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Did she kick you around for it?


It woke her, but I will morph into polar bear form and maul her if she blames me. I have not touched that cupboard all day, I was not the one who stacked the bowls in such a teetering manner.


Yes, win her heart, Peeps! That's what the guys always have to do in romantic comedies. :smile:


:yay: (<-- cheering for Peeps)

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So the girl I'm 'seeing' totally screwed me over last night. First time I've seen her in a month or so and we semi-arrange to go to the same place last night. She was asking me when I would get there and told me where she was so I could go find her. When I met her I was sitting with her and the 2 guys she was out with. I was getting very little chat from her at all and next to no affection (apologies for sounding like a little girl). I asked her if everything was ok and she said it was. At one point her and her friend went up to dance which left me with the most boring guy on the planet. That was fair enough though. The next time I went up with her and her friend. Her friend went to the bathroom leaving me and her. We got a bit close but then she told me to wait there and shed be back in a minute. I wait and then I see her sitting down chatting to her friends again?! I probably should've walked away at this point but I went and sat down with them and she said she just forgot. Then her and the friend went up to dance, leaving her phone and bag with me. After 10-15 mins I went up with the phone and bag and asked her why she was ignoring me. She said she wasn't and we got into a small argument, she was saying I should be with my mates rather than her etc. No idea what went wrong. She went to the bathroom and I waited outside and said sorry for being a dick which she seemed to accept and then I left to find my friends.


Saw her later on sitting down with her friends who seemed to be comforting her, I went over and tried to talk but her friends told me to fuck off. I left at this point and in the taxi got a text from her accusing me of looking through her phone which I can assure you I did not do.


I text her this morning because I know she has to go to work, saying sorry (for what, I don't know) and asked her to call me but so far nothing.


To be honest I feel like I should be walking away but I do really like her and I cant bring myself to do it. Ive also asked to do things with her a few times but she always says shes busy studying (which is fair enough) but it was 6 weeks since I last saw her but she phones and texts me all the time and told me a night or so ago that she is interested in me. She sent a photo of herself to me last night as she was going out so I could see her outfit ffs.


Just want her to reply already.

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Definitely walk away man. If you don't, she might make a tit of you and you'll regret it later.


I'm going to and there will be no more contact unless she gets in touch with me. Being a nice guy, I do want her to text back so we can finish on good terms but I'm not going to try and make contact her again. If she wants to she can.



I can rest easy knowing that she's currently at work and most likely hungover to fuck. And coming to think of it, the chances are she'll be feeling a bit bad about last night too.

Edited by Charlie
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Charlie you're a hero.


For not seeing this girl anymore?



She's definitely finished work and hasn't responded to my text from this morning. What a bitch, if it were the other way around* I would definitely text to finish things properly. It's been 4 months!





*Although if it were the other way around there wouldn't be a problem because I wouldn't have been a dick about nothing.

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I've just realised that some idiots are after stealing a bunch of stuff from me :( I go to a study centre every Saturday. We get breaks every now and then and while I went for a walk they stole a novel, a dictionary(of all things!), and earphones worth 24 quid :(


They then poured/spilt a can of coke(which was mine) all around my desk...

(I don't react very strongly sometimes so it took a while for me to feel angry about it)


Only good thing -- 2 seats in the study room. If I had taken seat 1, I would have been covered in puke. Guy behind the desk puked all around him for some reason :confused: one thing to be grateful for, at least.

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Think my sister is sending her icky bacteria my way. I now have a headache and a hurting throat. Seems dad is already coughing as well, so it's spreading.

Though I'm hoping it's just us being a bit ill because of a very busy weekend/lack of sleep and that it will go over soon. *crosses fingers*


Also, why is the weather turning bad the moment I arrive in the UK tomorrow? Not fair. Was hoping for some more sun, but seems I'll be getting rain. =(

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Think my sister is sending her icky bacteria my way. I now have a headache and a hurting throat. Seems dad is already coughing as well, so it's spreading.

Though I'm hoping it's just us being a bit ill because of a very busy weekend/lack of sleep and that it will go over soon. *crosses fingers*


Also, why is the weather turning bad the moment I arrive in the UK tomorrow? Not fair. Was hoping for some more sun, but seems I'll be getting rain. =(


:( I've only just recovered from whatever was floating around my class. Don't you get ill.


Bad stuff: I've just put my bedsheets and stuff in the wash, and now it doesn't look sunny outside. This is bad because these are my only bedsheets/duvet covers. FUUU, British Weather.

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I get some new tyres and find out that my cv joint if split.


Then on the way back home my clutch cable snaps. So now my car is parked about a mile away and I had to walk back. (And I can't remember if I locked my car but I can't be arsed to go back.)


It seems like it's 1 step forward and 2 steps back.


EDIT: Well I've managed to drive it home now. So just a matter of getting it all fixed. /le sigh

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Given 90 days notice today. College has to lose 200 staff. We lost 100 in November so the cuts are getting deeper.


I've helped thousands of people into employment over the last few years so Karma owes me.


EDIT: Charlie - WTF. Totally surprised you didnt give her the "I'm worth more than this" social value display. Don't stand for that shit. You deserve better. She's just a girl. There are billions more. Don't catch one-itis, ruins your energy levels.

Edited by tapedeck
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Given 90 days notice today. College has to lose 200 staff. We lost 100 in November so the cuts are getting deeper.


I've helped thousands of people into employment over the last few years so Karma owes me.


EDIT: Charlie - WTF. Totally surprised you didnt give her the "I'm worth more than this" social value display. Don't stand for that shit. You deserve better. She's just a girl. There are billions more. Don't catch one-itis, ruins your energy levels.


Ah..lametastic. You seemed awesome/knowledgable/I hope/think you shouldn't/have trouble finding a job. :(

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