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I asked a girl out today. Did it in the stupidest way but thought it was smart at the time. It was a girl who used to work with me but then left for another job. We went bowling a while ago with work and we both kind of ventured on our own, playing the arcades and such. Anyway, recently got back in touch and we were talking a lot. I really liked her so I thought "Just do it" and sent it. I just put "Just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? :)" and got no reply even though I saw her online. I'll take it as a no then. Still, very proud of myself for actually doing it. Did wonders for my confidence strangely enough.


When I found out she basically ignored me, I was just like "Pfft, I don't need no woman, I's an independent, single man and you missed out on this hot piece of chocolate action, beeyatch! HOLLA!"


So now I lay in bed with a hot cup of tea, watching Les Miserables. Do not judge moi!

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Did wonders for my confidence strangely enough.


It really does, doesn't it? :)


Have asked 3 girls out in the last few months, got one positive response, which didn't amount to anything, though.

But even the two negative responses - or rather the act of asking - are such a confidence boost, because...well, I just did it!




Enjoy the tea, you magnificent being. :smile:

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Never stop being fabulous, @Animal.


You say that like an 'off' switch even exists! haha. Everyone here is awesomely fabulawesome!


It really does, doesn't it? :)


Have asked 3 girls out in the last few months, got one positive response, which didn't amount to anything, though.

But even the two negative responses - or rather the act of asking - are such a confidence boost, because...well, I just did it!




Enjoy the tea, you magnificent being. :smile:


Yeah, it's really strange. I mean, a while back, I feared rejection and I had the same pang of fear today because of being rejected. Usually, it's either 'you're like my brother', 'I like you as a friend' or 'wait, you're not gay?!' so it was either change who I am or be rejected forever. I didn't want to change who I am so I didn't bother for a long time.


Today, all of that came flooding back when I wrote the message out. Then I just thought "Bollocks, do it! If she says no or starts being funny, you can block her" so I sent it. I got ignored. A bit rude but it's not a complete kick in the balls.


Anyways, I enjoyed my massive mug of tea in my Little Britain mug and sang "Master of the House". Feel better! :D

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Gay males of the forums. What are you supposed to do at the end of a date? A handshake feels weird, especially if you've just been making out for ages, and a hug seems too friends-y, but then a kiss in public is awkward because most gay people don't like to do it, including me. I dunno. I was so confused I gave a guy an awkward sideways hug and then ran away to catch my bus.

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Gay males of the forums. What are you supposed to do at the end of a date? A handshake feels weird, especially if you've just been making out for ages, and a hug seems too friends-y, but then a kiss in public is awkward because most gay people don't like to do it, including me. I dunno. I was so confused I gave a guy an awkward sideways hug and then ran away to catch my bus.


Most of my dates have ended with a hug or an awkward hand shake or wave (which was an indication it's not going anywhere). The one last week ended up with hugs and some brief kisses in the tube station. Not normally one for PDA but caught up in the moment yo.


I think a hug is fine. There's a difference between a friend hug and a more intimate hug.

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Gay males of the forums. What are you supposed to do at the end of a date? A handshake feels weird, especially if you've just been making out for ages, and a hug seems too friends-y, but then a kiss in public is awkward because most gay people don't like to do it, including me. I dunno. I was so confused I gave a guy an awkward sideways hug and then ran away to catch my bus.


Usually nothing in my experience. And that's after dates where I know I am not really into the guy and dates where something has come of it.


It all depends what type of person you are. There's nothing wrong with any of the things you suggest though I personally find the handshake weird. You're not buying a car? If a date tried to shake my hand come home time i'd be like 'what's this?!'


Hug, kiss - all good. I like the smile and leave option though, keep them guessing. ;)

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I asked a girl out today. Did it in the stupidest way but thought it was smart at the time. It was a girl who used to work with me but then left for another job. We went bowling a while ago with work and we both kind of ventured on our own, playing the arcades and such. Anyway, recently got back in touch and we were talking a lot. I really liked her so I thought "Just do it" and sent it. I just put "Just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? :)" and got no reply even though I saw her online. I'll take it as a no then. Still, very proud of myself for actually doing it. Did wonders for my confidence strangely enough.


When I found out she basically ignored me, I was just like "Pfft, I don't need no woman, I's an independent, single man and you missed out on this hot piece of chocolate action, beeyatch! HOLLA!"


