took it as a rejection and hardly spoke to me again. Now she's really frosty with me.


Before that I knew another girl who flirted with me quite a lot. One day she asked me into the cupboard to "fix the printer". I thought "OK, let's go for it", and followed her in there. Once inside, I saw there was another chap in there sitting at the computer - she really did just want me to fix the printer!

Haha oh dear.


We'll never choose the right option haha.

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I for one welcome this new, positive, pro-active, self aware Serebii and accept him as my new overlord.

Yeah, my friends are also noticing that I'm acting a bit more confident and sure of myself these days.


Just have to have a situation where I could actually put this confidence to use, but all my friends are boring in relationships now, watching Grey's Anatomy and buying lamps, so social excursions are rare. Next one I'm sure of is Halloween, but it'll mostly be people I know.

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Cryptic vague status updates....I absolutely fucking detest them. Attention seeking shit.


I know yeah. Some people just annoy me with their fucking glasses and their YouTube videos and their green-coloured text but I'm not going to say who because that would mean actually confronting them and I don't want to do that because I'm too much of a cowardly pussy so I'll just let you all make assumptions and then when you guess wrong, I'll call you stupid and tell you it's obvious but if you guess right, I'll still deny it anyway so basically, it's like the fucking Da Vinci Code only more bitchy, more cryptic and more to the flavour of Jeremy Kyle.


Romeo Dunn!


What's happening with your lady friend?


Hypothetically, has anyone found themselves in that situation of ending up liking a good friend? Or even being liked by a good friend? Did you/they do anything about it, and how did it go if so?


I'd like to know what's happening with her myself. Like, she keeps on telling me she wants me to hold her and cuddle her in bed and shit like that but then when I ask about meeting up with her, she's all "I can't because of work". We both have Sundays off so you'd think that would be the perfect opportunity. Nope, she won't meet with me because she's with her family. I ask if she could just spare a couple of hours and she won't. I'm not being funny but I adore my family and I literally am a family man. There's nothing I wouldn't do for my family (bar a couple of them because they're cunts) but I can part with them for two hours to meet someone who could hold the potential to be the love of my life. I ask her to video chat me and she's always either tired or in bed or she's busy...she's turned from this girl who's straight-forward to this mixed-vibes girl.


I asked her tonight if she really wanted to meet me and she does but she's been too busy working, which I understand. I explained to her that I thought it would be this so how about just videochatting. She's saying she's too tired constantly. Honestly? Half of me doesn't want to bother because if she can't be bothered now then what is the point? It's been since the first half of July that we've been speaking. I've been wondering if she is who she says she is. Like, I know it's her but is she actually married? Does she have kids? etc.


As for your other questions: Yes, I've liked a close friend and yes, they've liked me but we chose not to do anything about it because we knew that if we broke up badly, we'd ruin the friendship we had and it just wasn't worth it. With one of my friends, we both ended up doing stuff and then afterwards, realised that we just needed to get it out of our system. She was fine with it and so was I and we're still very good friends now. Her fiancee doesn't know though and I'm not going to say anything anytime soon...it was pretty shit to be honest, lol.

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]Buy her a drink. [/b] I'm sure you were going to anyway' date=' but definitely do that.


Anyway, what @Serebii was saying, it's true. Women do make a move if they're interested but, like most of us, it takes quite a lot of effort to do so. So if you do decline something like "Come to the bar" you can totally miss out, even if it didn't seem obvious she was asking you out.


[b']This is why I'm not discouraged for S.C.G. that this girl has a boyfriend. Relationships fizzle out on their own. By bothering with you, it does show she finds you interesting/attractive as a person and wants to get to know [/b]you.


I bought her a drink, I defintely did thTR BUT ERR... WQE wenb t0 three or oubs and I lost her on the third or so.. a d it was probably for the best 0 - this shoukld probabky b ein the drunk tyhread NO BAcjkspoace btrw but yeah loll definite;lt boughnt he r a drink and I definitely got picked up by myn mum lol - and my bro - and I'm definitely fine... [rpbably sheeeeet - just trying to be3 good Pollllice [/theWire] but she3eeeeeeeeeeet I got to be up early so THAT i'M IN Ffor 1PM - 8:30PM tomorrow - Saturday but it wqas an amazing nightb/


Fck I reallyl don't know how much I drank but sheeeeeeeeet it was more than enoigyht awwww damn how amI agonna get up in the mornijng.. somehow. ¬!!!


I don't even... :(


Help me N-E!


IgoTosleepnow... night night... [/birdy]


Did This really HAPPENN/???

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Ok guys, another disaster story incoming...


A new girl, a second date. The first went really well!


So we went for tapas and then drinks. We were having a right laugh, joking with each other and telling stories as you do. Kissing too, all going well.

So she mentions how I've been for a few drinks lately and jokes I'm an alcoholic. I had just switched to water at this point as my stomach is starting to hurt really bad. Anyhow, I said that prior to a drink last night with work I hadn't had a drink since my sisters wedding, to which she asks "what about last Thursday?"... ah! I forgot we were out on a date for a few drinks then! Oops!


