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Kurtle Squad

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We've been talking for about a week now so I've just asked her for her number. Fuck it, life's too short! :)


This, so much this.

Make the most of your life. Everybody should. :)


And people shouldn't be afraid of failing.



This man knows it. He's talking about acting but it also has a deeper meaning.


No idea, why I'm all emotional right now, but I enjoy my life and really love to see others (especially here) doing so, too. :D


In all seriousness, I jest. You're in a good place right now. If at any moment you feel torn between the two girls, just cut it out with the friend-with-benefits and date the girl but make sure you absolutely know you want the relationship before you do.


Thanks, I guess you're right.

Thanks @TheBard, too. :)

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Okay so I started speaking to this girl and we exchanged numbers (this is another girl). Anyway, we started messaging on WhatsApp and then I said "I have to go. I got work. Speak tonight". Anyway, I get home from work at 9pm to find a message on the dating site at around 3pm saying "You're not talking to me then?". I said I was at work and she apologised and asked if she wanted her to leave me alone.


...guys...advice...do I pursue this. I just put "No, it's okay" but wow, that was a bit...erm...yeah...

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...guys...advice...do I pursue this. I just put "No, it's okay" but wow, that was a bit...erm...yeah...


Indeed it was...


Personally, I'd just forget about her. She sounds - how should I put it - nuts. Of course, you can't be sure, but she appears to be really clingy...


So, no. Don't pursue. You seem to have others on the hook and you're awesome. :p

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Indeed it was...


Personally, I'd just forget about her. She sounds - how should I put it - nuts. Of course, you can't be sure, but she appears to be really clingy...


So, no. Don't pursue. You seem to have others on the hook and you're awesome. :p


Yes, that's the word I'm looking for! It was a bit like Overly Attached Girlfriend moment. She asked if I deleted WhatsApp and I said "Nah" and told her that I sent her a message. She said that it wasn't working but to be honest, I've had this problem before so I just suggested keeping it on the dating site.


I prefer it that way anyway, just in case...but yeah, that moment has sort of dented my 'keen-ness' on her. I don't like snide remarks and possessiveness and that one message sort of showed me a glimpse of them both.


Other girl messaged me and asked me how my day at work was :)


So I spoke to the other girl, I'll call her Hair because she does hairdressing. So we were talking and I figured life's too short to wait and asked for her number to see if she wanted to talk more. She was like "Erm, I don't mind talking on here. I have to go, I have work early tomorrow" and I was a bit :( so I messaged "It's cool, I understand. I hope you have a good day at work tomorrow" and she said "You too babe x :)"...I'm happy with that response :)

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I read this in The Telegraph's iPhone app and thought you'd like to read it:



Interesting article. Sums up exactly what I try to say in here. Take a step back and it will work wonders.


Thing is: You have to have to be careful at how much you should 'slow down'.


Also...different women like different men...

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I read this in The Telegraph's iPhone app and thought you'd like to read it:



Interesting article. Sums up exactly what I try to say in here. Take a step back and it will work wonders.


I was reading that last night as well.


Am I the only who is disheartened that so much of modern life revolves around acting and falseness? Don't people just like each other anymore? I know the article is contradicting 'The Rules', but even the fact there's a book called The Rules disappoints me, and that loads of young girls would take it seriously in the first place.


Not having a go at you, Charlie - I thought it was a very interesting article too. It's just that I remember in the 1990s, and I don't know if this is just because we were teenagers or whatever, but people seemed to get together based on attraction + friendship (or how much they got along etc). Now there seems so much extra judgement going on.

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Interesting article, feel like I fall into the niceness trap but it is who I am unfortunately. No good at being the bad boy!


I've now seen tender girl 4 times and it's going well. Not sure when/how to suggest to come over to mine for dinner as it will then seem obvious I want her to stay but don't want to sound too eager as I'm unsure of how to pace this dating malarky. She lives distance away with family so not planning on her place any time soon!


My last relationship began at university so was different circumstances. So anyone got advice / previous experience on timings?

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If a guy is playing hard to get, it can get really tricky. This sort of thing can fall flat on your face if you don't do it very carefully!


