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bad stuff thread.


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Sorry to hear about all your troubles guys. Hope you are okay Diageo, sounds like lots of drama. =(




I am currently having a bad moment, missing my home and family. Just had a short Skype session with them and they were all sitting outside in the sun, about to have a nice dinner together. I miss those moments.

And I know I will be going home for a short week in August, but it's not really the same. =(


I'm with you there chuck. Seeing my sister in Malta after nearly three years was fucking heartbreaking. I imagine its going to be just the same when my parents move into the French house they just got.




I have nothing really that would help, but I hope you'll be ok. :heart:

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It's like, I'm totally a nice and happy person but if somebody does something rude or nasty, I'll call it out on them. It's how I've fell out with a lot of people but as I've always said "I'd rather have no friends than have horrible people in my life"






I had two fantastic cases today - One was a pair of noisy kids and the other was this guy sitting next to me on the metro train. He must have been about 50-odd and had a plastic bottle he was constantly crackling...I just turned my head slowly and stared at him until he looked at me. Then I politely put a finger to my lips and said "shush". He put the bottle under his arm and muttered in Chinese "Fucking foreigner, you're a dog." I smiled sweetly and replied in Chinese "Dogs bite, feel like trying me?" His face turned instantly red and he pretended to be asleep.


Then there were these two children on the station platform - running around literally screaming as their mother and father encouraged them to fight each other, I stepped behind her and called a friend of mine and started shouting in Chinese down the phone "HEY MAN, I'M STANDING HERE WITH A BUNCH OF FUCKING PEASANTS AND THEIR CHILDREN - WHAT'S THE CORRECT RESPONSE? HIT THE PARENTS OR THE KIDS?"


Again, sudden red faces and quiet.

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I had two fantastic cases today - One was a pair of noisy kids and the other was this guy sitting next to me on the metro train. He must have been about 50-odd and had a plastic bottle he was constantly crackling...I just turned my head slowly and stared at him until he looked at me. Then I politely put a finger to my lips and said "shush". He put the bottle under his arm and muttered in Chinese "Fucking foreigner, you're a dog." I smiled sweetly and replied in Chinese "Dogs bite, feel like trying me?" His face turned instantly red and he pretended to be asleep.


LOL! "Dogs bite, feel like trying me?"...single best response to that! Good for you though!

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Really need to get my arse in gear submitting my thesis this week, but i feel generally unhappy with it, with a vague sense of unease about the viva.


It's all going to go terribly wrong, i know it.

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I'll try and keep this brief and in some kind of logical order.


My aunt's husband is an awful, lazy, piece of shit who gladly abuses the benefits system. In the past he has taken my cousin's laptop and ipod because his broke and she (my aunt) always takes his side over that of her kids about anything. For Christmas I gave my cousin my old HP TouchPad under the pretence of "this is for your exams [she's just finished high school] to help you revise". She knew that I meant it is hers forever, but he is not to get his hands on it. Just found out that his laptop has broken so he has taken it off her, and worse still is refusing to let her use it. My mother and nan found this out yesterday and my aunt and her husband seemed quite agitated that they took issue with that. We've decided to give it a bit of time then I'm going to get in touch with my aunt saying I've sold the tablet for over the odds and want it back, although it will end up at my nan's.


It's one of the many things that we've had to hide at my nan's because of either neglect (my aunt is useless at keeping anything like clothes in decent condition and his two other children are destructive kids) or because my cousins (aged 16 and 9) know that it will get sold. My mother asked my cousin about the necklace I got her for her birthday and thankfully she does still have that, but there is a fear that if she doesn't wear it often enough (which is understandable if she doesn't as it's not really an everyday necklace) they'll sell it. If they did I think I'd pay the ridiculous same day train fare and go up there to confront them as that was £70 and it would be incredibly out of line. Hopefully it won't come to that, but contemplating the possibility isn't some dramatic hypothetical unfortunately.


I'd report him as a benefit cheat (as he refuses to work because his back (read: he's an overweight piece of shit)) if it wasn't for the fact that any blowback would fall on my cousins (i.e. his temper, less money etc). And apparently he did some cash in hand work recently too. A part-time job came up recently at a shop and he told my cousin to apply, but he wouldn't even fathom applying himself. They're making her do an early-morning paper round that she hates, simply because they want her money and want her to be back in time to get her brother up and ready for school (as they like a lie in), as well as look after their 2 year old. They've apparently been taking the money she got for her birthday, which she wanted to save for uni, and refusing to open a bank account for her (even though legally she can do it, she's in a difficult situation).


