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2010: Cinema in Review.

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Highlight of the year for me was Monsters, if only because I think everyone should watch it and the way it was filmed utterly stuns me.


Came in here to say that.



My top five films of the year in order of lovedness,






I just loved this. Didn't know what to expect. There were so many different factors that made it great. I need to see it again.






Tron Legacy, amazing. I mean, objectively poor as a film but there really is nothing like it.






Hit-Girl. Nuff said.






A wonderfully constructed film. The 'twist' was obvious before you even got into the cinema but watching everything unravel was a joy. Amazing end credits music, too.






Even if I had plenty of issues with it it is highly entertaining to watch. I swear, Nolan just needs a better script editor for his films.

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I'd like to add Inception to my list after watching it just a few hours ago.

Ah...such a good movie :') It wasn't as confusing as I thought it was going to be (as everyone who watched it said) but I also made sure to pay real close attention through-out.


Just a well made film :) Quite strangely, I felt really emotional whenever I heard "Non, Je ne regrette rien" being played :hmm: As soon as I heard the opening DUM-DEE-DUM-DEE DUM-DEE DUM I suddenly got really teary eyed, shivers ran down my spine and I got butterflies in my stomach. Such a sensation!


(I also watched the quite sad movie "La Vie En Rose" a few days before so maybe that's why? :confused:)


Seeing Ellen Page made me happy again whenever I saw her!



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See, where I thought it was highly entertaining and a great concept, I wasn't particularly blown away by Inception.


The best way for me to describe my feelings are it's like this big tin of Quality Street everyone is raving about. The tin is visually stunning and full of delicious flavours. As you begin eating, the chocolates are great and you're having a pretty good time.


Suddenly, no matter the shape or wrapper, all the chocolates have turned into those disgusting ones that remain in the tin forever. You figure that you've gone this far and may as well finish them and keep going.


As you get to the bottom of the tin, written on the inside is a message... but you can't really figure it out because the writing is so messy.

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I'm so so so so so confused as to why no one has seen this years best movie. :/




All about Steve Surprisingly good. I'm quite partial to a bit of Sandra Bullock, and although her character in this was slightly irritating/so was the portrayal, she was very endearing and it had a few laffs.


Youth in Revolt Fuckin' awesome. Turns out Michael Cera had a really great cinema year. The flip side personalities is just...fantastic, and this movie more than any proves that he isn't a one trick pony....not that I thought he was personally anyway. "He always plays the same character"...No he does not. Similar characters yes, but all are completely different in certain ways - confidence, views, taste...its all so important. Love this movie. MUST WATCH


Percy Jackson Lighting Thief I had high hopes for this, with Harry Potter leaving us soon I was hoping this would be a suitable replacement. Apparently not. It was all fine, and Logan Lerman was a good leading man but it was all just fairly meh. Want to pork Uma Thurman still.


Valentines Day Surprisingly enjoyable chick flick. It was fine/good.


The WolfMan Probably the biggest disappointment of the year. Just....hmmm. Ugh. Fail. General look was alright, but...god...it was just boring/pacing was all over the place/what the hell. Avoid


The Hurt Locker My retarded cinema don't show good films. They saw it picked up loads of awards and were like "Oh people might want to see this now". Wankers. Glad they did though, great movie, fantastic performances, tense and just great. See it


Bounty Hunter Love a bit of Gerard Butler. Jennifer Aniston makes for good eye candy and they both provide a pretty solid comedic performance. Enjoyable.


Kick-Ass More fun than you even deserve to have at a cinema. A complete riot. Thank you Mark Millar, and thank you casting people/Matthew Vaughn for making such a fantastic adaption. All the roles are perfect, even minor ones...and Clark Duke is a grade A legend in anything. MUST WATCH


Iron Man 2 Duun dunn dunnn dunn dunn...dunnuununununun nun nun nun. Did suffer a little bit from too much going on/being setup, but still a really great and action packed follow up to the first movie. Great stuff, superb casting and performances.....god...Black Widow, just be on me. See it


Hot Tub Time Machine Raucous boyish fun with a really solid cast. Craig Robinson is under-loved I feel. Clark Duke again, showing bitches how its done. Very solid and amusing. I urge a view. See it


A Nightmare on Elm Street Not sure where all the criticism came from actually. It was pretty much along the lines of what I was expecing. Jackie Earle Haley provides an incredibly creepy performance, he's truly a great actor and shines in this genre. Fun and horrible, cool film.


