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bad stuff thread.


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Had a really nice time at uni today, really fun, we all had to create little sketches and act in front of the class as part of our scripting workshop thing. Also got a viewing of a LOVELY looking (inside at least) flat tomorrow.


But when I got back from uni I kinda...deflated. Hmm. Things are preying on my mind. Not even just weighing. Things are mounting. I'm tired, but sorta feel like people might call me later/wanna come round. *sigh*


Wash me away.



On the plus side: I feel like I never understood until now what a BRILLIANT song Like A Prayer was. The most pleasing aural experience.

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Wrote a message to my friend who I haven't talked to in ages, because he lives in America, because I've been feeling pretty shit recently. He hasn't responded.


I seem to always have to initiate contact. Why the Hell does no one message me out of the blue?!


I think I need to sort myself out. Started by locking my FB wall to everyone (But Rez, of course).


I contacted you out of the blue a few weeks ago with good news...even if it didn't pan out :heh:


I don't have a wall. You can't see any posts on it even if I did decided to.


This annoyed/confused me earlier. Assumed facebook fucked up. I wanted some Rebecca Black materials!

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Fuck 'em, I guess. People I see regularly, I have no problem with (if anything I can feel harassed sometimes). It's just people who it would take some slight effort to keep in contact with (Honestly, how much effort does it take to send a message on FB or by email?!).


Makes me wonder if I'm doing anything "wrong".




I don't have a situation. I fucking fed up of people commenting in a condescending way because I enjoy things like that stupid Rebecca Black video or just having fun in general.


Also, that's kind of the point. I'm uninvinting people to comment.


I apologise for what I mean if you thought I was attacking you in some way. I thought your reaction to no-one making the effort to talk to you was by closing off your wall. I didn't know it was for something different. Sozzzzzzzzzz!


Ashley you never contact me out of the blue :(

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I apologise for what I mean if you thought I was attacking you in some way. I thought your reaction to no-one making the effort to talk to you was by closing off your wall. I didn't know it was for something different. Sozzzzzzzzzz!


Ashley you never contact me out of the blue :(


I text you last week when I found out I had the clap.

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Yeah, I loved the out-of-the-blue-ness. Made my day.


I'm just trying this FB wall thing out. I'll probably break by the end of the weekend. Eitherway, I don't hold back on Tumblr. My posts are all tagged if you need some Rebecca Black stuffs. Tumblr feels like a more appropriate space for all that.


I apologise for what I mean if you thought I was attacking you in some way. I thought your reaction to no-one making the effort to talk to you was by closing off your wall. I didn't know it was for something different. Sozzzzzzzzzz!


No, totally my fault. Like most things it made sense in my head but the reality was mucho differento. Was just a blurring of rants. :heh:

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Yeah, I loved the out-of-the-blue-ness. Made my day.


I'm just trying this FB wall thing out. I'll probably break by the end of the weekend. Eitherway, I don't hold back on Tumblr. My posts are all tagged if you need some Rebecca Black stuffs. Tumblr feels like a more appropriate space for all that.


I didn't think of that at the time/I have facebook on all day at uni but not tumblr. I just wanted the 500 Days of Summer one and google helped me out.

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OMG, this is the shit I'm talking about. My friend says we should have lunch. I text him a couple days later and say we should have lunch on Friday. He's like 'Yeah, that's good.' I text him back (This is text exchange verbatim) "Yeah. I've got no lectures so let me know where and when." (I'm doing him a favour by cycling to him because he has work, save him some time and effort.)


No response to that and we carry on texting about Sunday Football (during which I state I'm pissed off about people not pulling their weight an shit because my other friend is not responding to my text about whether he is coming to football or not and there are limited numbers, basically SORT IT OUT PEOPLE).


He texts me just now "Have you forgotten our lunch date?"


I'm like... tumblr_li321afe761qd1rqo.gif


"You didn't text me any details."







I'm just not bothering any more. If people can't be bothered to take responsibility for themselves, I can't be bothered with them.

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When it's coming to drinking I'm starting to become more of a lightweight. I'm hoping it's because I'm tired but I've found myself being unable to drink as much as I once did. Last night I had only 3 pints and felt awful. Even woke up to go to the head and almost thought I'd throw up.

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I'm going re-insane again.


Every other day, for the last week and a half, I've gone round a family friend's house to help him flog on ebay a bunch of Beatles memorabilia he found in a skip. I'm doing it effectively pro bono, but with a 10% commission on anything sold. For at least 7 hours on each trip, I've been trying to do the following; catalogue the stuff, research the value, weigh the items, put them on ebay.


