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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Out of interest, what would you class as spoilers?
Yeah, I'd be interested to know that too. :blank:

I mean unless you play the game exclusively offline (not recommended :heh:) then surely every single time you play, potential "spoliers" await you. ::shrug:


Tomorrow I become an Islander :D
Nice, enjoy the extra bells. ;)
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Out of interest, what would you class as spoilers?


Yeah obviously visiting other peoples towns and such could be spoilers, but I'd prefer to experience it IN game. Everything is tiny, but I didn't know a shoe shop and shampoodle returned, I didn't know lychees were in the game, I saw mention of medals to do with the island but not sure what that is as I stopped reading. But I never knew anyt of this, and I read it on the internet. If I went to someones village and saw the shoe shop I'd have been awesome, but I'm not experiencing it myself reading it.


Just to completely contradict myself. Does the observatory make a return? The one thing I'm missing... I liked making constellations!

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Tomorrow I become an Islander :D


Yup, same here! Also, I finally found a Gyroid! :D (A mini tootoid)


Seems that I've stopped tripping over every 5 seconds as well and I can finally start public works projects. Things are looking up! :)

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I did see someone upgraded their town yesterday and used one of them wooden bouncy things on the river, thought that was pretty neat.


Finally got my hands on an axe. Went mental, chopped down various trees. Without any fruit on, so i have no idea what trees i chopped down. Have to wait until Thursday when the fruits re-appear so i know i'm chopping the right trees, but have replanted a couple in various other locations. Time to make this town look like as i want it to look. It's a pity, the axe broke after 6-7 trees cut down.

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I've got three or four. What are they and is there anything to do with them?


Nothing, there's just lots of them and they look and behave different and make different sounds.


Since a couple of days ago I suddenly seem to be finding like 3 a day.


Finally got my hands on an axe. Went mental, chopped down various trees. Without any fruit on, so i have no idea what trees i chopped down. Have to wait until Thursday when the fruits re-appear so i know i'm chopping the right trees, but have replanted a couple in various other locations. Time to make this town look like as i want it to look. It's a pity, the axe broke after 6-7 trees cut down.


Careful, the axe can break. ;)


Yeah obviously visiting other peoples towns and such could be spoilers, but I'd prefer to experience it IN game. Everything is tiny, but I didn't know a shoe shop and shampoodle returned, I didn't know lychees were in the game, I saw mention of medals to do with the island but not sure what that is as I stopped reading. But I never knew anyt of this, and I read it on the internet. If I went to someones village and saw the shoe shop I'd have been awesome, but I'm not experiencing it myself reading it.


Just to completely contradict myself. Does the observatory make a return? The one thing I'm missing... I liked making constellations!


Fair enough, but I think it might be hard to ever come in this topic since someone will probably always have something you don't. Such a big game.

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Nothing, there's just lots of them and they look and behave different and make different sounds.


Since a couple of days ago I suddenly seem to be finding like 3 a day.


In the old games they would appear the next day if it had been raining. Has it been raining in your town?

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I need to get an axe soon. I want to start clearing out some trees so I can plant my foreign fruits closei together, at the moment they are a bit spread out. Plus I always like to get rid of all the trees along the bottom of the river so that I can see properly when fishing, just wish I could do that with houses as well!


I finally got the axe and all I can say Is patience my friend...

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I was sent a survey for Animal Crossing and was filling it out when I was intrigued to see this question


Now we would like to ask you about free-to-play games.


By “free-to-play games”, we mean games for your PC, smartphone or tablet computer that can be played for free, but charge for additional content, such as extra coins, special powers or items. Games like FarmVille, The Sims Social and Temple Run are free-to-play games.


Have you played any free-to-play games?


Yes, I play free-to-play games regularly


Yes, but I do not play free-to-play games regularly


No, I have not played any free-to-play games


Seemed to be specifically related to Animal Crossing, so wonder if this might be a clue to the future of the franchise.

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Stupid question...


Why are some items in my inventory just leaves? Hovering over them shows what they really are. Are these supposed to be interior decorations?


Leaves are things such as furniture and items to put in your home. Place them in your home to see what they are.

There is also wallpapers and carpets but those will show up as a roll of paper or carpet. =)

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I was going to post something that happened in my town but now I'm afraid people will hate me for giving away "spoilers"


They started building something in the plaza, I didn't even initiate that. How amazing



Also finished the yellow bridge and will start building on the camp place as appearently it's a good idea to do it early.



Anyone up to sharing oranges and cherries with me later? Any other fruit but pears is also nice.


Also bought a painting from Redd(not spoilers...) Hope it turns out real. Otherwise I have something to put in my house, which is not a bad thing :p

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I was going to post something that happened in my town but now I'm afraid people will hate me for giving away "spoilers"


They started building something in the plaza, I didn't even initiate that. How amazing



Also finished the yellow bridge and will start building on the camp place as appearently it's a good idea to do it early.



Anyone up to sharing oranges and cherries with me later? Any other fruit but pears is also nice.


Also bought a painting from Redd(not spoilers...) Hope it turns out real. Otherwise I have something to put in my house, which is not a bad thing :p


If you can connect to me, sure. I just got a new router for reasons unrelated to this game, so maybe I can connect to everyone now.


I have a lot of oranges now thanks to Cube.


@Cube and others, I just planted 3 perfect peaches (my native fruit) so should hopefully within the next few days have around 12 perfect peaches. I would gladly swap these for perfect foreign fruits since they'll sell for more.

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@Cube and others, I just planted 3 perfect peaches (my native fruit) so should hopefully within the next few days have around 12 perfect peaches. I would gladly swap these for perfect foreign fruits since they'll sell for more.


I planted a Perfect Orange yesterday.

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QUESTION: How do we know when they're a 'perfect fruit'?


At the beginning of the game usually 1 of your fruit will be perfect. You'll know it's perfect because it looks different.


For my peaches, a perfect fruit means it's golden. Perfect fruit trees only give a few cycles worth of fruit though, unlike regular fruit trees. But they sell for loads.

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I was going to post something that happened in my town but now I'm afraid people will hate me for giving away "spoilers"


They started building something in the plaza, I didn't even initiate that. How amazing



Also finished the yellow bridge and will start building on the camp place as appearently it's a good idea to do it early.



Anyone up to sharing oranges and cherries with me later? Any other fruit but pears is also nice.


Also bought a painting from Redd(not spoilers...) Hope it turns out real. Otherwise I have something to put in my house, which is not a bad thing :p



I wouldn't get excited about that building personally!

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