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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I see it work all the time. When I was single it worked for me all the time. I met my present girlfriend in a club and one of my closest friends has now been with a girl he met in a club for 3 years, another 2 years.


It can happen if you're both the type who enjoy going to clubs to meet/talk to people.


I was talking to a girl friend the other day asking how they like to be approached in clubs. She wasn't much help but she said be sure not to grope and proceeded to tell me lots of dreadful stories. Who does that and think it'll work?


So Charlie, what do you think is the best way to approach someone in a club? Just want the tips for when I'm ready to stop feeling sorry for myself!

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I was talking to a girl friend the other day asking how they like to be approached in clubs. She wasn't much help but she said be sure not to grope and proceeded to tell me lots of dreadful stories. Who does that and think it'll work?


So Charlie, what do you think is the best way to approach someone in a club? Just want the tips for when I'm ready to stop feeling sorry for myself!


A lot of the girls I met was just on the dancefloor. Do your own thing, enjoy yourself, have a good time, lots of smiling. If you see a girl looking at your approach her and either say hi or just start dancing with her. If she rejects you, which you'll get used to, just dance away and don't care.


A good way is to talk by the bar, start with "Hi, I'm Charlie, how's it going?" and hold out your hand. Have a quick conversation and then leave before you run out of thigns to say. Then keep your eye out for the girl on the dancefloor later and she'll recognise you and you can go over again.

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Read their profile and see what about them interests you. Then ask them about it. Message people you have no intention of pursuing romantically just to try and get a conversation started. See what's in your activity feed. If you see an answer that amuses you message them and say so. Also get into the habit of putting explanations & comments when you answer those profile questions. Allow your own personality to stand out.

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Wish I were. I'm not good with social interaction at all.


Well, let's break it down. If a dude approached you, what would you want them to say after they said hello?


'Social interaction' is all about give-and-take (and a healthy amount of empathy if you want to be good at it). You have to give them more than a 'Hi' (obviously). The question is, what are you going to give them? [inset dick joke. /Rez] If you can answer this question, you should have nothing to worry about.

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Why has it got to be at a club? Why not use something like meetup and go to events that like-minded people are going to and meet people that way. Hell, even if you don't find the future Mrs. Serebii, you will improve your social skills.


Plus you live right by a beech and I assume there are plenty of sporting kind of things to do, even beginner/'kick around' kind of things rather than actual competitive events.


You don't need to go to a club to meet people (especially as it seems by the way you talk that you wouldn't like anyone in there anyway) and you don't need your friends with you to meet others.


Failing that I heard of a site (although don't know the name) where you arrange group 'dates'. Two single people take two friends each and all go out together, then that way its not so awkward. Again, this may not lead to a lady, but it will help you.

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Failing that I heard of a site (although don't know the name) where you arrange group 'dates'. Two single people take two friends each and all go out together, then that way its not so awkward. Again, this may not lead to a lady, but it will help you.


To me the theory of that actually sounds mad awkward.

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I knew browsing OKcupid at this time wasn't a good idea, I've only gone and sent someone on there a message. :indeed:


Oh well, I'll report back if I actually get a response. ::shrug:


*Going to sleep now, will pretend none of this happened.* :zzz:


I didn't think I'd be posting here for a while but I did actually get a reply! :o


We've been messaging on and off for the past few hours since then :)


Obviously I don't want to speak too soon as it's entirely possible something dumb will happen like I'll accidentally scare her off perhaps :p - though I hope not - but for now we're just talking about interests etc and all is good.


So I'm currently quite 'content' I suppose...



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Go S.C.G.!


I am not really in a fit state to be thinking about dating just yet what with my recent set back shall we call it?! Anyway I do hope that once that is all done with I can put myself out there in some way and start dating again.


I haven't had a date since April last year when I met a guy and ended up dating him for about 3 months. Turns out we weren't really compatible but he was a hell of a nice guy. It makes me a bit sad actually, looking back!


Anyways, I'd like to start dating again. First off though I need to get some decent pics of myself. All my pics are like a year old and they're not particularly good. I am not one for having pics taken of me too much but it's something I am hoping to do more this year - when there are photo opportunities I mean. I usually just shy away but I think dating profiles always work better when there are pics of you doing stuff or when you're out socially etc. Can give a better idea of who you are than a selfie in front of a mirror!


It'd be really nice to experience that exciting 'I think I really like him/her' moment that a good date can bring. And for him to think it back! :heh: And for it to go somewhere!

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I finally got a match on tinder from a girl, messaged her and got a reply and then nothing else. Damn women. But on the man front, I went on two dates, one of which I made out with the guy for a long time and then had to leave. The second date had no fluid exchanges but was still fun. Going on a second date with the first guy on Monday and he already alluded to having sex in my house in a text. Unfortunately I still live with my parent for now and she started working from home so no privacy. Anyway, things are going well anyway. :)

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You're asking the guy who, for a long time, has thought that Daft is a girl :blush:


Sorry :p


No apology needed!


I just thought most who visited this thread had grasped it what with my mini break down in the summer over a straight tennis friend haha. Not cringing at all thinking back to that. :blush:

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