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Je suis du camping'


Ella es una chica.


Claire and I are "learning" (DS Game) Spanish at the moment.


It isn't going very well if you think Je suis is spanish :p


If you get stuck, ask Jonnas!


Had a terrible spanish oral :(


Aaaaw, unlucky man! What course do you do? I had my spanish oral on Monday, I thought it went quite well (not rubbing it in your face or anything, I was thinking it would be a lot worse).

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Ah, je vois. Je le trouve vraiment fascinant. Alors, quel genre de comique préfèrez-vous? Tout genres?


Ajoutons à cela, je vis dans votre maison bien sûr! Je te vois tout le temps mais tu ne me vois jamais :( J'ai fait, souvent. Donnez-moi de la nourriture, s'il te plaît :)

De plus, la gare?! C'est près de toi! Juste fermer vos yeux et...imaginer!


Mon dieu, I'll be stunned if I haven't made any mistakes :p

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Like I said though, didn't bother me too much. The only ones that annoyed me were the arsey ones. Had one guy show up, fill his truck with £200 worth of petrol (the maximum amount allowed in one go), tried to pay on card, our system needed bank authorisation. I fannied around trying to ring the bank, which obviously didn't work at night, so I rang the boss. By this point he was getting pretty angry, so just ended up paying cash. HE HAD CASH IN HIS FUCKING POCKET THE WHOLE TIME! He must have known that the card might not work, why else would he be carrying that amount of cash? He stormed off after, calling me an arsehole in the process and claiming that he was never coming back. If I was close enough to the intercom thing, I would have told him that I wouldn't have served him if he did and probably called him a cunt (I did call him that, but he wouldn't have heard me). Good job I didn't get to the intercom, since he came back about a week later and I served him with the biggest "look who came crawling back, but I'm not going to mention it because I'm not a petty cunt like you" grin. He knew exactly what I was doing too. Fucking owned.

Just had some similar pr0 beatdown today. On the pay at pumps we have a slot for the payment card (obviously) and a small scanner right next to it for Clubcards, but dipshits still think they have to stuff the tiny keyring fobs in the card slot. As such we get some terminals offline. Today we had such an example.


We coned the pump off, just to get the message across. However one dumb fuck thought he'd give it a go.

*Bloke walks in store*

Man: I've just tried paying with my card in that pump and it just keeps getting stuck, not going in. Can you reset it so I can pay in here?

Me: Pump 2?

Man: Yeah.

Me: That pump's broken. That's why we coned it off.

Man: But it doesn't say it's broken.

Me: We coned it off so it couldn't be used.


He gets angry, moves the cones so they stick out a bit more, because bright orange cones don't show up well against dark metallic surfaces unless they're a metre away, then drives off.


It's not fucking rocket science! Cones = No.

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Just had some similar pr0 beatdown today. On the pay at pumps we have a slot for the payment card (obviously) and a small scanner right next to it for Clubcards, but dipshits still think they have to stuff the tiny keyring fobs in the card slot. As such we get some terminals offline. Today we had such an example.


We coned the pump off, just to get the message across. However one dumb fuck thought he'd give it a go.

*Bloke walks in store*

Man: I've just tried paying with my card in that pump and it just keeps getting stuck, not going in. Can you reset it so I can pay in here?

Me: Pump 2?

Man: Yeah.

Me: That pump's broken. That's why we coned it off.

Man: But it doesn't say it's broken.

Me: We coned it off so it couldn't be used.


He gets angry, moves the cones so they stick out a bit more, because bright orange cones don't show up well against dark metallic surfaces unless they're a metre away, then drives off.


It's not fucking rocket science! Cones = No.


Oh Christ, you just reminded me of the most retarded thing evar that happened to me whilst working.


The tills had gone tits up, so I couldn't authorise petrol or serve anyone. It was the middle of the night and I was alone, so I coned off the whole forecourt and waited for the tills to reset/start working.


Now before I continue, allow me to show you the site I worked on:




I coned off both entrances and set to work trying to fix the tills. Lo and behold, two fully coned off entrances weren't clear enough for one person and they mounted the pavement, drove across the grass and onto the forecourt. I just stared at the guy with disbelief as I said "Yeah, we're closed. The tills are broken and there's no way to authorise the pumps or make transactions." Some people scare me with their stupidity.


And I had definitely fully coned off the entrances, as earlier one car managed to fit between the cones and drive onto the forecourt.

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I'm on step from starting to tape oven gloves to my hands before heading to bed to prevent me from scratching my hands at night.

Woke up this morning and notice I had been bleeding a little from fingers due to scratching.


Everything related to eczema can just go ahead and stop existing.

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Not happy. Waiting on money clearing into my bank account. Should have been cleared today, as it's 3 working days since it was initially sent, but it's not available and there's no sign of it having been sent from checking online. :mad:


Always, always have problems with money going into and out of my account. Lloyds TSB really are shit. Hopefully it'll clear tomorrow otherwise I'm screwed as I need the money in my account. No point phoning up the bank as I'll just get bounded around on an automated service only to be told absolutely nothing.

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I bought frozen mince on someone's recommendation in my old "Own brand gems" thread.


It really isn't a gem. It just goes all soggy and horrible. I'd much rather pay the extra couple of quid for nice mince.



I also have a 4000 word report due on Friday noon which i started on Monday night, currently up to 2500 words...

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It's been a pretty worrying few days but it's all looking up now. It started on Monday with a phonecall I got at lunchtime whilst at work, my dad had been admitted to hospital. He had been feeling poorly at the weekend but it got progressively worse come Monday. Turns out his throat had completely closed up and he couldn't talk, swallow or breathe. Doctor said had he fallen asleep, he might not have woken up again. Went up to see him on Monday night and it was a bit of a harrowing sight if I'm honest. I don't mind hospitals, I've actually been in the same ward my Dad was in, but seeing him looking so poorly really shocked me. To me, my old man is the ultimate Iron man, i've never seen him take a day off work sick in the past 23 years i've been alive. He actually tried going into work on Monday but was shot down thankfully.


On a happier note, he got out today with a bag full of Drugs that would earn him millions on a street corner.

Edited by Jon
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It's been a pretty worrying few days but it's all looking up now. It started on Monday with a phonecall I got at lunchtime whilst at work, my dad had been admitted after being to hospital. He had been feeling poorly at the weekend but it got progressively worse come Monday. Turns out his throat had completely closed up and he couldn't talk, swallow or breathe. Doctor said had he fallen asleep, he might not have woken up again. Went up to see him on Monday night and it was a bit of a harrowing sight if I'm honest. I don't mind hospitals, I've actually been in the same ward my Dad was in, but seeing him looking so poorly really shocked me. To me, my old man is the ultimate Iron man, i've never seen him take a day off work Ill in the past 23 years i've been alive. He actually tried going into work on Monday but was shot down thankfully.


On a happier note, he got out today with a bag full of Drugs that would him millions on a street corner.


Damn man. Hope it all goes okay. There really is nothing worse than seeing a family member in hospital/in pain/unwell.

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