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Something along the lines of they were clearing the driveway to "play a game". At 12:30 in the morning... Obviously I can't prove this

How they do they think this somehow justifies the situation? She was driving when she shouldn't have, why she was driving is irrelevant.

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Long story short. I was diagnosed with bone and lung cancer April last year. Since then I've had months of chemo and had my right leg amputated above the knee. Past month I've had two ops, one on each lung to remove as much of it as possible. I've been in hospital for the last 10 days and it's just really got to me recently. I just can't stop myself thinking that it might not be ok.


You are, hand on heart, one of the bravest people I have ever known, dude. I would never have guessed anything is wrong with you. I'm sorry to hear all of this is happening to you and if you ever need to talk or whatever, we're all here.


If you have an Xbox or a 3DS or whatever, feel free to add! :)

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Long story short. I was diagnosed with bone and lung cancer April last year. Since then I've had months of chemo and had my right leg amputated above the knee. Past month I've had two ops, one on each lung to remove as much of it as possible. I've been in hospital for the last 10 days and it's just really got to me recently. I just can't stop myself thinking that it might not be ok.


Holy fuck! that's awful MadDog,i just don't know what to say or where to begin, I suppose firstly mad props to you, you must have an iron will to cope with this so calmly

Secondly do not for a second doubt you will be okay, with determination you can and will overcome anything, don't let that self doubt cripple you, as cliche as it is positive thinking and keeping going does work

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How they do they think this somehow justifies the situation? She was driving when she shouldn't have, why she was driving is irrelevant.


She wasn't trying to justify it, just explain why she was driving a car that wasn't hers I think.

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She wasn't trying to justify it, just explain why she was driving a car that wasn't hers I think.

In this instance I would argue that they're the same thing. She's explaining that she was driving to "play a game". Yet I would wager that she would justify her driving* as "I was going to play a game".


She/boyfriend could throw in the works that he was too drunk (as you claimed one of them was drinking, based on circumstances it would reasonable to assume it would be the driver of the car, otherwise the whole excess mess wouldn't have occured) so she drove the car to prevent a drink driving accident. Clearly bullshit on any front, the fact that shit happened to your car as a result is bad luck. I remember driving when I learnt ten years ago and I would boast could probably drive a car now, despite not having a provisional licence** since due to being an epi I couldn't drive for a year. My lady wouldn't let me in the driving seat if she was completely bladdered. TO SUMMARISE: There's no excuse dude.


I've had too much to drink tonight but I've paced this shit out so I can do these kind of posts. I should sleep soon.



*I use the term loosely based on the results thereof.


**Lost it out on the piss

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Yeah. I haven't had time to make the claim yet, but what will likely happen is that the insurance company will pay market value for the car and take it off my hands, since the repairs would obviously be more than the car is worth at this point.



I'd say try the insurance and see what they offer.


I was very much the same as you, my car was written off (2,000 worth of damage, over that in fact, nobody could really tell except it was just 'its a lot.)


Anyway, the car was worth about £1000 at this point. I'd be lucky if I got £1,500.


The 3rd party (aka tesco) gave me an option:


1600 to keep the car but they'd pay me that or 1985 to let them take it.


It was quite easy to see what I did because once a car is written off you have to tell people and it makes it realllly hard to sell on. :(

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What the fuck did they do for that?




She damaged my back bumper, so that was cracked, but she also shifted my boot out of alignment, so my whole back end (you could see it if you lifted the spare tyre up if you could even get the boot open in the first place) was about 2 inches out of line. There was other things but that was basically it.


She hit me into a busy roundabout twice (once for initial hit and then she took her foot off the clutch and was still in gear so the car shunted forward again.)

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I'm finally feeling normal again :awesome:


I'm getting a little pissed off with all this medical stuff. My dermatology nurse contacted me directly when they found out I was in hospital, and kinda told me off for not getting in touch with them. But its a bit like... hey... I saw 3 different GPs and not one of them told me that it was *critical* that I stopped the meds I'm on. As in it would have exacerbated the infection enough to give me sepsis and possibly be fatal....


Great faith in the NHS, yo

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In this instance I would argue that they're the same thing. She's explaining that she was driving to "play a game". Yet I would wager that she would justify her driving* as "I was going to play a game".


She/boyfriend could throw in the works that he was too drunk (as you claimed one of them was drinking, based on circumstances it would reasonable to assume it would be the driver of the car, otherwise the whole excess mess wouldn't have occured) so she drove the car to prevent a drink driving accident. Clearly bullshit on any front, the fact that shit happened to your car as a result is bad luck. I remember driving when I learnt ten years ago and I would boast could probably drive a car now, despite not having a provisional licence** since due to being an epi I couldn't drive for a year. My lady wouldn't let me in the driving seat if she was completely bladdered. TO SUMMARISE: There's no excuse dude.


I've had too much to drink tonight but I've paced this shit out so I can do these kind of posts. I should sleep soon.



*I use the term loosely based on the results thereof.


**Lost it out on the piss


I'm not saying it's acceptable in any way. The boyfriend didn't have a license either. Personally, I hope they deport her, but I can't see that happening unless the owner of the car she was driving presses charges for theft. The cop said she'd likely just get a huge fine and not be able to get a license in Canada for a very long time. The insurance company will also likely go after her for the damage to the three vehicles.

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My beautiful and lovely dog Fabel just passed away this morning. One month shy of being 9 years old, I wasn't ready yet to lose her. I wish I could've seen her one more time; I was already missing her but now I will never see this cute face again. :(





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So they are properly trying to defraud everyone? is it a crime to provide false information like that? would it be info the police would like to know about? sound like real scummy people who deserve all they get


They let me photocopy the registration. No way they could have faked that in the time it took them to find it. It's possible the owner of the car let his registration lapse, since he's out of town. Or it could just have been an error of the insurance company.

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My beautiful and lovely dog Fabel just passed away this morning. One month shy of being 9 years old, I wasn't ready yet to lose her. I wish I could've seen her one more time; I was already missing her but now I will never see this cute face again. :(


I'm sorry to hear that Ine. :(


Best wishes to you, Jim and your family in Belgium.


It's never easy to lose a pet - as they're like one of the family - but at least she must have had a good life.

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Broke a tooth, not registered with a dentist (dumbass me) so I'm having to go privately and pay through the nose.


It was just chipped at first until I took a whack to the face playing football and a piece of the tooth broke off.


EDIT: Got it fixed, thankfully all my other teeth are good, just needed a filling, my first one... I thought it looked much worse, haha.

Edited by Kav
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First World Problem Alert!


So, went to Vegas a couple of weeks back for ten days... loved it. came out up $200 from the slots and tables, stayed out all night just walking around, talking to people, went on a helicopter, rode the High Roller, the coaster at New York, New York... now I'm back, I desperately want to return! There's so much I missed, and all I can do is think about being there again. Such a beautiful city surrounded by beautiful country.

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