The problem is that the bloke who I'm doing it for was a total weedhead hippie for the last 30 years of his life and he is incapable of stringing two thoughts together without having a sit down in between. He wants me to pass by him all of the descriptions I'm writing, yet he forgets the first half of the sentence by the time he's heard the second half, so it takes literally five minutes for him to hear, understand and accept a single line of maybe 10 words. There are over 300 individual items he is trying to sell, so needless to say it's been a very long slog.


So I've put in easily 30 hours in the last week or so, not even asked for a penny yet, and the whole time I'm acutely aware that ebay is saturated with people selling beatles' stuff and nobody's buying anything. Theoretically his stuff is worth in total around £450, if it all got sold, so I'd only be looking at £45 (which tbf is a week's worth of money for me at the moment). Fact is I'll be lucky even to see £10, I think.


Still, despite the occasional need to vent, like this, it's been a good test of my patience. It's nice to at the least get out of the house frequently, ey.

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I'm going re-insane again.


Every other day, for the last week and a half, I've gone round a family friend's house to help him flog on ebay a bunch of Beatles memorabilia he found in a skip. I'm doing it effectively pro bono, but with a 10% commission on anything sold. For at least 7 hours on each trip, I've been trying to do the following; catalogue the stuff, research the value, weigh the items, put them on ebay.


The problem is that the bloke who I'm doing it for was a total weedhead hippie for the last 30 years of his life and he is incapable of stringing two thoughts together without having a sit down in between. He wants me to pass by him all of the descriptions I'm writing, yet he forgets the first half of the sentence by the time he's heard the second half, so it takes literally five minutes for him to hear, understand and accept a single line of maybe 10 words. There are over 300 individual items he is trying to sell, so needless to say it's been a very long slog.


So I've put in easily 30 hours in the last week or so, not even asked for a penny yet, and the whole time I'm acutely aware that ebay is saturated with people selling beatles' stuff and nobody's buying anything. Theoretically his stuff is worth in total around £450, if it all got sold, so I'd only be looking at £45 (which tbf is a week's worth of money for me at the moment). Fact is I'll be lucky even to see £10, I think.


Still, despite the occasional need to vent, like this, it's been a good test of my patience. It's nice to at the least get out of the house frequently, ey.


Can't you just steal it and sell it yourself? If he's as bad as you say he is, he won't remember where you live, if he even remembers he had any Beatles stuff at all.


Plus you wouldn't have to feel guilty since he found it in a skip.

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Survival tip for working in retail: Assume everyone is an idiot, it'll save you tons of hassle.


What got me through was being nice and agreeing with whatever they said. And if they don't like something, offer them a complaint form. Chances are they can't be arsed to fill in a form, so just storm off angry. Nothing points out how petty they're being than them admitting they can't be arsed to deal with it. Pisses them off a treat and no on can fault you for following procedure.


And if they do fill out the form, just say "He was just one of those people who complains at everything". Chances are your boss will sympathise, they must have dealt with people like it.


I offered 2 bellend customers complaint forms during my brief stint in retail. Didn't even know if we had any. Worked a fucking treat.

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My customers don't want complaint forms - they want to know why are range of beers aren't bigger. Or what the difference is between two different brands of tomato soup. Or why we have new baskets. Any chance we could order in a pallet of gin? Is it just the 20 bags of sugar we have on the shelf? Are you SURE you don't have any pints of the Organic milk left? Just the Thai ready meals on offer? But that's confusing!


So I smile and I try to help and see what we have and where else they can find what they need but I feel like a crazy person for doing it. The sane answer to all the above would be, in order - we're a small corner store for Christ's sake, I don't arsing know, we're not a goddamn wholesaler, baskets are baskets so deal, we have limited store and not a black hole that shits this stuff out, should've tried earlier then 10 minutes from closing time, it's written in plain fucking English on the fucking box what the fucking hell is wrong with you?


And it's just been that for 7 hours. Nothing violent. Nothing extraordinary. Just a constant stream of petty boring pernikity arseholes that no sane individual would take seriously unless they were paid to. Which I am and I hate myself for it.

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Ah, that sort of stupid. That didn't bother me too much. They were more annoying when they were stupid though since I was alone on the night shift, so I had to serve through a hatch. Anything the customer wanted, I had to fetch. Stupid customers had me running round that shop like a mental.


