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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Oh hey I'll take-





... I suppose I'll get my chance... another day...


I just got an email with 4 codes.


Got 2 spare as saving one for a mate. Anyone want? Lemme know.


No, I'll get my chance today!


Sprout and Zell - will send now as you posted first. Fairest way I guess!


I genuinely can't believe how well timed that was.


Thanks @Aneres11! =D

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Nintendo don't give demo reviews...


We did get a chance to play it a few weeks ago, but nobody could make it.


I figured you would habe had the full game by now. Only a few weeks. :)


Good they still like the site though.


The game is so much better than the videos look!

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Hello friends, I was just passing through and thought I'd drop in to say hi. What's that? Codes? Sure I'll take one.



More seriously, is there some kind of established pattern to who did and didn't get a code? I only registered and connected my Club Nintendo account to my 3DS today. I suspect I naturally didn't get anything.

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Do you think we're going to get a real answer as to what happened with Snake? I don't like how many people project their reasons onto his exclusion, it would be nice to get some closure on why exactly Sakurai didn't include him again



I just want my sneaky explosions man back, there wasn't any other character in the game quite like him.

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