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Luigi's Mansion 2


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It's NOTHING like broken sword. Youve never played luigis mansion?

No, never, that's why I'm asking. :)


Platformer, Broken Sword (I guess it's kinda like a point n click)?! More like Nintendo's take on Ghost busters.

Thanks for the explanation. Now I watched 1. chapter of the walkthrough of Luigi's Mansion to get a better idea of what the franchise is about. My mistake, it looks nothing like Broken Sword. Could still be fun though, I'm hoping for a demo via eshop.

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Well, perhaps DLC in the form of new Mansions to explore could work :)

I wonder if the original Mansion will also be in the game.

That would be a great little thing :D


The charm is definitely there, the guys over at NextLevelGames will probably become the new Retro if they're truly 'bleeding away their talent'.

NLG have done excellent jobs on the football-Mario spin-offs, giving the universe a gritty/hardcore kind o' vibe.

I haven't played Punch Out Wii, but from what I've heard and seen the humour/charm is definitely there.


I wonder what their next project will be.

A sequel to the Mario Strikers series for WiiU is ever-so likely I'd say!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I wonder if the original Mansion will also be in the game.

That would be a great little thing :D


I was wondering exactely the same thing. ;)


In a year full of great games, this is still on top of my Most-Wanted-list for all consoles. I've even started playing Luigi's Mansion... again! It simply never tires! :p

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  • 1 month later...

I just want to know when Nintendo are going to announce some more 'big' first party 3DS games. We've known about Paper Mario and Animal Crossing since E3 2010, and Luigi's Mansion since last year's E3, yet it's going to be at least six months still (maybe longer) until all three are out. Kid Icarus and (maybe) Mario Tennis Open are the only decent first party titles that have come out so far this year. Nintendo really needs to get things moving. Can't it cope with supporting a handheld alongside a newly-launching home console any more?

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Well each new generation brings higher costs and longer development times, so I wouldn't be too surprised if Nintendo can't cope.


It's either one or two things. Either there was still some development to be done that they've moved some of the team on to Wii-U titles to try and get some more hype from casual audiences (seeing as it hasn't really happened yet). Or, and this is the most likely, pretty much everything is done and the best choice was not to release it in such a hectic period which could push it all the way into obscurity. Nintendo fans know about the game, but the new audience may not.

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Well each new generation brings higher costs and longer development times, so I wouldn't be too surprised if Nintendo can't cope.


It's either one or two things. Either there was still some development to be done that they've moved some of the team on to Wii-U titles to try and get some more hype from casual audiences (seeing as it hasn't really happened yet). Or, and this is the most likely, pretty much everything is done and the best choice was not to release it in such a hectic period which could push it all the way into obscurity. Nintendo fans know about the game, but the new audience may not.


You're probably right.


Still, it's all rather comical.

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I just want to know when Nintendo are going to announce some more 'big' first party 3DS games. We've known about Paper Mario and Animal Crossing since E3 2010, and Luigi's Mansion since last year's E3, yet it's going to be at least six months still (maybe longer) until all three are out. Kid Icarus and (maybe) Mario Tennis Open are the only decent first party titles that have come out so far this year. Nintendo really needs to get things moving. Can't it cope with supporting a handheld alongside a newly-launching home console any more?


I agree. I can't say I'm too disappointed as my anticipation wasn't that high for any of them, but I am a bit surprised at how long Nintendo is taking with its 3DS games, especially Animal Crossing and Paper Mario. If they take three years to be released since the time when they were first shown (and let's not forget they actually looked quite polished), that's putting fairly minor games into the "Zelda" league!


Furthermore, I know the 3DS can do better textures and such than the GameCube, but it is much lower resolution - less than SD - so I am surprised at the development times.

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Will they ever release this, it seems to keep getting delayed. It makes me laugh, i'm thinking the same as Grazza. They seem to be pushing the likes of Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing into the Zelda league of development. Which is close to being a joke really, not the Zelda league as we've learned to expect delays on these games.

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Well Europe has already got Freakyforms and Art Academy so maybe Luigi's Mansion will still make December 2012. Either way the release lineup for the rest of the year looks decent enough.


@Debug Mode, It is most likely the latter. Since Next Level Games is a third party developer I doubt Nintendo has moved the team onto a WiiU title. Nintendo probably wants to full the void of first quarter next year. The only Nintendo titles likely to launch in that period are Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing.

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