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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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So I totally forgot about Bayonetta, and I'm really looking forward to it now. The Amiibo is going to look absolutely bitchin'.


Interesting that she was the #1 choice in Europe and top 5 in the US! No mention of Japan's choices though, I guess they probably went for Geno or other "unattainable" characters (can't remember the choice of phrase Sakurai used in clear reference to everyone spamming Goku).


As far as promoting their own games go with Corrin, I can't help but think the development time might have been put to better use making an Inkling fighter rather than a sixth Fire Emblem representative, but hey ho.

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Hahaha! Nobody saw that one coming! :laughing:


Bayonetta's Smash model is all kinds of wrong though, she looks hilarious without her usual height. :D


Not happy with yet another Fire Emblem character :zzz: and not too fussed about Cloud either, but the pure insanity of Bayonetta makes up for it. :hehe:

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Interesting that she was the #1 choice in Europe and top 5 in the US! No mention of Japan's choices though, I guess they probably went for Geno or other "unattainable" characters (can't remember the choice of phrase Sakurai used in clear reference to everyone spamming Goku).


She was somehow #1 overall, so she must have been high in Japan.

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Wasn't expecting Bayonetta to be the winner of the ballot, but I'm happy.


She was somehow #1 overall, so she must have been high in Japan.

She was top in Europe and top 5 in America. If she was top in Japan, they'd have said so.


We all know Jibanyan was top in Japan

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Who exactly would they have had to annouce for you to be sufficiently whelmed?


At least one of the following would have been nice:


Inkling, an Advance Wars character, someone from DK or Metroid, someone from one of Nintendo's downloadable titles, a new Zelda character (Skullkid, for example), Krystal, Shantae and a few others I can't think of right now.


Banjo-Kazooie would have been amazing, even if it was unlikely. Layton as another non-Nintendo character published by Nintendo would have been fun, too.

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As someone who was hoping that the Smash DLC would mean more first party characters, I can't help but feel disappointed. Mewtwo and Lucas are great, but they should have been in the game to begin with. I'd never even heard of Corrin before, as Fire Emblem isn't my thing. As for Ryu, Cloud and Bayonetta, I can see they're big names, but I just don't have a connection to them like I do with Nintendo characters. Oh well - there's always Smash Bros NX, I guess! (I must admit, though, both Corrin and Bayonetta, esecially the latter, look fun to play as, so I still look forward to giving them a try next year!)

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Who the fuck is Corrin? Seems to be a character that has not even seen the light of day in the West. Odd decision.


I thought having a character in Smash was meant to be prestigious. Seems like every random fucker somehow gets shoe horned in.


Also as much as I love Cloud, FFVII was the first FF that were never released on a Nintendo console. Why the special treatment? It was like watching Playstation Allstars or something.

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As someone who was hoping that the Smash DLC would mean more first party characters, I can't help but feel disappointed. Mewtwo and Lucas are great, but they should have been in the game to begin with. I'd never even heard of Corrin before, as Fire Emblem isn't my thing. As for Ryu, Cloud and Bayonetta, I can see they're big names, but I just don't have a connection to them like I do with Nintendo characters. Oh well - there's always Smash Bros NX, I guess! (I must admit, though, both Corrin and Bayonetta, esecially the latter, look fun to play as, so I still look forward to giving them a try next year!)


In some ways, this makes sense though.


Think of Nintendo characters as the core. They'll keep coming and keep adding to them. DLC characters as special guests. They may not return, but they're a hell of a lot of fun.

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And its sequel!






I honestly never thought that she'd be a viable candidate, because of the age rating issue.


She also gets to use guns, even though Snake wasn't allowed to. Bayonetta gets a free pass for everything and I LOVE it! :D


If I actually thought that she was a viable candidate, she would've been my vote!


That also means a Bayonetta Amiibo, which also means MORE Bayo in other games like Mario Maker as well!



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Who the fuck is Corrin? Seems to be a character that has not even seen the light of day in the West. Odd decision.


I thought having a character in Smash was meant to be prestigious. Seems like every random fucker somehow gets shoe horned in.


Also as much as I love Cloud, FFVII was the first FF that were never released on a Nintendo console. Why the special treatment? It was like watching Playstation Allstars or something.


You are making it very hard to like you at the moment...


You don't even like Smash, why do you care?


Bayo has me more excited than Lucas, and trust me, that's saying something.

You know, Roy was a no-name bum when Melee came out, even in Japan. Stop acting like this somehow makes Smash less credible!

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You are making it very hard to like you at the moment...


You don't even like Smash, why do you care?


Bayo has me more excited than Lucas, and trust me, that's saying something.

You know, Roy was a no-name bum when Melee came out, even in Japan. Stop acting like this somehow makes Smash less credible!


1. I don't really care if you don't like me


2. I do like Smash. Loved Melee, i'm disappointed with this game (due to the issues I have explained above)


3. I have expressed an opinion, you express yours. It's called being involved in a gaming forum. I don't post to please people. If you don't agree with me then thats cool.

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You know, it's times like this that you wonder if you're living in a fairytale world. The first Bayo was a commercial flop and chances of a sequel were more or less completely zero.


Out of absolutely nowhere, not only do Nintendo save the series with a big budget sequel (that again doesn't sell very well) and then goes ahead and gives it the Amiibo AND the Smash Bros treatment!


At this rate, she may even get a bloody 3rd game! :D


Someone calling the shots at Nintendo has damn good taste in games! And to you, I salute you! Godspeed, saviours of quality games : peace:


Speaking of which, that was a real gut punch from Sakurai to all those publishers and developers who screw people with fake DLC that was cut out of the base game. Godspeed you crazy crazy, wonderful man! :D


It really says a lot when Cloud feels like a second rate character now with this announcement :laughing:

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Indistinguishable Fire Emblem character number 7 :indeed:


Apart from that, it was a nice send off Direct. The game has an incredible amount of content, they've done a wonderful job with it. Inkling, Shovel Knight etc can wait till Smash NX, they need to hold some characters back for that.

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Indistinguishable Fire Emblem character number 7 :indeed:


Apart from that, it was a nice send off Direct. The game has an incredible amount of content, they've done a wonderful job with it. Inkling, Shovel Knight etc can wait till Smash NX, they need to hold some characters back for that.

Corrin is very different to every other one though...

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Who the fuck is Corrin? Seems to be a character that has not even seen the light of day in the West. Odd decision.


From Fire Emblem Fates, it's not out here until early next year. Included for marketing?


I honestly never thought that she'd be a viable candidate, because of the age rating issue.


DLC doesn't get rated by PEGI etc does it? Seems like a sneaky way to keep the age rating down, if true. ;)


Indistinguishable Fire Emblem character number 7 :indeed:


Just like all the other Manakete characters already in the game. :p


Pretty amazing how far the series has come though since Melee.

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