Shes Out of My League Definitely one of the biggest surprises of the year. I tend to like these kinds of comedies in a fleeting fashion (potentially that doesn't make sense, not sure what it means) and I'm a fan of Jay Baruchel, small presence in a chunk of Frat-Pack movies, but...I was not prepared...it was very amusing. Indeed. Great comedy performances from everyone including what I consider to be a great break out role for T.J Miller (I say breakout....breakout for me as I wasn't familiar with him before this) and the stunningly gorgeous Alice Eve, she glows in every scene with her beauty. Highly recommend the viewing of this movie. See it


Brooklyns Finest An enjoyable cop drama with a reasonably unpredictable plot line, coupled with some really great performances. Overall it was good, and somewhat moving.


Killers Hoooo-boy. Katherine Heigl was in a bra is its single redeeming feature. Avoid


Wild Target An amusing, exceedingly British romp. Very fun acting from the solid cast, always great to see Rupert Grint. And Emily Blunt. Mmm. And Bill Nighy.


Predators I thoroughly enjoyed it. Was nice to see Adrien Brody flex his muscles (quite literally) in an action role, and I think it more than gave an adequate dose of action and fun.


The Twilight Saga Eclipse Considerably better than New Moon. But then...catching the AIDs is considerably better than New Moon, so that is not saying much. It was alright though. Pretty meh really. I'd say it didn't need to be as long as it was, no matter how long it was.


Inception Such a brilliant plot and story. Clearly well thought out, with one of the best ensemble casts of the year, great, epic and huge scope and direction....as to be expected from the Nolan's. Sheer class. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is the dude that girls wanna be with and dude's wanna be (ammirite boys and girls?) just a really great experience and full package. Also starring the late Pete Postelthwaite. MUST WATCH


Toy Story 3 A fitting end to the best family movie trilogy of all time. Not another obvious-laugh-and-family-gross-out horrible comedy like shitty Shreck, this is a heart felt tale with truely memorable characters that hold a special place in everyones heart. Gutting in certain scenes, completely moving...and its a 3D animation about toys. Who'd a'thunk it huh? MUST WATCH


Salt A fair amount of promise ruined by ridiculous plot holes and a completely lacking and boring plot. MEH. Huge MEH. Video Review ;



Scott Pilgrim VS The World Completely unique and fantastic vision and visual design. References a plenty make it a spot-the-gag fest for nerds, and its homage's to video games, its brave humour and spot on casting make it a completely fresh entry into the movie world. Just brilliant. A huge shame it did so poorly at the cinema, but hopefully its Blu-Ray and DVD sales will make it fly. Video Review ;



Dinner for Schmucks It was quite enjoyable in places. Some good casting, but overall it was lacking. The dinner scene itself stood out and was definitely enjoyable, but.....the characters are just kinda assholes/too weird to enjoy.


The Last Exorcism It was so close. So close to being a hugely enjoyable and different horror film but unfortunately....there were some really strange decisions from the filmmakers. The ending/of the story/plot is just strange, kind of comes out of nowhere and I think is meant to be a "twist" but it just leaves you scratching your head. Not enough of the actual possession itself, which was some of the best bits, a good and scary performance from the chick. Video Review ;


Devil Quite enjoyable. I never guess twists, but I guessed it (half) in this, which I thought was pretty decent actually. Just...fairly solid and enjoyable. Video Review ;


The Other Guys I enjoyed it immensely, thought it was very funny. A lot more "spoof"ish than I expected, which was a really nice surprise, Mark Wahlberg is hilarious in it. A fair few nice subtle~ish~ jokes sprinkled throughout as well as the more obvious ones, and of course Will Ferrell. A lotta laughs! Video Review ;

