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My Grandfather passed away yesterday :(


Sorry to hear that, best wishes to you and your family.





My bad bit for the day (although not in the same league as above) my Pro-5 game tonight is off as the team we're playing cancelled.... Booooo


oh well 3 points and plus 5 goals, and they are letting us use the pitch for 40 minutes tonight for free to practice on. But was really up for the game as the team we're playing were bottom of the league with no wins. Would imagine it would of been a walkover.

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Went to go look at a house/flat that would have been SO convenient...2 seconds from uni. My group and I kinda hyped it up the last few days, imagining how stunn it would be.


Saw it today and it was really "...". Just a top floor, 2 HUGE double-bed-rooms, and 2 TINY offices(more like supboards) that had become bedrooms. 1 shitty bathroom etc. We left, weary. *sigh*


We just wanted to sort out housing swiftly and easily. Now to join everyone else on the property hunt...ugh @ living far away.

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Went to go look at a house/flat that would have been SO convenient...2 seconds from uni. My group and I kinda hyped it up the last few days, imagining how stunn it would be.


Saw it today and it was really "...". Just a top floor, 2 HUGE double-bed-rooms, and 2 TINY offices(more like supboards) that had become bedrooms. 1 shitty bathroom etc. We left, weary. *sigh*


We just wanted to sort out housing swiftly and easily. Now to join everyone else on the property hunt...ugh @ living far away.



I wish you were dead.



Just share bedrooms, it's fine.

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Thanks you guys, feeling better about it today. Have to concentrate on the three essays that I have due in two weeks. It just takes my mind off it.


I feel for you. My Great Uncle passed away in his sleep just two days ago - I never met a gentler man or a better listener in my life. My family didn't even tell me he had gone into a nursing home.


Then I just got a note from Staffordshire saying that my fees were overdue... not that they ever bothered raising an invoice in the first place. Just told me that the amount was overdue in contradiction of a previous invoice that was paid. Stupid people.


"Oh, you have to pay within seven days, there's nothing I can do, it's University policy."


"Well, my policy is not to pay large sums of money to people who couldn't open a front door without detailed instructions."

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Wrote a message to my friend who I haven't talked to in ages, because he lives in America, because I've been feeling pretty shit recently. He hasn't responded.


I seem to always have to initiate contact. Why the Hell does no one message me out of the blue?!


I think I need to sort myself out. Started by locking my FB wall to everyone (But Rez, of course).

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Two of my friends at university have done this. I just stood out to me as weird. One you can't post anything on his wall although you can comment, whereas the other you can't even comment or post.


Obviously it is your choice to do that but it just looks weird and is rather off-putting.

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I seem to always have to initiate contact. Why the Hell does no one message me out of the blue?!


Yeah thats the same for me too. Annoying and awkward, because I no longer know how to initiate conversation with some people.

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Yeah thats the same for me too. Annoying and awkward, because I no longer know how to initiate conversation with some people.


Fuck 'em, I guess. People I see regularly, I have no problem with (if anything I can feel harassed sometimes). It's just people who it would take some slight effort to keep in contact with (Honestly, how much effort does it take to send a message on FB or by email?!).


Makes me wonder if I'm doing anything "wrong".


That just looks unsociable and uninviting. How is that supposed to help your situation?


I don't have a situation. I fucking fed up of people commenting in a condescending way because I enjoy things like that stupid Rebecca Black video or just having fun in general.


Also, that's kind of the point. I'm uninvinting people to comment.

Edited by Daft
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I used to think similarly to you.


Then I recalled all the "hey." conversations I used to hate on msn/facebook. Turns out these are people trying to make the effort! I felt bad since then.


In general it's tricky to just go "hey! how are you?" sincerely. Most people are all "Hey, how are you? DISREGARD THAT I WANT TO TALK ABOUT MYSELF!" Because of the ADD-addled internet generation that is Generation Why (us), we've shifted social paramaters. You don't just meet up with a mate at a place anymore - you don't just answer the phone when you want - you don't even respond to PMs or emails when you want - immediate social interaction is granted with texts and IMs and it's rare that both sides are necessarily 'primed' for a conversation.


If you're feeling out of touch with people there's only two things you can do. Make the effort to get in touch with them, or sit and get a brain eneurism wishing that they'll get in touch with you.

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Modern social networks also warp our perception of how 'social' we are/have to be. New thread tiem (Im-a start it instead of thripping, as it's kinda inspired me rather to steer discussion one way. Feel free to do the same, or request a thrip if you wish).

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Royal Mail is fucking taking the piss


Expecting some tickets for a night out on Saturday night, they were dealt with this weekend and sent first class.


Not only are they not here yet, but the post has been coming past 5 the last week. It's getting ridiculous

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Royal Mail is fucking taking the piss


Expecting some tickets for a night out on Saturday night, they were dealt with this weekend and sent first class.


Not only are they not here yet, but the post has been coming past 5 the last week. It's getting ridiculous


Oh good, someone else who isn't happy with the Royal Mail. I'm in the same boat when it comes to getting mail. If it comes, it doesn't come until late afternoon at earliest but the last few days it's not come at all and I'm waiting on things coming.


Similarly, I have a feeling that the parcel I posted yesterday (which didn't reach it's destination today which it should have although next day for recorded 1st class isn't guaranteed) may have gone to the wrong place. Looking at my receipt, the address was put in wrong and I don't believe the woman put the correct stickers on the box. Useless.

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Oh good, someone else who isn't happy with the Royal Mail. I'm in the same boat when it comes to getting mail. If it comes, it doesn't come until late afternoon at earliest but the last few days it's not come at all and I'm waiting on things coming.


Similarly, I have a feeling that the parcel I posted yesterday (which didn't reach it's destination today which it should have although next day for recorded 1st class isn't guaranteed) may have gone to the wrong place. Looking at my receipt, the address was put in wrong and I don't believe the woman put the correct stickers on the box. Useless.

It's just getting ridiculous, especially as it didn't come today. I'm getting incredibly pissed off considering I spent a decent amount of cash on these tickets for me and my friends.


There are two delivery possibilities left, and I'm getting increasingly concerned that they aren't going to arrive

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