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She has shown some interest so I might actually take the initiative again and text her two or three days after she has come back.


Or not. She has just given me her number which she's going to use while she's away.


I hope anything will come out of this as soon as she is back.

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Things with the ex have been resolved so we're now friends again. Was seeing her quite a lot at the train station so figured I'd just talk to her and try and move past all the shit that happened. She apologised for how it ended, etc.


Feels nice that its no longer awkward when I see her and its helped me realise that in no way would I ever want to get back together. Just means that I can properly move on without any annoying thoughts in the back if my mind.


Moving to Plymouth in three weeks, get to meet lots of new people. Roll on freshers week in a months time! :D

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Well, me and my Fiancée got back together again... (who could've foreseen that?) :indeed: we're going to give it one last go, see if she can move over here, if she can get a place then great but if not then we'll have to call it a day as the whole long distance thing isn't really fair on either of us ultimately. :hmm:


But for now at least... yay! :)

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Well, me and my Fiancée got back together again... (who could've foreseen that?) :indeed: we're going to give it one last go, see if she can move over here, if she can get a place then great but if not then we'll have to call it a day as the whole long distance thing isn't really fair on either of us ultimately. :hmm:


But for now at least... yay! :)


As Rocky once said "It ain't over til it's over"! good to hear, hope you guys can make it work, get her back on Monster Hunter! :D

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Well, me and my Fiancée got back together again... (who could've foreseen that?) :indeed: we're going to give it one last go, see if she can move over here, if she can get a place then great but if not then we'll have to call it a day as the whole long distance thing isn't really fair on either of us ultimately. :hmm:


But for now at least... yay! :)


I'm happy to hear that. Hope it works out for you and S.C.Girl.

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I got a girl's number! YAY!


I went out last Saturday for a leaving do and there was this girl there who I always saw but never spoken to. Anyway, we started talking and we got on and it was all good. However, I had to leave early because I had a family thing to go to. So today, I spoke to her and we spoke for about an hour. So I took the dive and went for it and asked if she wanted to swap numbers and she did!


I'm not taking this as a "She must like me" but more as a "We're friends, we'll chill" but it's definitely looking good. She's also good in the fact that she doesn't smoke nor drink, which is awesome!

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Way to go @Animal : peace:


Keep us updated :)


Here's my update: Nothing happening. The lady is still on vacation, and while I do have her number which she is currently using I don't want to bother her while she's at the beach :p


As soon as she's back, I will make a move, though :)

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Great work Animal!

Fingers crossed for you! :)


I have no update on my situation as I still remain patiently waiting for my tennis friend to admit his love for me. :heh:

Whilst I wait for that to happen, (lol) I am not exactly putting myself out there so I can't really complain about it!

Still no clearer on the tennis friends 'preferences' but we've spent a bit of time together recently, just hanging out watching films etc. It's been nice to spend time with him tbh, even as just friends - which is all I see it as being. There's just a tiny part of me that kinda wishes it was more, which I know is stupid but I really can't help it. :woops:

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Today me and my girlfriend split up after 3.75 years. We had both come to acknowledge that we wanted different things in life and were kinda holding each other back, even though we did get on well. I'm very thankful that we ended it on good terms, but it's still pretty shitty. I feel like I'm dealing with it OK so far, I've got enough to do to keep me occupied for a little while at least. Even to put the relationship aspect to one side, what really stings is I just lost the best friend I ever had.

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Really sorry to hear that @rizz


Can you guys continue to be friends or have circumstances changed in a way that it's not possible?

I guess the only advice I can give is to just surround yourself with people who care about you / who you care about and have some good times. Just laugh, be silly, and maybe try and take some alone time to do the things you really want to do that maybe you weren't able to before?


And when it all gets too much - share it with the group. The N-E love thread is always open. :)

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Thanks. We will still be friendly, but she doesn't feel it's a good idea for us to hang out or I guess even chat for a while. I suppose I will next see her at Christmas to catch up, I think we're still doing gifts. It's just quite a change from talking to her pretty much every day, even if it would only be Skype IM, and texting every day to suddenly have nothing.

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Well, it's now been more than two weeks since I gave my number to Bagel Girl, and I've heard nothing, so I'm assuming she wasn't interested. :heh: Still, I feel happy for doing it. :) The past few days I had a bit of a relapse to old feelings of insecurity on the relationship front, but I'm already feeling much better again. :) I've considered signing up for a dating site since I don't get out much, but the trouble is finding a good one; non-Danish ones aren't optimal since I'm not interested in a long-distance relationship, but the good Danish ones all seem to require a paid subscription.


In other news, apparently my cousin and her new boyfriend have decided that I'm a perfect match for his little sister, so I'm intrigued to see how that plays out, considering I haven't even seen the girl yet. :p Still, it's nice to have a cousin for wingman when I'm so rubbish at meeting girls myself. :heh:

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Proper cute as hell guy, muscle bound, squats at least 100kg for a working set (wow) came over and said hi to me TWICE over the past few weeks. And he admired my cleans and other weightlifting ;D



I will find out your name and I will stalk you on the internetttttttttt~


Or I could be normal for a change?

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I will find out your name and I will stalk you on the internetttttttttt~


Or I could be normal for a change?


I would choose the latter option, but as a start, why not try both? :p



Update from me: The lady came back from her vacation and she wrote me a message.


I have to/will make another move soon.

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Proper cute as hell guy, muscle bound, squats at least 100kg for a working set (wow) came over and said hi to me TWICE over the past few weeks. And he admired my cleans and other weightlifting ;D



I will find out your name and I will stalk you on the internetttttttttt~


Or I could be normal for a change?


You should show him your squat...


...on his penor.

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Proper cute as hell guy, muscle bound, squats at least 100kg for a working set (wow) came over and said hi to me TWICE over the past few weeks. And he admired my cleans and other weightlifting ;D



I will find out your name and I will stalk you on the internetttttttttt~


Or I could be normal for a change?


Stalking is the only option that I can see here.

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Stalking is only natural.


Had a film night with that dude. He apologised for the whole lack of communication, said it was unfair, especially since I was a nice guy. Although I'm past it, I appreciated hearing it. He's nice and I'm drawn to him and I actually don't really know why. I think it's because he's not overly verbose; kind of quiet at times but easy to talk to.


I'm pretty unsure of everything at the moment. I feel I need something but I'm not sure it's this. Or that. If I think about getting what I think I want, I don't know if I'm happy with that picture.


Recently I've kind of drifted apart from my family. Maybe I'm trying to find something of myself. But I feel aimless and without grounding, with so much potential to do nothing with. Somethings isn't right. Feels like I'm playing a part. I've been out with a couple people in the past couple weeks. They were all fun or whatever. I've got another 'date' tonight. That's ridiculous, I'm almost automated. Or like a method actor preparing for a role, throwing myself into the deep end...when in the back of my mind I'm thinking about a career change. I'm like Patrick Bateman's good twin - imagine instead of caving your skull in with an axe, we just watched a good movie and I cooked dinner. People are enthused about me but I whenever I see someone, it's like I'm looking at them from over great distance.


I need therapy - if only for the authority figure.

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