See it


The Town Best film of the year (that judging from this thread absolutely no one saw) perfect performances of interesting and conflicted characters from everyone involved. My favourite Ben Affleck movie, he nails his performance and I discovered when the credits rolled that he was the director too, much to my surprise. Jeremy Renner proves that he is one of the best new actors in the industry. The plot although simple....is expertly delivered, and it is tense and emotional from start to finish. Sublime. Utterly sublime. It also stars Pete Postlethwaite, so he starred in arguably the best two movies of the year. I implore you to buy this movie, at the very least rent or download it. Don't deny yourself this. With the passing of the aforementioned national treasure being yet another persuasive reason to watch the movie and enjoy one of his last performances (penultimate? IMDB says he is starring in Killing Bono) Video Review ;



The Social Network Hugely interesting story, great actors, Jesse Eisenberg delivers another solid and different performance - cementing himself as one of my new favourites, ever film he has starred in being stars of their respective genres IMHO. Also good to see the new Spidey as I wasn't familiar with him before this. Great drama, witty dialogue and an intricate and hugely enjoyable plot. MUST WATCH


Paranormal Activity 2 Utterly decimated by the atrocious cinema audience that accompanied me to the viewing. Not that that was the only flaw from my perspective. A near enough re-imagining of the first movie, very little new ideas. In fact, next to no new ideas whatsoever, and it even lacked some of the most haunting scenes and images from the first movie, making this movie boring and completely redundant. Avoid


Saw 3D Gorey and enjoyable, but as good as the other Saw's that weren't the first Saw (i.e. pretty crap, but fun to watch)


Jackass 3D And it looks like the 3D craze has finally caught up with movie making itself, in that the last few months of the year were just completely saturated with 3D movies, with last years roaring success of Avatar it was to be expected. I dislike the insertion of 3D into a movie for no good reason (Harry Potter is a prime example) however, having said this....this movie wasn't one of them in my eyes! One of the most enjoyable and FUNNY slash disgusting uses of 3D in a movie, they truely did some unique things that we are sure not to see in any other 3D movie....like penis next to the camera, pissing on people. Laughed at pretty much everything, utterly enjoyable. See it


Due Date I enjoyed it a lot. I <3 Todd Phillips, also <3 RDJ and Zach Galifanakis. Enjoyable rapport between the two leads, and a hugely memorable cameo from Danny McBride as the kick-ass cripple. Brilliant. Great comedy. See it


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 It was good. Definitely a good decision to split up the book into two movies....of course this doesn't leave a great structure for part 1, but being prepared for that it makes it fine really. The odd good action scene, set pieces and tone. A good preparing for what should be the best movie of the series.


Tron Legacy Can't get my head around the love for this movie/the original. I completely understand its influence at the time, and nostalgia...but....its just so incredibly boring and bland apart from the visuals. I would usually say that plot/story is hugely important to a movie, with exceptions for things like solid character dramas. This movie just fails. The aerial scene at the end was definitely enjoyable, and the design for the majority of things is really good...and of course Olivia Wilde. Apart from that the plot was dreadful...utterly utterly dreadful, and the lead was a wet flannel. Cillian Murphy lol. Avoid


Megamind Probably my favourite non-Pixar animation. Great super hero action flick with cool characters designs, a very talented bunch of voice talent and sweet action and fights. Also genuinely amusing in the odd place. Enjoyable. See it


In closing, in terms of quanity it was severely less than 2009, but with the odd UTTER gem it was in no way a bad year for movies.



Edited by ReZourceman
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I'm so so so so so confused as to why no one has seen this years best movie. :/


Because they went with what is probably the least interesting name in cinema history so that nobody would even bother to look at a trailer?

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I absolutely loved Scott Pilgrim, but I can also look at it from the other perspective and understand why someone might not like it. For one, the relationship between Scott and Ramona is absolutely non-existent. It's basically Scott being an idiot and Ramona being a bitch.


