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Grand Theft Auto 5


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Certainly not a surprise to anyone, and really the only news here is that GTA V exists. Oh, and a trailer in a week. The rest will be speculation. So I shall speculate the desperate hope that they do something radically different this time. Not in a “stuff anything we can think of in” way like San Andreas, but a completely different approach to their epic, extraordinary games. What do you reckon? Where would you like to see V heading?





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After spending 2 minutes thinking about it, DC would be a perfect location.


Given that American politics is already a parody, this should make Rockstar's lives easier as well.


I'm imagining the protagonist to be an anonymous young political candidate taking part in all sorts of corrupt activities to get ahead until the final chapter where, naturally, hes elected President!

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So I shall speculate the desperate hope that they do something radically different this time. Not in a “stuff anything we can think of in” way like San Andreas, but a completely different approach to their epic, extraordinary games. What do you reckon? Where would you like to see V heading?


You know this quote bugs me a bit because I felt GTA4 did something "different" as it is in terms of abandoning the "rags to riches" model, grounding the game world a bit more in reality and focusing on a more dark and depressing narrative. Sure, you were still a criminal doing jobs in a big city, but that's what GTA is. That part of the mould can't really be broken, anything else may as well be a different franchise.


I'm usually the type of person that advocates great change when something is "stale", but I don't see anything stale about GTA's current progression. I thought 4 was a great evolutionary step, especially in regards to storytelling.

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This is certainly good news. I seem to be one of the few that really loved GTA 4. In terms of story it was just behind GTA 3 for me. Never got on with San Andreas, the characters bored the shit out of me. I'd love a Sopranos style storyline again but that'd be retreading old ground. Just let me ramp a car into an oncoming train and i'll be happy.

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The real questions are:

- Will it be on WiiU ?

- Has NINTENDO been able to get Rockstar to make this a timed exclusive for their system?


It'll be merry days for the internet if the latter is true.

Hundreds, no, millions of trolls would occupy teh webz:laughing:


No one cares :p not gonna happen but at least wii u has lego city stories or whatever the hell it is called.

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Just played these during the summer, my recap:


-GTA III: now just a tech demo, silent protagonist pretty boring. Some good original rock songs, though.


-Vice City: totally awesome, really liked the metal radio, bright colours and the much better plot structure! :) The city came alive...


-San Andreas: ok, the radio was more shit and the gang mechanics could've been more polished, but otherwise even better than VC! :o I mean the place was so vast, plot and mood was great, being able to customise Carl's appearance made the hero much more personal, building up stats was great, awesome flying equipment, gang wars etc etc! This game was so much fun to play, flying and driving from place to place like you were in a foreign land almost...100% complete! :)


-GTA IV: have done only some early missions, but impressions thus far: Ok, it's realistic-looking, but so dull! Where are all the colours? :( Also, the cars handle like shit, and the radio doesn't really impress either! Wtf happened Rockstar? You went from fun to boring...


Bottom line: VC was great, but SA takes the cake because it just has more of everything. So awesome. Thus that's what I'd like from GTA V as well: less depressive "realism" and more fun!

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Daft stole my joke.


But really, no one should reporting on this. It just further perpetuates this weird fascination of announcing announcements.


This isn't announcing an announcement.


This was the announcement that the game exists (never officially confirmed, just rumours and leaks).


And there will be a trailer in a week.

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This isn't announcing an announcement.


This was the announcement that the game exists (never officially confirmed, just rumours and leaks).


And there will be a trailer in a week.


Everybody knew the game was being made, and this is just the logo and yhe promise of a trailer. It's the announcement of a trailer.

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Most people are thinking LA because of all the work done with LA Noire, the city mapping done for that will make their lives a lot easier.


They would need to work on the map though, i found driving around in LA Noire a bit of a bore.


Just played these during the summer, my recap:


-GTA III: now just a tech demo, silent protagonist pretty boring. Some good original rock songs, though.


-Vice City: totally awesome, really liked the metal radio, bright colours and the much better plot structure! :) The city came alive...


-San Andreas: ok, the radio was more shit and the gang mechanics could've been more polished, but otherwise even better than VC! :o I mean the place was so vast, plot and mood was great, being able to customise Carl's appearance made the hero much more personal, building up stats was great, awesome flying equipment, gang wars etc etc! This game was so much fun to play, flying and driving from place to place like you were in a foreign land almost...100% complete! :)


-GTA IV: have done only some early missions, but impressions thus far: Ok, it's realistic-looking, but so dull! Where are all the colours? :( Also, the cars handle like shit, and the radio doesn't really impress either! Wtf happened Rockstar? You went from fun to boring...


Bottom line: VC was great, but SA takes the cake because it just has more of everything. So awesome. Thus that's what I'd like from GTA V as well: less depressive "realism" and more fun!


Rockstar should listen to fans and base a new GTA in San Andreas again, or even in London. I hear many talking about basing it in London, which would make a welcome change.


Basing a new GTA in San Andreas wouldn't go amiss though.

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Everybody knew the game was being made, and this is just the logo and yhe promise of a trailer. It's the announcement of a trailer.


I'm with Nolan on this.


Announcements of announcements need to die. :blank:


There's a difference between people who sign-up to gaming forums "knowing" something exists and a company officially saying something exists.


Whether or not we "knew" this existed; this is an official announcement.


To the company, and their marketing team, who spend hundreds of hours planning these things, this game didn't exist in the public domain until today.


Just to clarify: I also think announcing announcements need to fuck off... this wasn't one of those though.

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