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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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What exactly is this loan I am paying for? I just paid off a 98,000 loan for a house extension that I sorted with Nook 2 days ago - my house isn't any bigger? It's certainly not increased in size from what I can tell? The hell?! Am I missing something?!


Silly question, but have you been back inside it yet? The 98,000 upgrade is still a single floor, but considerably larger (think it goes from 4x4 to 6x6). As you've paid it off, you can order an even bigger expansion if you speak to Tom Nook.

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Silly question, but have you been back inside it yet? The 98,000 upgrade is still a single floor, but considerably larger (think it goes from 4x4 to 6x6). As you've paid it off, you can order an even bigger expansion if you speak to Tom Nook.


Hmm do you know I did wonder if the floor was bigger! :p


But it's very subtle! Makes sense now though thanks Grazza!


What a rip off merchant Nook is though! Bloody robbery haha.

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So I am at the Island now - I am having SO much fun!! :heh:


There's so much shit here! Well not shit, but good shit!!


So many bugs, fishes / sharks etc!


Just so I'm not doing something wrong though - you fill the basket with the goodness of the island then it appears in your town to sell there?


Pretty much it!


I have been on the island a few times, but haven't done any major farming and don't plan to. Currently halfway to 98 000 bell mortgage and missing a few thousand on the campsite, the latter which I will finish tomorrow.


Bought a scuba dive mask on the island, I was disappointed to find out it was just a mask.

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I put plans down for a fountain and have paid that off. Also managed to pay my extension mortgage off so want to expand even BIGGER now!! I will have that castle! :heh:

Tomorrow I plan to get a bench (ideally would like 2) and a street lamp (again, would like 2) but it's one item per day right?


To be honest, I've spent so much time getting to grips with my town, farming for bells and pleasing the towns people by writing letters to them, visiting them etc, I have had no time to kit my character out! Or my house!

My shops seem empty all the time though - especially Re-Tail. Never anything new there!

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I put plans down for a fountain and have paid that off. Also managed to pay my extension mortgage off so want to expand even BIGGER now!! I will have that castle! :heh:

Tomorrow I plan to get a bench (ideally would like 2) and a street lamp (again, would like 2) but it's one item per day right?


To be honest, I've spent so much time getting to grips with my town, farming for bells and pleasing the towns people by writing letters to them, visiting them etc, I have had no time to kit my character out! Or my house!

My shops seem empty all the time though - especially Re-Tail. Never anything new there!


Re-tail only sells stuff you or your neighbours(and visitors?) put up for sale, and that doesn't happen often.

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Visited the Island today...


First scavanger hunt I did and the first bug I saw/caught?




Oh yeah! These are a right pain to catch usually.


Caught loads of other rare stuff as well.



Getting flashbacks of beetle hunting again, the rare ones fly off before you even think of moving.

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Got my first Animal Crossing street pass today.


Same here, there was some dude on the train this morning playing it. Had a quick visit to his town and traded some fruits across.


I feel so dishonest farming the island bugs. A few hours at the right time and you'll be absolutely rolling in Bells.


That settles me then, not farming so much. Do Nintendo send out patches, if they do i can see them patching this soon enough. I got access to the Island tomorrow, shall investigate and get some stuff to pay for the bridge and Nooks loan. Not rushing, having so much fun.


I managed to pay for the ordinance today, now have passed the first law of my town. Keep an eye out, there will be townsfolk watering plants and planting stuff.

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Haha, you guys. I'd rather have it this way than grind for ever and ever. I mean there's a lot of stuff to build and upgrade, so it's not like there's no use for the money...


Anyway, bridge has been completed and payed off the fountain as well. Still yet to pay the 98,000 for the next expansion, Nook was already closed. I could really use the Nightowl Martial Law, but I went with Pay-The-Mayor-More-Or-Else Boom instead. Got a locker full of giant beetles, gonna be an expensive morning for Re-Tail...


Anyway, if someone has coconuts, I can trade you bananas. Can't have a proper beach without both trees there.

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Killed my pink lily today, well fucking gutted. Such a nooby thing to do.