So she says how she's offended and makes me feel a little bad, so I joke and pretend to leave. I come back and we have a laugh and I apologise for being a plonker. Then she starts talking about feeling awkward having thought about it, with us having laughed I joke a little and apologise again, but she isn't happy I joked and starts asking if I'm enjoying making her feel awkward and how she's angry and offended. I apologise and say it wasn't my intention, I like her and that I'd not want her to feel that way... but she snaps. Started "reviewing the date and starts picking out faults (there weren't any in my view) and saying how she's just angry and then she barks at me that there will not be a 3rd date.


I felt like shit. Seriously guys, I've never been made to feel like that by a girl, I just felt she wanted me gone. So again I apologise, I say I guess I best take my leave and she says yes, it'd be a good idea.

I pick up my jacket and umbrella and go. So I phone @Blade, gutted that I've messed it up. So we're chatting and then I start getting messages fly through... she was only fucking joking... and now I've gone and left her!


I didn't realise she was joking when she was asking me to go and she didn't realise I wasn't joking when I left. Tragic!


So I quickly phone her and run back. We try clearing up the mess but she's doing her best to make me feel guilty. Laid it on pretty hard, slams the taxi door on her way in.

Then she phoned me and we talk briefly and she apologises, as well as I. She's now asked me to meet her on sunday... I wonder if she'll stand me up to get me back is in my thoughts.


To top it all off, I'm now at home with my somach killing me and I'm throwing up and shitting so much! Projectile too, glad I made it to the toilet!


What a night!


To make this night even worse, after managing to fall asleep the bloody fire-alarm has only gone and ran out of battery and started beeping, waking me up... at 04:50 in the sodding morning!

Edited by Kav
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Ok guys, another disaster story incoming...


A new girl, a second date. The first went really well!


So we went for tapas and then drinks. We were having a right laugh, joking with each other and telling stories as you do. Kissing too, all going well.

So she mentions how I've been for a few drinks lately and jokes I'm an alcoholic. I had just switched to water at this point as my stomach is starting to hurt really bad. Anyhow, I said that prior to a drink last night with work I hadn't had a drink since my sisters wedding, to which she asks "what about last Thursday?"... ah! I forgot we were out on a date for a few drinks then! Oops!


So she says how she's offended and makes me feel a little bad, so I joke and pretend to leave. I come back and we have a laugh and I apologise for being a plonker. Then she starts talking about feeling awkward having thought about it, with us having laughed I joke a little and apologise again, but she isn't happy I joked and starts asking if I'm enjoying making her feel awkward and how she's angry and offended. I apologise and say it wasn't my intention, I like her and that I'd not want her to feel that way... but she snaps. Started "reviewing the date and starts picking out faults (there weren't any in my view) and saying how she's just angry and then she barks at me that there will not be a 3rd date.


I felt like shit. Seriously guys, I've never been made to feel like that by a girl, I just felt she wanted me gone. So again I apologise, I say I guess I best take my leave and she says yes, it'd be a good idea.

I pick up my jacket and umbrella and go. So I phone @Blade, gutted that I've messed it up. So we're chatting and then I start getting messages fly through... she was only fucking joking... and now I've gone and left her!


I didn't realise she was joking when she was asking me to go and she didn't realise I wasn't joking when I left. Tragic!


So I quickly phone her and run back. We try clearing up the mess but she's doing her best to make me feel guilty. Laid it on pretty hard, slams the taxi door on her way in.

Then she phoned me and we talk briefly and she apologises, as well as I. She's now asked me to meet her on sunday... I wonder if she'll stand me up to get me back is in my thoughts.


To top it all off, I'm now at home with my somach killing me and I'm throwing up and shitting so much! Projectile too, glad I made it to the toilet!


What a night!


To make this night even worse, after managing to fall asleep the bloody fire-alarm has only gone and ran out of battery and started beeping, waking me up... at 04:50 in the sodding morning!

Dude, you forgot to check for the crazy eyes.

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@kav82; definitely run...that is just some weird shit!


I woke up, not knowing if I can even be bothered with this girl. I think she's definitely hiding something and if she isn't, she's being weird then. Like I said above, she says how she wishes I was with her, how she wants me to hold her and all that shit but then she constantly makes up excuses to meet up. Like, we both have Sundays off and she can't even meet me for one hour. She can't even do a simple thing like chatting via webcam because 'she's too tired' or 'she's doing something'. We've been talking for three months now, surely now is the right time for us to meet up or even Skype/whatever.


What would you guys do in my situation?

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Run @kav82 run far, far away.


I completely agree. I don't understand why you would even contemplate meeting up again when she has been horrible to you on a second date.


Its the way she was with you after you apologised for walking off (which she made you do anyway) that suggests to me that she ultimately does not appear to be a nice person.