That said, my partner took 2 months or so to get the bottle to finally ask me if I liked him. I'd made it very apparent the answer was yes before this point.


*shrug* It depends on what you're comfortable with, don't play hard to get if you don't know exactly what you're doing!

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That said, my partner took 2 months or so to get the bottle to finally ask me if I liked him. I'd made it very apparent the answer was yes before this point.


How did you make it very apparent? Did you explicitly tell him? If not, why didn't you?

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How did you make it very apparent? Did you explicitly tell him? If not, why didn't you?


We got together one evening in December, so technically it's three.


I then told him I liked him at New year and invited him round.


Second/Third time I mentioned again and said let's hang out together.


There were a few different reasons he wasn't able too, which meant I wasn't sure if he liked me in the same way. So I stopped bothering. His invited to the cinema in February was out of the blue (although we still regularly chatted on Skype before this point).



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@MilaGi read this:


Girl A - Date 1. There will be no date 2.


This ranks, by a country mile, as the most awfully tragic date I have ever had!


I was supposed to meet this girl on Saturday, but she cancelled as she said she was too nervous and that she felt really anxious. We then rearranged for last night, "a quiet drink".

I met this girl on tinder, she had good pictures and looked quite attractive. She doesn't live too far from me but I did have to catch the train to meet her.


So we meet and she did not look like her pictures... now I don't mean to sound nasty here, I'm just trying to paint a picture for you all to try and get over how drastic the difference was. She looked like she was the giant cockroach from Men in Black that had eaten the girl in the pictures and then squeezed inside her skin to blend in to the human poplace.

Not only had she put on some major weight since the pictures were taken, but she looked like her 6yr old niece had put her make-up on and she wore the most stupidly tall heels that she wobbled when she walked and a top so tight and low cut her giant tits were practically falling out... classy!


Ok, so let's put this to the side and I'll give her a chance. We exchange pleasantries and I buy us both a drink, we decide to sit outside as the weather was still good. We get outside and as we're sitting down she recognises one of her friends sitting behind her, so she taps her on the shoulder and says hello... then has a good 10 minute conversation with her friend whilst facing her back directly toward me. So I'm sat here twiddling my thumbs thinking, I'll not say anything, I'll just see how this goes.


After their lengthy conversation she invites her friend to join us, which I thought "ok, she was too nervous to meet on saturday, maybe having her friend here will relax her a bit.".

After 5 minutes, another 3 of her friends turn up. This group, from the things they're all talking about, are not the brightest bunch bless them (one of them asked if Uganda is in France). The brilliance of it all was that they were so bloody pretentious too, which I detest. Anyhoo, she proceeds to get drunk, fast.

The more they talk the more I think "wow, how obnoxious can a group of people be?"; rude, inpolite, nasty, stuck up and immature (I realise this is coming from me, haha).


Then I hear a voice; "Kav?". I turn and see one of the managers at my workplace who I get up to say hello to. I have a brief chat with him, not even a minute, before rejoining the group. I'm now thinking, this is going to make a great story for a tragic first date... little did I know.

They ask who it was and I tell them that he's one of the managers at my work and one of my bosses, as such.


Then the girl I've come to meet decides it's time to have her first conversation with me, yes I've been talking to her friends in the time up until now. However, her choice of first date conversation bemuses me: "I love surgery. My tits are fake, but I want them bigger." (they were already as big as my head and falling out of her top) "I want my lips done so they're big." (ah, that's why the lip-stick has been put on so that it's actually outside the bounds of her lips) and to top it all off; "I want a designer vagina. I want surgery on it so it looks pretty, it's too ugly."... at this point the night has now turned hilarious and I'm wishing my friends could see what was going on.

I can't believe I'm on a first date with a girl, and her friends, who has chosen her first point of call in conversation to be how she wants to have someone cut up and reconstruct her cunt (sorry for the use of language).


Another chap turns up. A polite guy, a little older, very well spoken. He had just started seeing one of her friends and he could immediately tell both he and I were well out of place here. The poor dude!

After another little while I go to the toilet, mainly for a break from this tragic date, then the guy who is seeing one of her friends comes in and says "thought I'd come in and check on you. Fucking hell it's mental out there, I can't believe them all. I feel sorry for you mate!" Yes! Haha, it's not just me, this guy has seen how fucked up this is and felt bad for me, haha.