Like I said though, didn't bother me too much. The only ones that annoyed me were the arsey ones. Had one guy show up, fill his truck with £200 worth of petrol (the maximum amount allowed in one go), tried to pay on card, our system needed bank authorisation. I fannied around trying to ring the bank, which obviously didn't work at night, so I rang the boss. By this point he was getting pretty angry, so just ended up paying cash. HE HAD CASH IN HIS FUCKING POCKET THE WHOLE TIME! He must have known that the card might not work, why else would he be carrying that amount of cash? He stormed off after, calling me an arsehole in the process and claiming that he was never coming back. If I was close enough to the intercom thing, I would have told him that I wouldn't have served him if he did and probably called him a cunt (I did call him that, but he wouldn't have heard me). Good job I didn't get to the intercom, since he came back about a week later and I served him with the biggest "look who came crawling back, but I'm not going to mention it because I'm not a petty cunt like you" grin. He knew exactly what I was doing too. Fucking owned.

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And it's just been that for 7 hours. Nothing violent. Nothing extraordinary. Just a constant stream of petty boring pernikity arseholes that no sane individual would take seriously unless they were paid to. Which I am and I hate myself for it.


I can relate to that, in a kind of inverted way - my pupils are all nice and understand what can and can't be done and generally tolerate what appears at face value to be fairly stupid things like playing Bingo (the high pace changes number/letter recognition from translation to just knowing it).


One of my bosses, Fatih, on the other hand, hasn't got the faintest clue about running a school as a school as opposed to a generic business (he's not a teacher). After many explanations, he still can't understand why it's a problem sticking new students into classes without telling me, and sticking them into what ever time of class they/their parents want, regardless of the rest of the class' level, and then having a go at me when the new student says the class is too easy or the old class says it's too hard. If a kid is a beginner, tell the parents the beginner classes are, well at the times they already are. Don't tell them they can come whenever, because, quite frankly, they can't. I'm teaching other classes then.


Sticking pre-intermediate students into one of my absolute beginner classes is like sending someone who can do basic algebra into a lesson with people learning how to count to 10. It's fucking stupid.


I've had to take an extra 4 hours of classes at the weekend in order to teach two new kids that Fatih wanted to stick in the beginner class, despite the fact they're at least elementary. For everyone's sake (even mine), I've insisted they come to a new class.


The same boss had a go at me this morning for making him late as "I hadn't planned the lesson yet". Actually, I'd planned everything, but, as some students don't have books as he hasn't ordered them yet, I had to photocopy them the relevant pages, for 4 different classes. I would have done said photocopying last night, but a certain someone had moved the photocopier in the office (no prizes for guessing who), and then left early, locking the office. I got up early to do the photocopying this morning, but, funnily enough, I couldn't get into the office as he turned up late.


He also spent three weeks bugging me to make a placement test especially for kids, despite there being a perfectly good general one in existence. He couldn't understand how it could be used for kids as "they'll find the later stuff too hard". :blank: Oh, really? Maybe that would suggest they shouldn't be in an advanced class. Maybe if they can't do any of it, they should be in the beginner class. Maybe if they can get 10/40, they should be in the elementary class. Maybe if they get 20 out of 40, they should be in the pre-intermediate class. Maybe we should mark it like we normally do. Maybe it would act like, oh, I don't know, some kind of PLACEMENT TEST.


It's really not that fucking complicated:

- Give them a placement test

- Give it to me to mark

- Tell them/their parents what time the suitable classes are

- If they can do those times, great, add them to the register

- Get them a book

- If they can't do those times, tough shit, we're stretched to/beyond capacity in terms of space, mental state and contract hours. We can't make new classes, especially for individuals.

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Like I said though, didn't bother me too much. The only ones that annoyed me were the arsey ones. Had one guy show up, fill his truck with £200 worth of petrol (the maximum amount allowed in one go), tried to pay on card, our system needed bank authorisation. I fannied around trying to ring the bank, which obviously didn't work at night, so I rang the boss. By this point he was getting pretty angry, so just ended up paying cash. HE HAD CASH IN HIS FUCKING POCKET THE WHOLE TIME! He must have known that the card might not work, why else would he be carrying that amount of cash? He stormed off after, calling me an arsehole in the process and claiming that he was never coming back. If I was close enough to the intercom thing, I would have told him that I wouldn't have served him if he did and probably called him a cunt (I did call him that, but he wouldn't have heard me). Good job I didn't get to the intercom, since he came back about a week later and I served him with the biggest "look who came crawling back, but I'm not going to mention it because I'm not a petty cunt like you" grin. He knew exactly what I was doing too. Fucking owned.


I love (although I've heard you tell it before). Amazing though. A-mazing.