My cousin is being forced to live with the world on her shoulders and it just chokes me up. She needs to get out of that house and not sure if she can last the two years until uni. Plus, she is very protective of her brother as she's essentially been his mother for the last few years so even though she could go to my mother's or nan's, she's afraid of leaving him alone. Plus his father left him as a young child and he's always been on the lookout for a male figure in his life and unfortunately at the moment that's the dick my aunt married. If it came to a situation where he would be asked to choose, he'd probably choose to stay but its Stockholm syndrome more than anything else.


My mother, her husband, my nan and grandad and cousins are going on holiday next month and I'm popping down for a day or two. Ultimately we're going to have to come up with some kind of plan, which is a ridiculous thing to be doing for your 16 year old cousin. Just... the fuckers. Fucking dicks.



Although had to laugh. It's been three days since I last spoke to my mother and she ended with "so not a lot has happened really". Just the above, my mother's husband's sister-in-law having a nervous breakdown this morning and turning up on their door (about 15 miles away) at 8am, my brother quitting his job and some kind of ruckus involving some wasted teenagers in a pub. Just another normal 3 days.


Further to this, it's gotten worse and doesn't look like it's going to let up soon. This is what I've been up to tonight:




And Facebook is to grab proof, while the order confirmation is for the HP Touchpad that he's holding onto. May be reporting that as stolen.

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Further to this, it's gotten worse and doesn't look like it's going to let up soon. This is what I've been up to tonight:




And Facebook is to grab proof, while the order confirmation is for the HP Touchpad that he's holding onto. May be reporting that as stolen.


I despise benefit cheats. I paid a rididulous amount of tax back when I paid tax on my business in the UK, and the thought of even 50p ending up in the hands of some lazy bastard makes me furious.


Before University I had to work at three jobs just to have enough to pay my accomodation costs and books, then when I got there, I did a 20-hour study week and a 24+ hour working week to stay afloat.

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So I know that this is a bad stuff thread but I don't exactly feel bad about this, I'm not so bothered but my account on YouTube was suspended or something (can't say for sure but I have a pretty good idea anyway). I'm not exactly sure what has happened but it says my videos were removed and stuff. I looked at my inbox and found a bunch of racist remarks there such as "Go home sandni**er" and stuff, you know, the usual shit I got on there anyway so maybe it's something to do with those trolls. Anyway, I closed the Google+ account associated with it so nobody can access it now.


Anyway, I decided that I couldn't be bothered with trying to reactivate my account or whatever but I'll still make reaction videos for @ReZourceman through my weight loss channel I created but it won't have a like/dislike bar or a comments section because the channel is really for me, my friends and family who wanted me to create it.

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Every time I go to the dermatologist for a review, she always stresses how important it is that I check for lumps. The drug I'm on seems to have a risk of lymphatic cancers.


This morning I found a lump in my neck.. :( Its probably nothing but the constant RED ALERT WARNING i keep getting has scared me :(

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...It's like, I'm totally a nice and happy person but if somebody does something rude or nasty, I'll call it out on them...




I had two fantastic cases today - One was a pair of noisy kids and the other was this guy sitting next to me on the metro train. He must have been about 50-odd and had a plastic bottle he was constantly crackling...I just turned my head slowly and stared at him until he looked at me. Then I politely put a finger to my lips and said "shush". He put the bottle under his arm and muttered in Chinese "Fucking foreigner, you're a dog." I smiled sweetly and replied in Chinese "Dogs bite, feel like trying me?" His face turned instantly red and he pretended to be asleep.


Then there were these two children on the station platform - running around literally screaming as their mother and father encouraged them to fight each other, I stepped behind her and called a friend of mine and started shouting in Chinese down the phone "HEY MAN, I'M STANDING HERE WITH A BUNCH OF FUCKING PEASANTS AND THEIR CHILDREN - WHAT'S THE CORRECT RESPONSE? HIT THE PARENTS OR THE KIDS?"


Again, sudden red faces and quiet.


Hold on Iun, you've quoted Animal there and yet you've been rude yourself. "Shushing" somebody is not polite, asking them if they would please stop the crackling would have been polite. A teacher shushes their pupils, not out of politeness, it's an order to them.


If I was that guy I'd have smiled and asked to see how hard you bite, then I'd have slapped you about.