So now I lay in bed with a hot cup of tea, watching Les Miserables. Do not judge moi!


You have feel sorry for people like her. Brought up with absolutely no sense of decency or courtesy. If someone asks you to do anything you reply to them even if it is just to say no. If someone asks you out which you should know takes more guts then you should definitely be replying.

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Hoping I didn't get ignored on purpose this morning, tried to talk to her when we were getting off (I wish) the bus. She did have her headphones in so probably just didn't hear me, so I decided to give up.


I did get a smile from her right beforehand though.


Talked to her last week, asked her how her Christmas was and we had a moan about having to get up for work again. Pretty sure she swore (not at me :p) which seems odd to me if you don't know someone too well, although I honestly can't remember if she did or I made it up. Made her laugh though which was good.


Still don't know her name. :laughing:

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You say that like an 'off' switch even exists! haha. Everyone here is awesomely fabulawesome!


Wait, you're not gay?! /drahkon :p


My money's on you getting a response, possibly a no response, but getting one later on. You've taken her a little bit by suprise and she doesn't know what to say without being too harsh too fast.


Or she is in fact just choosing to ignore it, in which case she's a slightly shit person. Question though - why block her if so anyway? Presuming this is a facebook friendage/message dealie?


@Aneres11, if you don't mind me bringing it all up again - what was the actual outcome with tennis friend? I thought we never actually got to the bottom of it, or did I miss it somewhere??


Gay males of the forums. What are you supposed to do at the end of a date? A handshake feels weird, especially if you've just been making out for ages, and a hug seems too friends-y, but then a kiss in public is awkward because most gay people don't like to do it, including me. I dunno. I was so confused I gave a guy an awkward sideways hug and then ran away to catch my bus.


I'm not gay, but a handshake?! Definitely a hug at least. One of those ones that's like a fraction longer than a normal hug, yeaaaaah.

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@Aneres11, if you don't mind me bringing it all up again - what was the actual outcome with tennis friend? I thought we never actually got to the bottom of it, or did I miss it somewhere??


The outcome was nothing. :p

I just got over myself and saw it for what it was which is a friendship. I see him quite a bit still - we do a pub quiz every week with some of his mates who are nice guys. He's quietened off on the tennis front coz of the winter (wuss :heh: ) but i'm sure as the weather picks up we'll play some more.


I honestly had no idea of his 'preference' to begin with but as I said at the time, my gaydar is none existent which didn't help matters. :hmm:


It's cool I managed to gain a decent mate from tennis though - and the more time I spent with him the more those feelings of me thinking of him as more than a friend disappeared. To the point where now, it seems plain weird. :o


So yeah. That was that!

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The outcome was nothing. :p

I just got over myself and saw it for what it was which is a friendship. I see him quite a bit still - we do a pub quiz every week with some of his mates who are nice guys. He's quietened off on the tennis front coz of the winter (wuss :heh: ) but i'm sure as the weather picks up we'll play some more.


I honestly had no idea of his 'preference' to begin with but as I said at the time, my gaydar is none existent which didn't help matters. :hmm:


It's cool I managed to gain a decent mate from tennis though - and the more time I spent with him the more those feelings of me thinking of him as more than a friend disappeared. To the point where now, it seems plain weird. :o


So yeah. That was that!


How did you find out he wasn't into dudes though? I thought that was the big question! Funny how feelings can change though, I can think of a friend or two where it feels weird to think of them as anything more myself now!

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How did you find out he wasn't into dudes though? I thought that was the big question! Funny how feelings can change though, I can think of a friend or two where it feels weird to think of them as anything more myself now!


Umm I didn't really get concrete he is straight proof actually! It was just the odd comment that made me think he was straight.


I guess I will find out eventually!

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I may be in the minority but I dig it when chicks swear.


Not bothered by the fact she did, it was just because we don't know each very well it threw me off a bit. Maybe it's just me because I wouldn't do it. ::shrug:


Seriously? :blank:


Adds to the mystery. ;)


But honestly I actually keep forgetting.

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So with all the talk of dating sites on here recently, I decided to sign up to OkCupid.


Who knew it would be so hard to type shit about yourself.. Either I'm really dull or the more likely I'm terrible at opening up*.



* inb4 Moogle or ReZ joke.

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