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Super Mario 3D Land

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Have to say I'm enjoying the game so much more on my second play-through, think having got more used to the controls is why...


... although the special stages/Stone Tanooki/doing speed runs/playing as Luigi are all helping too.



The controls still remain my biggest complaint with this game though, Nintendo really should have stuck with the traditional B+A setting, or at the very least included an option to customise the button layout. :angry:

Forcing veteran Mario players to use an unfamiliar and uncomfortable control scheme is not cool... not cool at all.

OK, I'm done moaning about the controls now... maybe. :heh:


You know what is cool though? The 3D! :D

Had a feeling this game would prove to be the best showcase for 3D, and it most certainly is. Moving around the levels and judging distances is made so much easier, and no matter how the camera is positioned you just can't miss stomping on an enemy (unless the controls let you down! Sorry. :hehe:) yeah it really is a great enhancement to the game-play.

And not only does it feature the best depth 3D on the 3DS to date, but also the best pop out 3D as well...


Get the boomerang power-up, turn to face the screen, then jump and throw a boomerang while in the air. ;)

... Proper in yo' face 3D! :cool:

There are loads of other examples too, but that's probably the most impressive one.

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World 6. 85 lives without looking for them. I knew this game was easy...but it's ridiculously easy and in turn boring. :hmm:


So far I kind of regret having paid the full price.

Lives are irrelevant these days. In the old day, it'd send you back to your last save or to the very start of the game...now they're just pointless and you get 1 Ups for doing anything. I fail to see why it's an issue

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The point I was trying to make is that I only lost 1 or 2 lives so far (and therefore accumulated a lot). SM3DL is one of the easiest games I've ever played, and for me, easy games are always a bit boring (that's why I love games with a difficulty like Demon's and Dark Souls).


I can see why most of you love SM3DL, I just don't like it that much. I'd have prefered if Nintendo went more in a Super Mario 64 direction. And I still wait for a Mario game that is challenging :p

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World 6. 85 lives without looking for them. I knew this game was easy...but it's ridiculously easy and in turn boring. :hmm:


So far I kind of regret having paid the full price.


The post game is meant to be harder. Haven't started the post game stuff yet myself so I can't say myself.

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That's what was said about the Super Mario Galaxy 2 post game. :p I doubt we'll ever see a difficult Super Mario.


Well, never as hard as Dark/Demon Souls (expect for SMB: The Lost Levels :P, those were tough).


I've currently got 181 lives and 71 deaths if that means anything (probably not).

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That's what was said about the Super Mario Galaxy 2 post game. :p I doubt we'll ever see a difficult Super Mario.


I would definitely recommend researching some infamous Mario hacks if you're that kind of guy. Trust me, you won't be disappointed with the insane creations!


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You honestly think Star 242 of Super Mario Galaxy 2 was easy? If so, you're just too good. :heh:


I did, actually...Do people find it really that difficult? :p


I would definitely recommend researching some infamous Mario hacks if you're that kind of guy. Trust me, you won't be disappointed with the insane creations!


There are several good and very hard ones. But most of them are unfair, or to use a different expression: trial and error. And this has nothing to do with difficulty.


Reached World 8 just now. Might finish the game tonight. I now have 99 (Edit: 100.) lives. Surprise :D

Edited by drahkon
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I started playing this last night once I got in from work and it's been a joy to play so far.


As mentioned in the Zelda SS topic i've got the man flu at the moment so i've just been lying in my bed, playing this is short bursts. I tell you what it is, this game sure does make me feel better, i'm not just saying that either. Nintendo have a knack of making you feel instantly better when you play their games. Despite being ill I found myself smiling and bopping away to the music while playing the game. :D


I've been playing the game blindly, no G-Faqs help for any of the coins for me. This has really enhanced my playtime and it gives a great sense of satisfaction when I finally find a coin i've been searching for. This is something i'm trying to get back to, no guides just taking my time and taking it all in. Getting back to my gaming roots if you will. :)


On to world 7 I go.

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I've been playing the game blindly, no G-Faqs help for any of the coins for me. This has really enhanced my playtime and it gives a great sense of satisfaction when I finally find a coin i've been searching for. This is something i'm trying to get back to, no guides just taking my time and taking it all in. Getting back to my gaming roots if you will. :)


On to world 7 I go.



Glad to hear it!


Really looking forward to getting a chance to get this sometime! Sounds like a great game!

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People use guides to find the coins? Where's the fun in that?


Having great fun with this. And loving the ol-skool handdrawn artstyle. I've always prefered that over CG-Mario. It has so much more charm IMO.


Really loving all the small details in the game: blowing to make pollen flow away, shaking the between-level pictures to make it move, the SMW-song the musical notes make. It's a cummulation of all that makes Mario great. Well, bar a lack of challenge perhaps, but I've yet to go to the later levels, so maybe I'll get my precious behind kicked there.


Speaking of which...



Edited by Strange Cookie
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what a refreshing story @Hero-ofTime after helping my mum today, as soon as i got back i went the forums, and your post made me play it again!


i hope you get better soon.


Thanks for your well wishing. I feel a little better now, still sniffing on a bit though. I lay in bed with my sweats and t-shirt on just to try and sweat it out last night. :D


I managed to make it to what I thought was the end of world 8 yesterday, before calling it a day.


Do you get anything for hitting the top of the pole at the end of a level? I noticed you get a little gold flag on the map, is that it? Either way i've been trying to get one on each level anyway. I try and keep a leaf in reserve just to make the jump a little easier for me. :)

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I was also wondering if you get anything for gold flagging every level.




God. This game is so great.


That is the best Bowser final boss I reckon.


Completed the game so am onto the post game....


Unlocking Luigi after the first world = genius.

Dry Bowser = Brilliant.

Same levels + different enemies/challengers = brilliant.

Time limit ones = amazing.



Aaaaaaahhhhh this is so good. 3DS WIN.

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