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bad stuff thread.


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My boyfriend.


This is my boyfriend of a year and a half. We're long distance but see each other as regularly as we can. I love him.




We just are both geeks who like Pokemon, Doctor Who and ... well... cock I guess.


He's just been really GOOD to me (Good Things Thread) and made me feel really happy and good about myself. So that's good.

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Anyone who calls you a faggot is not your friend



see the nice boys

dancing in pairs

golden earring, golden tan

blow-wave in the hair

sure they're all straight, straight as a line

all the guys are macho

see their leather shine


you don't want to sound dumb

don't want to offend

so don't call me a faggot

not unless you are a friend

then if you're tall

handsome and strong

you can wear the uniform and i could play along









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I'm so distraught at how shit the video to Kanye West's All Of The Lights is.





There're some nice visual bits in there, but I hate the start, the over-reliance on seizure-inducing text and lights, and the fact you just know it was filmed in one day/an afternoon.

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Hey, it could be worse... Not a bad song, actually. It's not a classic, but not bad my any means...


The song is one of my favourites. Just so... brilliant. Like gives off life and light.


Everyone is there. Rihanna; Yes. Fergie; Yess. Elton John; Of course. Everyone is loving the feeling.


The video just feels awful. Really so underwhelming. So stagnant and stale.

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I've been denied all the best ultra sex

I've been denied all the best ultra sex

I... I tried to consume just like a super faggot

I got some dude

how can y'all give a mutha fucka something so good he couldn't say no

you nailed me hard

I love em when they don't give a mutha fuckin' shit

I could have been someone

instead of falling flat upon my ass

dig me now, fuck me later

and sing it to the tune of faggot faggot faggot ohhh

dig me now and fuck me later

and sing it like that...

I've been denied all the best ultra sex

I've been denied all the best ultra sex

I.....I could have been a star

it freaks me out when I sound just like my mom

I couldve rocked the spot

instead of being just another faggot like I am

I played that shit straight

blowin' suckas to the side hopin' I get laid

now everybody knows

no way in hell I can ever live it down

dig me now, fuck me later

and sing it to the tune of faggot faggot faggot ohhh

dig me now, fuck me later

and sing it like that....

I've been denied all the best ultra sex

I've been denied all the best ultra sex

I could have been someone

instead of falling flat upon my ass

dig me now, fuck me later

and sing it to the tune of faggot faggot faggot ohhh

dig me now, fuck me later

and sing it like that....

I've been denied all the best ultra sex

I've been denied all the best ultra sex


faggot faggot faggot faggot

faggot faggot faggot faggot

faggot faggot faggot faggot

faggot faggot faggot faggot

Much better.
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This morning I watched Fun House on Challenge and a part of my childhood died when I realised just how awful it really was. I always knew the karts were stupidly slow so that wasn't a problem but I remember the twins being hot (they most definitely aren't), the prizes were worse than I remember and it was just... crap.

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This morning I watched Fun House on Challenge and a part of my childhood died when I realised just how awful it really was. I always knew the karts were stupidly slow so that wasn't a problem but I remember the twins being hot (they most definitely aren't), the prizes were worse than I remember and it was just... crap.


Pat Sharp is awesome though.

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Out last night and there were some people from my secondary school on the bus. And then out of nowhere, they started chanting, "Diego is a faggot." Like 5 of them. And one of them, says they meant it in the nicest possible way. What nice way could I have possibly taken that? Anyway, I just ignored it, and moved to a seat further away, thought they would get bored. I basically got over it.


But today I can't stop thinking about it. Thinking I should have said something. I'm most annoyed that I can't stop thinking about it. GURRRR.


My new college friends defended me though, that was nice, and unexpected. But I keep thinking about the negative side instead of the positive one that my friends defended me.


Yes I got bits of that shit when I was in secondary school.


I get pleasure knowing that I'm BETTER than them though. You are better than them now. You are in college. I'd wager most of them are working in Dunnes or shit. You obviously have better friends now.


