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N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011


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Lol was me!



One thing - not sure if it's been said before...


You can organise a meet anywhere. You. Organise. Arrange it. Make it so. Don't want it where it is? Have one somewhee else. Can't make it that day? Arrange another elsewhere.




But yes - it'd be cool to have a proper 'event' arranged, but essentially the 'spirit' of the meet's origins was esssentially "I'm gonna be in this park in this place on this day. Anyone else wanna join in?" Usually we have to amuse ourselves, and the meet is essentially what we put into it. Yesterday I felt no real energy to amuse myself because I was too busy being depressed by the rain.


If it wasn't raining then it would've been alright.


But it rained, and there were really too many of us to effectively and directly organise a plan B that was acceptible. There were too many people who arrived at staggered later times to confuse things.


I don't really know why I'm being overly defensive - previous years when it's essentially been park/troc/pub I've had a completely astounding time because of the people.


Yeah. Bleh. Essentially I'm totes up for a hyde park 2012 where we do the same as today - park-based outing. I'd also be totes up for any other meet where plans of action were actually in place. I'd be up for a meet in midlands too.


I was gonna say geeeeez why so defensive but you acknowledged it lol :p


I'd argue I already have done as such with regards to organizing my own meets, met people at Eurogamer 2009 and we did Extra Life which I hosted last year after arranging it in super fast time. We are doing Extra Life again this year with more people etc.. Sure not on the scale but still its there.


I'd love us to make our own community event as I described. Hell I'll put in the work to organize it! BUT its gonna cost everyone would have too chip in to help it happen.


I'm not having a pop at the meet for what it is and sure people have a great time but its just not for me....

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My pictures:


The now missing Prov Donk:





The houses:




If you post pics of ReZ in the shower I will ban you :heh:




The epic waffle:




Dannyboy (as taken by ReZ)




And for the ladies:






Didn't take many. Some of the more artsy ones are just uploading.

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It was absolutely brilliant. Sure there were issues with the trapesing around and splitting up but we all got back together at the end of the day and had an awesome time at the pub. I'm sad I didn't meet or even see Retro_Link or Wesley! (Or maybe I did and I forgot?) But everyone I did meet was fantastic. I'm sure I'll have very fond memories of that little cubbyhole in the pub, discussing the keys for Zelda songs and doing those drawings. It couldn't have gone much better.


Honourable mentions go to:-

  • Flink - for buying me a drink! That was very kind of you man :D
  • The Bard - for being fucking awesome in general and being more drunk than myself thus making me look like less of a tit (maybe not)
  • Coolness Bears - for putting up with my obsession with his expressionless face and letting me wear his incredible Hello Kitty headphones. I WANT THEM.
  • Mr_Odwin - for the relentless Xpert 11 banter with myself, Brian Mcoy, jayseven et al.
  • The Peeps - for not dying. He nearly got hit by a motorbike when crossing the road! That was an odd moment.
  • Rummy - for taking control at times of need (essentially for urging us all to move forward :heh:)
  • Daft, Shorty, Nami, Eenuh, Cube, Dannyboy, Peeps, Flink, ReZ and Goafer - for providing many, many laughs in the corner in the pub
  • Everyone else that came - if I said hello to you at all yesterday then you were part of what made my day awesome. Thanks to everyone and apologies if I've missed anyone or any memorable moments out, there are simply too many to mention.


HI I'M DAISY, Gary Trotter, Nyan Cat, London/Woking Girl, Paper Telephone, co-op drawings, houses, Zelda songs, Zelda games in general, FemSheps looking the same, the loss of ProvDonk, Street Fighter, disappointment at Funland in the Trocadero being closed, M&M's World and the huge amount of unimaginable M&M's memorabilia, getting chucked off the Church steps for drinking, making an Umbrella fortress, almost getting kicked out of the pub for drinking booze that wasn't theirs just under their porch, ReZ commenting on a passer-bys camera lens, forum politics and more were missed by YOOOOU READER (unless you came..).


Roll on the next meet!

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My highlights:


People yelling "Falcon Text!" or "Falcon Handshake!" etc. every time Captain Falcon did something.

Flink being all macho by not holding the rail on the underground, only to fall on to a stranger. Even the guy he fell on laughed.


Mr Odwin video interviewing me and referring to me by my real name, I asked if he knew my name because of my signature, he replied that it was from Facebook, only for me to embarrass myself by saying "We're friends on Facebook?!". He ended the interview immediately.

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The two tunnel ones look like teaser posters for a new TV show. We're a bunch of heroes and Jay is the ultimate villain.

We mentioned it was going to be our album cover.


We can use it as the front for te Band Aid N-E Remix which will be hitting shelves this Christmas.


Doesn't Yog?

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My highlights:


People yelling "Falcon Text!" or "Falcon Handshake!" etc. every time Captain Falcon did something.

Flink being all macho by not holding the rail on the underground, only to fall on to a stranger. Even the guy he fell on laughed.


Mr Odwin video interviewing me and referring to me by my real name, I asked if he knew my name because of my signature, he replied that it was from Facebook, only for me to embarrass myself by saying "We're friends on Facebook?!". He ended the interview immediately.


Don't forget Rez yelling 'Erection' in some kids face on that same underground journey!

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Lol, guys, Wesley didn't come, he is lying. :p


I am STILL going to do an epic post but I am reasonably devastated that I barely got to talk to Retro (specifically as I am in love with him and hadn't met him before) but there were others of course.




The reason why no one saw me was because you kept texting me the wrong locations.


And then when I finally found you guys, you told me to go to some random place to meet some forum member I'd never heard of and bring him back.


Last time I believe anything out of your mouth, Michael!

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You had me going for a minute, you git :heh:


I was hoping to meet you, and see if you left large pauses between all of your sentences.


Then again, McCoy doesn't talk in third person and neither ReZ, Daft or Bard spoke in their respective colours so the illusion was already shattered.

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