Yes, if you do choose to see her again she will be lovely. But she revealed her personality last night with her freaky sense of humour and then her tendencies to make you feel guilty and just being a cow. This will be repeated.


As I have told you, you're better than that. Move on, and arrange a date with another girl that you have been talking too. Be honest, why would you choose to see a girl who was just plain nasty when you don't have any problems getting dates - there's someone a lot better out there.


Bin her.

Edited by Blade
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Animal I think she's a catfish. You need to give her an ultimatum as I think she's lying to you!


Sorry, just my opinion.


As for me, I think I'm going on a date with a girl from work but I'm not too sure. She got out of a 2+ year relationship 3 weeks ago and I've only got to know her in last two weeks as I've seconded to a different department. I said I don't want to be the rebound so we will just see each other outside of work sometime and see how it goes. Anyone got any experience of this?

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@kav82; definitely run...that is just some weird shit!


I woke up, not knowing if I can even be bothered with this girl. I think she's definitely hiding something and if she isn't, she's being weird then. Like I said above, she says how she wishes I was with her, how she wants me to hold her and all that shit but then she constantly makes up excuses to meet up. Like, we both have Sundays off and she can't even meet me for one hour. She can't even do a simple thing like chatting via webcam because 'she's too tired' or 'she's doing something'. We've been talking for three months now, surely now is the right time for us to meet up or even Skype/whatever.


What would you guys do in my situation?


I'm with Ell on the catfish situation, ultimatum to see you or she can just fuck off. Definitely sounds rather fishy, something's not right here at all.

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Well last night was good, feeling a bit worse for wear now though - I can type again at least - but it was worth it. :)


It was nice getting to know her and she has a really nice group of friends too. :D


Now for work though, wish me luck, its going to be a long shift. :(

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Ok guys, another disaster story incoming...


A new girl, a second date. The first went really well!


So we went for tapas and then drinks. We were having a right laugh, joking with each other and telling stories as you do. Kissing too, all going well.

So she mentions how I've been for a few drinks lately and jokes I'm an alcoholic. I had just switched to water at this point as my stomach is starting to hurt really bad. Anyhow, I said that prior to a drink last night with work I hadn't had a drink since my sisters wedding, to which she asks "what about last Thursday?"... ah! I forgot we were out on a date for a few drinks then! Oops!


So she says how she's offended and makes me feel a little bad, so I joke and pretend to leave. I come back and we have a laugh and I apologise for being a plonker. Then she starts talking about feeling awkward having thought about it, with us having laughed I joke a little and apologise again, but she isn't happy I joked and starts asking if I'm enjoying making her feel awkward and how she's angry and offended. I apologise and say it wasn't my intention, I like her and that I'd not want her to feel that way... but she snaps. Started "reviewing the date and starts picking out faults (there weren't any in my view) and saying how she's just angry and then she barks at me that there will not be a 3rd date.


I felt like shit. Seriously guys, I've never been made to feel like that by a girl, I just felt she wanted me gone. So again I apologise, I say I guess I best take my leave and she says yes, it'd be a good idea.

I pick up my jacket and umbrella and go. So I phone @Blade, gutted that I've messed it up. So we're chatting and then I start getting messages fly through... she was only fucking joking... and now I've gone and left her!


I didn't realise she was joking when she was asking me to go and she didn't realise I wasn't joking when I left. Tragic!


So I quickly phone her and run back. We try clearing up the mess but she's doing her best to make me feel guilty. Laid it on pretty hard, slams the taxi door on her way in.

Then she phoned me and we talk briefly and she apologises, as well as I. She's now asked me to meet her on sunday... I wonder if she'll stand me up to get me back is in my thoughts.


To top it all off, I'm now at home with my somach killing me and I'm throwing up and shitting so much! Projectile too, glad I made it to the toilet!


What a night!


To make this night even worse, after managing to fall asleep the bloody fire-alarm has only gone and ran out of battery and started beeping, waking me up... at 04:50 in the sodding morning!


Simultaneously the best and worst thing I've ever read (today). Think you got lucky, big time. Imagine if this type of stuff was happening when you were months into a relationship with her.


My head hurts from reading that. Wait, I've just re-read it and she wants to meet for a third date? Seriously? Unless this is Scarlett Johansson, don't do eet brah.


Although, one good date minus one bad date means you are back to neutral, so it could end up alright?

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Well last night was good, feeling a bit worse for wear now though - I can type again at least - but it was worth it. :)


It was nice getting to know her and she has a really nice group of friends too. :D


Now for work though, wish me luck, its going to be a long shift. :(


Fancy telling us how it all went/translating the previous post? :p


Although, one good date minus one bad date means you are back to neutral, so it could end up alright?


Or equally terrible? Tbh I wanna see how it goes, she sounds hilariously crazy(for someone who isn't me).

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Fancy telling us how it all went/translating the previous post? :p




Or equally terrible? Tbh I wanna see how it goes, she sounds hilariously crazy(for someone who isn't me).


I will later tonight after work... or I'll attempt to anyway. :heh:

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