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Buying presents for others?


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How good are you lot then at finding what to get other people for presents?


Im just terrible at it, trying to sort out some Christmas shopping at the moment. Ive got my Dads, Nieces and most of my mums (still trying to find a jewellery box for her) but im completely stuck with my sister. She says she wants perfume but im terrible in choosing that kind of stuff and also I like to give people more than one thing.


It does make me feel bad, not being able to find people things. Makes me feel like I dont know them as well as I should.

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I'd say without trying to be egotistical I'm pretty damn good at it.


This year I've bought quite a few presents, my friend had a birthday recently and I got her a moomin vanity mirror and keyring, she loves the moomins and needed a new mirror. They cost me £16.


My mum I've been buying the professor layton series, which she loves, my dad I buy AC/DC, bike stuff as he likes both and my sister I get stuff I like as we're quite similiar in tastes :).


I find it's quite easy, it's just paying attention to small things they mention, for example my friend mentioned once that her vanity mirror was broken and never touched on it again - so I got her one.

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Unfortunately a lot of my family just dont seem to have any big interests. My sister just seems to work and look after her daughter and I dont live with my dad anymore but hes never been that chatty or had many interests outside of Liverpool.


I am thinking about getting my sister the Sims 3 on the 360 as she used to play the original all the time on my PC. My only worry though is she wont get any chance to play it, making it a pointless gift as her boyfriend is always on the 360.

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I like to think I'm good at finding presents for people, the only thing hampering me this year is money. I'm typically the kind of person who's done and dusted before the first week of December comes to an end. Unfortunately this year I've still got a few things to order, which isn't good considering how bad the weather has been and how much busier websites are these days.

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I'm a bargain hunter. As I've had loads of people to buy presents for I've set a maximum spend of around £10 each. I've been using Quidco mainly for getting cashback but also seeing what offers are on at various retailers.


Also I check Hotukdeals to see what else is on the cheap.


Ebay have a new deal each day for the next 16 days or so. There have been some good items there. Play.com have a decent sale on various items. Have also seen deals at mymemory.com zavvi thehut and shopto.net


Also here is a list of tons on online stores that are having some sort of sale: http://www.lovemoney.com/blog/frugalfriday/frugal-friday--10-december-2010-10652.aspx


There will be a new list out tomorrow however.


I guess the trick is to just look for things you think you can see the person actually using.

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It does make me feel bad, not being able to find people things. Makes me feel like I dont know them as well as I should.


So much truth in these two sentences. That sums my feelings up exactly.


I have great difficulty buying for people on special occasions. Other times it's not a problem. Usually I just dig into memory and grab stuff people have mentioned, or randomly grab something I think they'll like.


Sometimes I create things or draw pictures. I wouldn't say the outcome is terrible, but it could certainly be better.


So... in short, no good advice here from me.

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If I had the money I'd be good. I hate shopping, so working on a frugal budget is especially annoying. I have to get things for; my dad, his wife, my mum, my sister, her husband, their baby, my girlfriend, our two friends, girlfriend's mum and dad and bro. She will say that I don't have to get them anything but I want to. Bottle of wine and a dvd for teh parents to watch is the plan.


Aahrahrharh. Sorted only with mum on that list, and I know what my sister wants.

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Unfortunately a lot of my family just dont seem to have any big interests. My sister just seems to work and look after her daughter and I dont live with my dad anymore but hes never been that chatty or had many interests outside of Liverpool.


I am thinking about getting my sister the Sims 3 on the 360 as she used to play the original all the time on my PC. My only worry though is she wont get any chance to play it, making it a pointless gift as her boyfriend is always on the 360.


Maybe get her something like a lush boxset? I'm doing that for my sister, she constantly works and is in the process of moving abroad, they do some lovely ones for under a tenner and always last ages, I got her other a couple of years back and she loved it. Or maybe some baking stuff, my friend got me a cute box with polka dots on it for last christmas full of baking stuff and recipes, it was so cute and thoughtful (I bake - alot!).


It's usually good to go generally with either:


Bath stuff



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I wander around for ages trying to find something good for people, all the time thinking I'm terrible at it. Then blam! I find the perfect gift and all is well with the world. Luckily I only usually buy for my Mom, Dad and Sister, and generally if I get the sister part right then parents are happy anyway. Haven't started looking this year so I need to get my skates on.

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I'm not too bad at it. Buying for my brother, nephew and dad is easy (a game, a toy/board game, and cds sorts them out respectively :D). Not too great with buying for my mother or sister, although I saw a nice little art deco jewellery box that my sister would like so I guess she's sorted for this year.


It really is difficult trying to buy something for my mother. Just never know what to get her and when I have an idea, I don't know where to go looking. Example, I want to get her a scarf and gloves this year and have a £30/£40 budget but have no idea where to go and get something for her. Ordering online isn't an option at the moment/this time of year as I've had things delivered which were xmas presents after xmas instead of coming before so going into a store is what I have to do. Any ideas where to go?

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My parents were the worst. My brother and sister wanted some Disney films (I've got Toy Story 3 on Blu-Ray right now and it's frustrating as I can't open it), my sister and sister wanted a game each for the DS's they're getting for Christmas (I got them GOOD games, not kiddy ones - Animal Crossing and Spirit Tracks), my sister wanted some jewellery and my brother likes LEGO (hence why I asked ReZ). My sister picked out stuff for her and her son.


I had to trick my Mum and Step Dad into telling me what they want (I asked them what films they want, and suggested that I was going to rent them from Lovefilm), while I came to an agreement with my Dad and Step Mum to get something for my step brother instead.


Then again, I'm just as bad at telling people what I want.

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This year has been particularly hard to buy for people I've found, mainly because of the bloody snow but also because I just can't find anything decent. I'm all for surprises at Christmas, but it's always nice and easy to have someone who is specific in what they'd like.

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Then again, I'm just as bad at telling people what I want.


I have this problem but its more because when I do tell my family what I want, they dont listen. My sister in particular actually annoys me as she makes a point of telling me she wont get me certain things because theyre too geeky etc. She always manages to say it in a way that its quite insulting to me as well.

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Buying gifts can be pretty tricky. I sometimes have a look online first at a few things I think that they'd like, but usually I walk into town and just...see what reaches out and grabs me. It usually works.


I remember a few years back a friend told me that she never had roses, and I found her this cute little bath-soap, which was designed to look like a bed of roses. I gave it to her, she remembered our conversation and loved it.


Buying presents for your other half or close mates isn't too difficult. Buying presents for people at work is quite tricky, though. Speaking of which, I spent 30 odd quid today buying chocolates for work, presents for my class and food for our party tomorrow. Sucks to be me. :(

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I'm pretty good at it, I try to buy things that I know the person will really like because I don't like wasting money. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I hate it when people get me stuff just for the sake of giving me something, and it turns out to be something I would never in a million years use. Therefore I usually ask people not to get me anything, but there are a couple who get it spot on.


I think being observant about the person you're buying for helps, even if you don't know them well.

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