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Like I said though, didn't bother me too much. The only ones that annoyed me were the arsey ones. Had one guy show up, fill his truck with £200 worth of petrol (the maximum amount allowed in one go), tried to pay on card, our system needed bank authorisation. I fannied around trying to ring the bank, which obviously didn't work at night, so I rang the boss. By this point he was getting pretty angry, so just ended up paying cash. HE HAD CASH IN HIS FUCKING POCKET THE WHOLE TIME! He must have known that the card might not work, why else would he be carrying that amount of cash? He stormed off after, calling me an arsehole in the process and claiming that he was never coming back. If I was close enough to the intercom thing, I would have told him that I wouldn't have served him if he did and probably called him a cunt (I did call him that, but he wouldn't have heard me). Good job I didn't get to the intercom, since he came back about a week later and I served him with the biggest "look who came crawling back, but I'm not going to mention it because I'm not a petty cunt like you" grin. He knew exactly what I was doing too. Fucking owned.


I feel this. At the moment it's always "Price's gone up again" ... Yes, I've not heard that one before. "I remember the day when I could fill my tank with just 2 pounds and a drawing pin, and get change!"


Now it's "Why is the Tesco in {X} cheaper than here?" Because Tesco have this amazing strategy of only pricing competitively locally. I think their master plan is to undercut whoever's nearest, but by the smallest margin possible.


Do they make you do fuel surveys Goafmon? They keep harassing us to phone up local petrol stations and bug them for their prices. Every Tue/Thurs before midday [Always keeping them guessing] and once again they think we can drop everything* to phone around which most of the time they don't tell us. Which at present is hampered by the nearest Saisnbury's closing their petrol station for renovations so we've been inundated by their people. All complain over the payment system.


*Last situation: [at 11:57 last Tuesday]

Someone - "Who does the fuel survey over there?"

Me - "Whoever is here whenever we can."

Someone - "Ok can you do a fuel survey please? There should be three of you there."

Me - "At the moment, but one is going in the next 2 minutes"

Someone - "Can you get it done in the next 2 minutes?"

Me - "Probably not, one of them has gone over to the main store"

Someone - "Errm... We kinda need it done before 12..."

Me - "I'll see if I can make time"


I had no intention of trying to make any time. We were too busy anyway.

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*Last situation: [at 11:57 last Tuesday]

Someone - "Who does the fuel survey over there?"

Me - "Whoever is here whenever we can."

Someone - "Ok can you do a fuel survey please? There should be three of you there."

Me - "At the moment, but one is going in the next 2 minutes"

Someone - "Can you get it done in the next 2 minutes?"

Me - "Probably not, one of them has gone over to the main store"

Someone - "Errm... We kinda need it done before 12..."

Me - "I'll see if I can make time"


I had no intention of trying to make any time. We were too busy anyway.


Another classic example of how Tesco's communication methods and organisation skills are second to none...


...in being near next to fucking useless. :indeed:


It's good to know that it's not just the store where I work that employs this 'excellent' initiative.


Every(one) (doing very)little (to remedy the situation)helps... as they say.

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Another classic example of how Tesco's communication methods and organisation skills are second to none...


...in being near next to fucking useless. :indeed:


It's good to know that it's not just the store where I work that employs this 'excellent' initiative.


Every(one) (doing very)little (to remedy the situation)helps... as they say.

It doesn't fucking help that our boss has been off for ages and seems to be on indefinite leave. Just as she was about to start after having two weeks holiday we get a phone call saying she's going to be off another two weeks because her daughter's broken her leg, fine. Then it came to light boss has hurt her back whilst she was off. It's been almost two months since we've been expected to handle everything.


We've started not giving a shit and stealing stuff. We need till rolls/pay at pump rolls for outside, no matter how many times we phone up we get nothing. So we go over and take them. If the checkout supervisors have a problem they can phone up the managers and explain why we've had to shut down the petrol station due to lack of paper.

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Friday 18th March at 14:30pm. I turn out of office on and go home as I've done my scheduled hours for the week.



Monday 21st March at 7:00am when I return to work, see email that I revived at 17:45pm on Friday - All work related jargin which is fine, until I read -


"This need's be live by midday Monday!"


few things here -


A - Don't send someone a fucking email at 17:45pm on a Friday and expect it to be done by Midday Monday


B - If it is THAT important that it needs to be done by Midday Monday, when you get an out of office reply, why not try contacting me on my mobile - I'd of gladly taken overtime to do it.



Despite my bitching and moaning I have finished what they've asked for by bang on Midday today (hence why 6 minutes after i visit here :) ) however at the expense of delaying end of week reports and a lot of start of week requirements.





I'm okay now, I'm chilled, but my shit I wasn't a happy person at around 10am this morning when the goalposts were being moved.

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