Does anyone else find the house to be rather small? I'm slowly picking up bits of the Kiddie set(mostly the reason I love Bob) - but not actually put any in my house yet cos it just seems so bloody tiny! Btw I'm totes after all the kiddie bits if anyone has it(nopedo). Think I've got the bookcase, sofa and dresser so far.


Set up a 'yellow bench' project as mayor too...30k bells?! I feel like I'll never get stuff done in this game at this rate!


I have a table, a radio and slide.

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I think you are able to make a bit too much money on the Island a bit too easily, feels like its breaking the game a bit.


Does feel a bit like cheating. doesn't it? :D


I managed to pay for my second bridge yesterday, so that's all 3 bridges built in my town now. I'm not sure what to go for next though, maybe the camp site...


What's the deal with some of the bugs on the island? I can sneak up on them, yet they still buzz off before I get near them! How am I supposed to catch them when they do this?

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Managed to net a Dorado, a coelecanth(two in fact) and a hammerhead shark and 2 regular sharks yesterday - all sold for rather good money so I've sold them rather than donate. Looking at when fish can be caught, and selling to build up monies hoping to re-catch and sell later down the line. Good side is I've managed to pay off my first house loan, and now have about 130k bells on hand.


I'm not sure how easy the island money is, as I haven't been yet, but looking at some of the town projects is crazy bells! And I imagine the house loan will expand at a crazy rate too. Also happy to see this morning that I've managed to spawn a pink rose, a new/replacement pink lily, and what appears to be an orange pansy! I'm quite worried having people in my town in case they run everywhere lol.


Please remember, if you have any kiddie stuff...I'm trying to go for the whole set! Including floor and paper. Just added a wardrobe to my collection(timmy and tommy are doing well stocking it :D), and I don't know if the elephant slide is part of it but I've got that too. I also now have a spare balloon wallpaper, for anyone after balloon stuff(I'm also doing that a bit, when I can net the things from the cliff).

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Managed to net a Dorado, a coelecanth(two in fact) and a hammerhead shark and 2 regular sharks yesterday - all sold for rather good money so I've sold them rather than donate. Looking at when fish can be caught, and selling to build up monies hoping to re-catch and sell later down the line. Good side is I've managed to pay off my first house loan, and now have about 130k bells on hand.


I'm not sure how easy the island money is, as I haven't been yet, but looking at some of the town projects is crazy bells! And I imagine the house loan will expand at a crazy rate too. Also happy to see this morning that I've managed to spawn a pink rose, a new/replacement pink lily, and what appears to be an orange pansy! I'm quite worried having people in my town in case they run everywhere lol.


Please remember, if you have any kiddie stuff...I'm trying to go for the whole set! Including floor and paper. Just added a wardrobe to my collection(timmy and tommy are doing well stocking it :D), and I don't know if the elephant slide is part of it but I've got that too. I also now have a spare balloon wallpaper, for anyone after balloon stuff(I'm also doing that a bit, when I can net the things from the cliff).


I've got quite a bit of Balloon gear, or at least I did have, I sold the lot. :D I did like the Balloon Hat I had though, looked awesome.


I have a spare Mario nose/moustache if anyone wants to trade/buy. I got it in a cookie yesterday. 5 days in and i've already got a duplicate item. :(

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I have access to the island today, will venture across and view it later on. Got my 1st expansion on my house, shall begin paying Nook off later with some fish/shells etc. And maybe start growing some exotic fruits at home, not sure yet will have to see what's available.


Snagged my 2nd streetpass today for this, if it continues to be daily it won't be long until it's full. Animal Crossing is my 3rd most played game on my 3DS, behind Pokemon White 2 and Oracle of Ages. So to be fair, it's my most played 3DS title.


I'm not getting bored of this, i can see myself playing this for many months/at least a year daily/few days a week like i did with Wild World, but i broke that game and cheated big style with buying crowns, all the golden tools etc. I was young then. Something i am not doing with New Leaf (yes, i know i time-travelled but that was to only see if a lychee would grow, and it did). I didn't gain from it.

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