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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I was once dared to go up to a table full of girls in a club and ask them if they liked anime. Their responses of "WHAT'S ANIME?" were met with a brief explanation before I just shook my head and walked away.

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Anyway Im over it all now , time does heal :) i have started chatting to a few local girls and made some new friends ( one who is a big nintendo fan and bought me 10 packs of kid icarus cards ) lol


What the fuck. This is amazing.


The site has been a major focus of my life for 12 and a half years. It will not cease to be the topmost priority until I am either done with it, or dead.


Nuts to that. Nobody touches the site but me.


I am 100% with Serebii on this. At the end of the day, this isn't some shitty little fan site, everyone knows Serebii. I try and name drop that I'm friends with him whenever I can, and like...two weeks every couple of years? That isn't even a big deal. People go on business trips, its the same thing. And if Serebii did meet someone that he fell in love with, it isn't like he would have ABSOLUTELY no contact for two weeks. There might be the odd phone call or text, or FB message or whatever (in that situation). And me, being on the other end of the relationship wouldn't have a problem at all. Its nice to take a breather from one another from time to time, and makes the relationship stronger at the end anyway as you realise how much you miss the individual.


I guess I need a little girl help


This is what this thread if for isn't it? If it isn't it is now :P



There's a girl who gets the same bus as me in the morning (and sometimes the train at night). I noticed she looked in my direction a lot but I didn't think much of it (also there isn't really anything that interesting about usually), just thought she was a bit... fidgety or something. Wasn't sure she was looking at me or not either.


Anyway a couple of weeks back there was only us 2 at the bus stop (normally it's pretty busy) I was behind her in the queue and we were waiting for the bus driver to change so I was getting ready getting my pass out of my pocket, I look up and she's looking straight at me. We held eye contact for a couple of seconds before she turns around and starts to get on the bus. She drops her pass as well, not sure if it's because she got a bit flustered or I'm reading too much into (which to be fair I'm probably reading too much into most of everything).


I figure'd I'd test where she looked buy standing in different places on different days to see if she looked in that direction, I'd say I had a high success rate but it certainly wasn't all the time.


We've had eye contact a few times, but mostly when I've gotten off the bus and the bus drives past and I have to cross the road and she's looking out the window.


Also last week we were standing near each other waiting to get off (we get off at the same station so I guess she lives near which is a bonus ;)) the train and she kept giving me quick glances. She was also possibly staring at me from the other end of the train once as well.


Basically I'm not sure if she does like me, she's a bit crazy or if I'm reading too much into it (probably likely). Or all of the above.


Secondly I'm not sure if I should/how to approach her without looking like some kind of wierdo.


Shag her. If you don't I will. Heh/ But seriously, I say go for it. Once or twice is like...interesting, but if it seems to be constantly happening, just strike up a convo. Cool, simple and sly. Smash. You'll probably at least make a maybe-great-very-friend out of it! Wahay. Unless she is one of these psycho women who looks at everyone. There is this chick at my work and if absolutely anyone walks by, turns around, or makes any kind of movement she literally like....stares them down. But I don't think its this this in this situation. Go for it! I WANT UPDATES. What is her first name - you can tell if they're nice from that.


@Ike, I kinda had the same thing with a girl in one of my Uni classes. Who is incidently one of the most attractive girls I think I've ever seen in my life!


She seemed to be looking at me a lot... sometimes I'd be in the row in front, turn round and she was looking at me, or I'd look up and she was looking at me... and not immediately glance away either, she'd hold it a bit (which in turn then made me feel a bit awkward, as I didn't want to seem like I was staring at her).


So I looked her up on Facebook and yeah... boyfriend! :p


Stupid hard to read women!




I used to have that policy.


Then I met @ReZourceman


and now I wish that I'd enforced it.




Its true, I'm next-level-shit.

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But then I'm a militant singleton and very happy about it.


What if science is busy creating someone with the mad skills of Elijah Wood, the charm of Ellen Paige and the facial expressions of Amy Poehler just for you?


Yes, this is what I imagine science does with its time.


I'd rather have things difficult than put everything I have at risk


You make it sound like they'd only sleep with you to overthrow you, take over the site, scam every one of your readers and take down the president.

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