Personally I NEVER mind gay jokes and whatever but the minute someone says it in a malicious way or tries to offend me... I will snap. :)


Kerry Katona was on my TV.


God i hate that woman.


It's a real shame you can't BLOCK certain people from her tv isn't it.

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I conquered the bullies by completely ignoring them and moving on with my day...:) MCJ is right, most of them will never get that far in life because of their attitude. I know one of the people who used to torment me (the ringleader) is now unemployed with very little achievement in life other than drinking :P

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Anyone who calls you a faggot is not your friend


While I agree, I do have one particular friend who I insinuate/flatout call gay all the time in various rude manners. He isn't really, but it is funny. He watches My Little Pony FFS, records it so he doesn't miss the episode! He's begging to be made fun of.

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Yet another rejection for work. You know this country sucks in the employment for young people, when you can't even get work in ANY of the supermarket chains, warehouse work or practically anywhere. I'm trying my damn hardest to get work, and it doesn't seem to be good enough. I've had rejections from Asda, Tesco, Sainsburys, Waitrose, Co-operative, Wilkinsons. Even rejections for the warehouse jobs, i just can't get myself anywhere and i've had enough of it now.

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LONG POST, but read it. It explains recent not huge activity from me.



No idea if this is the good or bad thread but I am aiming for it to be the bad thread.




Literally so sad recently. Claire said something to me yesterday which summed it up "Its sad/I get worried when you're not yourself."


So many things. Right. Supposed to be saving up to move out but almost seems like everything is against (me) recently.


Last few weeks have just been stupid though, more really with happiness than money.


So back in the swing of full time job. (Hours are 9-5:30) with 45 minutes for lunch. So yeah back to fucking stupid life bullshit where the weekends fucking vanish. The job itself....lel. God. Just. Ugh. Right so I kind of work with two different sides of the business. In the morning I do like all orders and stuff for shops....which is fine...it is easy stuff and i really don mind doing it. The thing is...there is fuck all work for me to do. There are two other people in the job that do it all day...yet I finish what Im allotted at likke 10am....like...I need to be given more responsibility or something. And they know this...but nothing happens.


The actual manager seems nice enough usually but...ugh...some things she does like...hounding on (one of the nicest guys there) because he couldnt describe a fucking poster to a customer....in the middle of a team meeting she hounds on this guy...first time it happened I felt so fucking awkward. Should have been discussed with him 121. Also she is fucking blind to the arse lickers...thinks the sun shines out of their ass...and apparently doesnt care that one of them constantly has the most errors.


So yes, the morning sucks but would be good if I haf stuff to do. But i dont so it drags.


The afternoon....training hasnt been amazing tbh. i was passed off like ....loads of work (three regions) to look after and administer...wasnt given much training and they just expect me to do it...i mean i am getting to grips with it now but its still difficult. and i cant always ask for help cos the trainer is on the phone...like he needs to be alloted timeto sit with me off the phone. I dunno. but beyond thatl...the work itself is so boring...its all paperwork and spreadsheets for customer queries...whihc are usually all the same thing (or at least along the same lines) (yet complicated as there may be different ways to deal - which is why its annoying/difficult) but Im literally like...only dealing with the paperwork and emails that come in regarding them and like the spreadsheets(s) so it seems really boring. I dunno.


So that is kind of getting me down. Then just bullshit things happen all the time. Last week got a parking ticket, customs charg and other shit. this week I puked up yesterday, felt sick and horrible all day at work, oh my car battery was dead yesterday....charged it last night, then this morning it transpires that something is fucked with the central locking now!! So rang up a inute to go to see how many fucking hundreds of pounds that might take to fix. Only rang a few places but the only answer I got was £40 for one day labour then plus whatever is wrong with it....shit like this that hangs in the background all the time. Why is this shit happeneninig. it just makes me so stressed on top of everything.





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