Dunno how anyone can fault the action, comedy and casting though. Spot on. I just wish they'd added in some more of the material that made the premise work so well in the books.

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I saw too many films in 2010, it was a brilliant year for films, and Orange Wednesday was a good friend of mine, I'm not reviewer.... I'm not even a small reviewer, so I shall simply list my films I've seen and put a rating of Loved / Liked / Meh next to them.


Iron Man 2 - Loved

Predators - Meh

Clash of the titans - Meh

Alice in wonderland - BIG MEH

Eclipse - Liked

Inception - Loved

A-Team - Loved

Toy Story 3 - Loved

Expendables - Liked

Prince of Persia - Meh

Kickass - Loved

Robin Hood - Liked

Shrek 4 - Liked

Scott Pilgrim - Loved

Red - Liked

Get him to the greek - Liked

The other guys - Loved

Shutter Island - Loved

Hot tub time machine - Loved

Grown ups - Liked

Death at a funeral - Liked

Wall Street - Liked

Due Date - Loved

Little Fockers - Liked


I would of liked to have seen, and will rent / buy when cheap...

Resident Evil Afterlife

Nightmare on Elm Street


How to Train your dragon

Jonah Hex

The Crazies

The Road

The Book of Eli

Sorcerers Apprentice


Social Network



2011 looks fucking awesome too :)

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I can barely remember what I have and haven't seen this year, but i'll give it a go.




She's Out Of My League

Loved this film for a couple of reasons. First off it's the classic looser kid get's the stunningly beautiful girl. Secondly, it's set in Pittsburgh and makes extensive use of shots at Mellon Arena, even showing off a Penguins game. Although the story isn't anything new, it's done in a way that didn't feel cliched or like it had be done before. Alice Eve is seriously stunning, words can't describe just how amazing she looks. They're quite a few LUL moments and the supporting cast doesn't disappoint either.


Robin Hood

For a fairly famous legend, Robin Hood has been very poorly recreated on screen. The last film was far too full of cheese and of course an American Robin Hood. I'm not a massive Russell Crowe fan but I when I heard about his casting, I was totally in favour of it. I thought his gruff, dour demeanour would lend itself very well to a serious telling of this story. I was a bit disappointed to hear that Sienna Miller was no longer playing Marion. Let's face it, she is only there for some eye candy. Cate Blanchett did a great job and I suppose her and Crowe do make a more believable couple. I thought the film was well done, i was a bit unsure at the start with the whole impostor storyline but it worked well in the end and the final battle scene was something to behold.



Absolutely adore this film, definitely my favourite of the year. I loved the humour in it and had to stop for a second when Hit Girl utters an obscenity i've never once heard from a girl her age before in a motion picture. It didn't take itself too seriously at points but wasn't afraid to pull at the heart strings when needed. The casting is fucking awesome and there isn't one weak point in it.


Saw 3D

I think the storyline worked really well and wrapped up loose plots i'd been wondering about from previous films. The whole 3D thing was a bit gimmicky in my view and was only used because they didn't want to call it Saw 7.


Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1

As most have said, definitely the right idea to split up the book into two parts. This film was a vast departure from any other with all the kids being away from Hogwarts and a lot of time just spent with Harry and Hermione. The film does suffer from the fact that it's part 1 and all the good shit was always going to be left for the second part. There isn't too much action in it which allows us to see the actors getting too show a little more than they've probably done in the past. It did it's job well and has me dying to see the final instalment.

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I forgot about How to Train Your Dragon. That film was surprisingly good! Probably my favorite of DreamWorks' animated efforts.


Really... it's that good?


I cant really pick a fave Dreamworks animated film, I'm a fan of them all, I want to say Shrek stands out, then i recall Madagascar being entertaining, then Over the hedge says hello..... heck i even enjoyed Bee Movie.

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I saw this film, and to be honest I didn't think it was all that great. I mean it was better than going to see Eat Pray Love (which half of my family opted for), but it was still just an ok film. Decent, but not film of the year I think.

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