As for the kids, you could've just politely asked the parents to ask their children to calm down. Seriously, if someone had said what you had said (hitting them) about my children (albeit I don't have any), I'd have laid you out flat! Goodnight to you there and then on the spot!


If you'd gone about it politely I'd have done as you'd asked.

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Currently working on a study with incredibly tight timings (normally we have 3-4 weeks to write a report, with this study we have 8 business days). Yesterday I found out that the study had been delayed due to some data being missing (i.e. it hadn't been done). I spent the whole day chasing it up, trying to rectify it. Got to work this morning, check through my emails, and find out it's my fault. The study has now been delayed by 4 days, meaning we have only 4 days to write the report.


I managed to get away with a light rolicking (at least so far, I have a feeling that more will come afterwards), although I'm pretty certain both of my managers' estimations of me have gone way down (I think one already had a less than positive opinion of me, but now I'm screwed).


I was only planning on sticking it out for another 6-12 months. Another incident light this and I might break out the CV a little earlier than planned.

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Hold on Iun, you've quoted Animal there and yet you've been rude yourself. "Shushing" somebody is not polite, asking them if they would please stop the crackling would have been polite. A teacher shushes their pupils, not out of politeness, it's an order to them.


If I was that guy I'd have smiled and asked to see how hard you bite, then I'd have slapped you about.


As for the kids, you could've just politely asked the parents to ask their children to calm down. Seriously, if someone had said what you had said (hitting them) about my children (albeit I don't have any), I'd have laid you out flat! Goodnight to you there and then on the spot!


If you'd gone about it politely I'd have done as you'd asked.




I'm just not going to bother responding to you, as there's no way I can be polite about it. I tried three replies already. So in the interests of not starting an argument: "Says you".

Edited by Iun
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Every time I go to the dermatologist for a review, she always stresses how important it is that I check for lumps. The drug I'm on seems to have a risk of lymphatic cancers.


This morning I found a lump in my neck.. :( Its probably nothing but the constant RED ALERT WARNING i keep getting has scared me :(

One time I was at work I thought I felt a lump on my testicles, running full throttle to the toilet to check it out I found out it was just a big spot on my balls. A MASSIVE relief.


True story.



You'll be fine lasseh :kiss:

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So I know that this is a bad stuff thread but I don't exactly feel bad about this, I'm not so bothered but my account on YouTube was suspended or something (can't say for sure but I have a pretty good idea anyway). I'm not exactly sure what has happened but it says my videos were removed and stuff. I looked at my inbox and found a bunch of racist remarks there such as "Go home sandni**er" and stuff, you know, the usual shit I got on there anyway so maybe it's something to do with those trolls. Anyway, I closed the Google+ account associated with it so nobody can access it now.


Anyway, I decided that I couldn't be bothered with trying to reactivate my account or whatever but I'll still make reaction videos for @ReZourceman through my weight loss channel I created but it won't have a like/dislike bar or a comments section because the channel is really for me, my friends and family who wanted me to create it.


Thats really bad!! Cant believe people were being racist on your youtube channel!


You ought to have replied and attacked them with another vid.


Hate the haters!

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I'm just not going to bother responding to you, as there's no way I can be polite about it. I tried three replies already. So in the interests of not starting an argument: "Says you".


I wasn't trying to start an argument, it's just I found it hypocritical how you'd quoted Animal saying he disliked people being rude yet you were rude yourself.


And yes, says me.

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Thats really bad!! Cant believe people were being racist on your youtube channel!


You ought to have replied and attacked them with another vid.


Hate the haters!


I usually would have done but I saw no point to it, really. It's just going to go in a never-ending circle and the inbred twats who probably look like they belong in a Wrong Turn movie probably wouldn't understand anyway.


I actually had someone telling me that I was being racist because I said the people being racist were wrong, lol. I'm not fussed anyway, if I want to make videos again, I'll make another vlog account but I've decided to get back into reviewing movies. I've had a year break from it and I'm missing it so...yeah...might even make a YouTube reviewing movies. I don't know yet but all I know is that I'm done with vlogs.

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I wasn't trying to start an argument, it's just I found it hypocritical how you'd quoted Animal saying he disliked people being rude yet you were rude yourself.


And yes, says me.


I am a hypocrite, yes. I advocate peaceful resolution of conflict, but I'll happily batter someone who tries to cheat me out of a good night's sleep.

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