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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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I just don't really get what 'handheld' gaming is exactly. It's not like smaller games aren't available on XBLA and PSN.


Edit: Ah, yeah, fair enough. I wouldn't worry too much. Sony are probably trying to show the machine off right now and that's going to be a lot harder to do will "smaller" titles.


I guess we'll see. A big attraction for me is its link to the PS3.

Edited by Daft
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At the very least it looks like the concept of near platform parity with the NGP (Vita?) and the PS3 is technically working very well.


But as Debug_Mode says, what they're doing now is downsizing a more recent home console including the types of available games and control method into a handheld. That can be a good thing, because it might be the only way they can get major western third parties, who are completely focused on high def console and PC development, really interested. It can also be a bad thing, because they might have to rely on ports for very high profile third party support.


Still, I hope the NGP succeeds where the PSP failed in the west. Putting pressure on Nintendo can only be a good thing in certain areas, where they're not quiet delivering until now. And having two dedicated and distinguishable gaming handheld systems on the market should finally shut up the "OMG - 90c apps are killing gaming handhelds!"-hype, that has been completely blown out of proportions lateley imo.

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If you can browse the web and save any image on this, I'm in. The 3DS's web browser has been a massive disappointment to me. I've only been able to save about 2% of the images I want to.


As for games, Dragon's Crown looks amazing, like an updated Golden Axe.

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If you can browse the web and save any image on this, I'm in. The 3DS's web browser has been a massive disappointment to me. I've only been able to save about 2% of the images I want to.


As for games, Dragon's Crown looks amazing, like an updated Golden Axe.


You should be able to. You can do that on the PS3 and I doubt they'd be that dissimilar.


It'll be interesting to see if the link up to the PS3 will mean there are WiiU ports. Can't imagine they would be that hard to do.

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He was hoping each ps3 game comes with a free Vita game, and vice-versa.


That is pretty much the big question for me too. I don't have a PS3 but having that kind of interchangeable experience without the need to buy two copies of the same software would be a big push for me to buy one.

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That is pretty much the big question for me too. I don't have a PS3 but having that kind of interchangeable experience without the need to buy two copies of the same software would be a big push for me to buy one.


This will probably happen or offers. I can forsee this. They already have spoken plenty about interchanging the games and cloud saves so lets see.

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I have to say, the region free thing has in many ways made this console infinitely more desirable to me than a 3DS.


It's like I could buy this, for the same price, have access to the massive catalogue of PSP titles I missed (via PSN) and the potential for outstanding games in the future (and undoubtedly massive support from Japanese developers if the PSP's success is anything to go by).


If it was just that and both were region free though, I'd partly still swing to Nintendo out of pure fanboyism, but the fact that I could play games from anywhere on the Vita and would be limited to Europe on the 3DS...well that just really seals the deal. Well, that and multi-touch. Thanks for innovating touch screen gaming Nintendo and then insisting on keeping the technology at square one forever!


Honestly, at this point, Sony kind of deserve to take the handheld market. Unless the software on this turns out to be a complete failure...somehow.

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I have to say, the region free thing has in many ways made this console infinitely more desirable to me than a 3DS.


It's like I could buy this, for the same price, have access to the massive catalogue of PSP titles I missed (via PSN) and the potential for outstanding games in the future (and undoubtedly massive support from Japanese developers if the PSP's success is anything to go by).


If it was just that and both were region free though, I'd partly still swing to Nintendo out of pure fanboyism, but the fact that I could play games from anywhere on the Vita and would be limited to Europe on the 3DS...well that just really seals the deal. Well, that and multi-touch. Thanks for innovating touch screen gaming Nintendo and then insisting on keeping the technology at square one forever!


Honestly, at this point, Sony kind of deserve to take the handheld market. Unless the software on this turns out to be a complete failure...somehow.


Basically sums up exactly how I feel. For me with 3DS Nintendo have destroyed touch screen as their thing. The fact that your focussing on the screen and the 3D so hard to get the most out of the effect, almost makes the touchscreen a redundant control method. Whereas the Vita offers up a better screen as an option for controlling along with all the control options we have become accustomed to with modern console gaming.


One thing I do think thats going against Sony is the use of the Vita as the name and their branding that it means liife and that the Vita will blur the lines between real life and gaming life making the two work together. This almost aids drawing comparisons between Vita and iPad. This very notion of a life device is what the iPad has become for many people. I don't Sony means to mean this quite the same way or draw this negative comparison but inevitably it will and has (there has been coverage to suggest such already with people saying I'd never take this out of my iPad/iphone)


I also love how one of the most talked about games is Sound Shapes which is just a simple rhythm game. I only hope they sort out their online stuff in this regards and sell them cheaper than Minis have been thus far.

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I think the most sensible option is to own both 3DS and Vita.


That way you won't need to be biased.


Realistically though, I think the Vita is going to wipe the floor with the 3DS. Then again, I thought the same thing about the PSP and look how that turned out...

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It's strange that Nintendo made the decision to region lock the DS. In the past, handheld consoles were always region free because they had universally the same screen and so never had to worry about different screen refresh rates or other hardware differences. Now it's being locked as a conscious decision, just to limit importing. Which would be fine if all games came out everywhere in the end, but they don't.

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