So we go to the bar and have a brief chat and a laugh about it.


I get back and the next subject of conversation from this girl is to ask me to stay at hers and not go into work the next day. This girl who, bear in mind, was too nervous and anxious to meet me on Saturday now is asking me to stay at hers and tells me "you can fuck me anyway and anywhere you want", that she wants me to "handcuff her and cut her with razor-blades".

If she was in anyway attractive I'd have been right on that. I love a bit of rough and I'm very much the dominant one when it comes to that... but alas, she's a fat mess with make-up smeared all over her face. Sorry love, but no.


So I decline, politely I must add. To which she starts to complain about amongst her friends. She's making me out as though I'm being unfair to her that I'm not going back to plough her back doors in because she's horny. So I think of what I can say... Aha! I apologise for not being able to, I can't just stay and not turn in to work the next day, one of my managers has seen me out drinking, he's still in the bar.

To my surprise, shock and horror she then goes up to the managers in my workplace and tells him that I'll not be in work tomorrow because I've got lucky...

She comes back and tells me what she's done and starts groping me. I again decline and say sorry but I'd not be staying and I'd have to catch the train soon.


That does it. She snaps. She then starts shouting at me, giving me grief and abuse for being a gent. For being fucking sane! I'm in a state of awe, never have I seen this and it's hilarious!

So I say bye to her friends, politely, whilst she's giving me abuse still, to which they all say they hope they can see me again because I'm a sound guy... haha, that ain't happening.


I then take leave and phone @Blade to give him the news... as I can still here her shouting how she's pissed off and can't believe I won't stay when it's on a plate.


Hilariously bad date!

Edited by Kav
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Date 1, girl A. There will be no date 2.


This ranks, by a country mile, as the most awfully tragic date I have ever had!


I was supposed to meet this girl on Saturday, but she cancelled as she said she was too nervous and that she felt really anxious. We then rearranged for last night, "a quiet drink".

I met this girl on tinder, she had good pictures and looked quite attractive. She doesn't live too far from me but I did have to catch the train to meet her.


So we meet and she did not look like her pictures... now I don't mean to sound nasty here, I'm just trying to paint a picture for you all to try and get over how drastic the difference was. She looked like she was the giant cockroach from Men in Black that had eaten the girl in the pictures and then squeezed inside her skin to blend in to the human poplace.

Not only had she put on some major weight since the pictures were taken, but she looked like her 6yr old niece had put her make-up on and she wore the most stupidly tall heels that she wobbled when she walked and a top so tight and low cut her giant tits were practically falling out... classy!


Ok, so let's put this to the side and I'll give her a chance. We exchange pleasantries and I buy us both a drink, we decide to sit outside as the weather was still good. We get outside and as we're sitting down she recognises one of her friends sitting behind her, so she taps her on the shoulder and says hello... then has a good 10 minute conversation with her friend whilst facing her back directly toward me. So I'm sat here twiddling my thumbs thinking, I'll not say anything, I'll just see how this goes.


After their lengthy conversation she invites her friend to join us, which I thought "ok, she was too nervous to meet on saturday, maybe having her friend here will relax her a bit.".

After 5 minutes, another 3 of her friends turn up. This group, from the things they're all talking about, are not the brightest bunch bless them (one of them asked if Uganda is in France). The brilliance of it all was that they were so bloody pretentious too, which I detest. Anyhoo, she proceeds to get drunk, fast.

The more they talk the more I think "wow, how obnoxious can a group of people be?"; rude, inpolite, nasty, stuck up and immature (I realise this is coming from me, haha).


Then I hear a voice; "Kav?". I turn and see one of the managers at my workplace who I get up to say hello to. I have a brief chat with him, not even a minute, before rejoining the group. I'm now thinking, this is going to make a great story for a tragic first date... little did I know.

They ask who it was and I tell them that he's one of the managers at my work and one of my bosses, as such.


Then the girl I've come to meet decides it's time to have her first conversation with me, yes I've been talking to her friends in the time up until now. However, her choice of first date conversation bemuses me: "I love surgery. My tits are fake, but I want them bigger." (they were already as big as my head and falling out of her top) "I want my lips done so they're big." (ah, that's why the lip-stick has been put on so that it's actually outside the bounds of her lips) and to top it all off; "I want a designer vagina. I want surgery on it so it looks pretty, it's too ugly."... at this point the night has now turned hilarious and I'm wishing my friends could see what was going on.

I can't believe I'm on a first date with a girl, and her friends, who has chosen her first point of call in conversation to be how she wants to have someone cut up and reconstruct her cunt (sorry for the use of language).


Another chap turns up. A polite guy, a little older, very well spoken. He had just started seeing one of her friends and he could immediately tell both he and I were well out of place here. The poor dude!

After another little while I go to the toilet, mainly for a break from this tragic date, then the guy who is seeing one of her friends comes in and says "thought I'd come in and check on you. Fucking hell it's mental out there, I can't believe them all. I feel sorry for you mate!" Yes! Haha, it's not just me, this guy has seen how fucked up this is and felt bad for me, haha.

So we go to the bar and have a brief chat and a laugh about it.


I get back and the next subject of conversation from this girl is to ask me to stay at hers and not go into work the next day. This girl who, bear in mind, was too nervous and anxious to meet me on Saturday now is asking me to stay at hers and tells me "you can fuck me anyway and anywhere you want", that she wants me to "handcuff her and cut her with razor-blades".

If she was in anyway attractive I'd have been right on that. I love a bit of rough and I'm very much the dominant one when it comes to that... but alas, she's a fat mess with make-up smeared all over her face. Sorry love, but no.


So I decline, politely I must add. To which she starts to complain about amongst her friends. She's making me out as though I'm being unfair to her that I'm not going back to plough her back doors in because she's horny. So I think of what I can say... Aha! I apologise for not being able to, I can't just stay and not turn in to work the next day, one of my managers has seen me out drinking, he's still in the bar.

To my surprise, shock and horror she then goes up to the managers in my workplace and tells him that I'll not be in work tomorrow because I've got lucky...

She comes back and tells me what she's done and starts groping me. I again decline and say sorry but I'd not be staying and I'd have to catch the train soon.


That does it. She snaps. She then starts shouting at me, giving me grief and abuse for being a gent. For being fucking sane! I'm in a state of awe, never have I seen this and it's hilarious!

So I say bye to her friends, politely, whilst she's giving me abuse still, to which they all say they hope they can see me again because I'm a sound guy... haha, that ain't happening.


I then take leave and phone @Blade to give him the news... as I can still here her shouting how she's pissed off and can't believe I won't stay when it's on a plate.


Hilariously bad date!


Oh. My. God!


Like, seriously, what the fuck! Mate, I'd have ended it MUCH sooner!


It's bad enough that she more or less Catfished you but to then ignore you on a first date for 10 minutes? That's just fucking awful.


As soon as she turned her back to me for even five minutes, I'd have been like "Sorry, excuse me, were you dragged up? We're on a fucking date!"


Not only that but the first conversation she has with you is about HER and her imperfections and about her huge, fake tits and her sloppy fanny? Eww! Who the fuck wants to hear that on a first date?! She doesn't ask how you are, who you are or whatever. In fact, I don't recall you even saying that you told her anything about you. You could have been a serial rapist or a murderer but she was still all "I want you to stick your cock up my arse, mate!"....WHAT?!


I'd have just stood up and left if it was me purely because of her rudeness. However, I am a bit mad at you...using my chat-up line I posted a few days back would have been PERFECT to use at that opportunity! haha.

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cut her with razor-blades".

If she was in anyway attractive I'd have been right on that.






Anyway. Sounds like an awesome date. :blank:


Whelp - I suddenly feel like a absolute catch after reading that..


Sweetie, you've always been an absolute catch.




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Maybe this girl is a regular on a gaming forum (Sega perhaps?) and wrote in the dating thread that she was going on a date with this guy could she have some suggestions of things to say?


After the initial few posts of people saying lame things like 'tell him you're gay', someone says 'tell him you want to upgrade your cunt, and then try and rape him when he attempts to leave.'


All those other people were just forum members on their annual meet up, and we're just about to go and draw pictures of penises to show to children.

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