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sounds really petty and silly, however... my quads and hamstring muscles have grown so much that my jeans no longer fit... so now I'm living in the baggy trousers that do fit. I am so against buying a size up out of damn principle...!



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My Car is going for a service and MOT on Thursday. I've got a pretty bad feeling about how much it'll cost. The check engine light is on, the tyres i'm sure will need replacing, the car makes so many awful noises when I break. I'm expecting a big bill Friday morning :|

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My Car is going for a service and MOT on Thursday. I've got a pretty bad feeling about how much it'll cost. The check engine light is on, the tyres i'm sure will need replacing, the car makes so many awful noises when I break. I'm expecting a big bill Friday morning :|


Had my MOT today. Just over five hundred quids worth of work to pass the MOT. Insurance to sort out by the 1st.. I am cry.

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Wow... how much is that compared to the value of the car itself?


That's the worst part. The repairs probably cost the same as the car, it's 13 years old but with only 30k on the clock with one previous owner. However I wasn't in the position (financially or time wise) to go hunting down a new vehicle.


This time next year I should be looking at getting something newer.

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That's the worst part. The repairs probably cost the same as the car, it's 13 years old but with only 30k on the clock with one previous owner. However I wasn't in the position (financially or time wise) to go hunting down a new vehicle.


This time next year I should be looking at getting something newer.


My cars valued at £1100 at the moment (apparently), if the MOT bill is half the value of the car i'll be pretty pissed.


Want a new car, but it's hard having nice new things while saving for a wedding. April 26th 2014 cannot arrive soon enough.

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That's the worst part. The repairs probably cost the same as the car, it's 13 years old but with only 30k on the clock with one previous owner. However I wasn't in the position (financially or time wise) to go hunting down a new vehicle.


This time next year I should be looking at getting something newer.


My car is in that situation, 50k on the clock, 12 years old. No major repairs (about 300ish in stuff outside of the normal service in 3 years) but I fear that something big will come soon =( Just gets to the point where even if the engine was perfect, the entire structure of the car falls to bits. I love my car and I'd hate to ever part with it =(

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^my dad and my step-mum just have wills that sort all that shit out. Does that not work in France? Maybe the difference is I'm fairly sure the house was co-signed, rather than just 'owned' by my dad.


(before they went to india my step-mum, the neurotic worrier she is, not only showed me where the wills were located but started telling me exactly who gets what and... yeah that was awkward. I don't want to know that shit just yet, fanks.)


Are you Dad and Step-Mum not married? Surely she would get everything (unless otherwise specified in his will)?


My parents are married, my step-mother has legally adopted me in the UK, but she would need to adopt me in France too, hence the birth certificate. If anything happened to Dad in France, the next of kin is me and my sister, it goes by family rather than marriage, so mum would be left with pretty much nothing from my Dad. If my step-mum dies first, its not an issue.


@jayseven - we're not currently sure. Its still being looked into, my parents are certainly going to have wills to ensure me and my sister get everything my parents have if they both die (which will save me a lot of stress dealing with both sides of the family who can and will be ruthless.)


But yeah, even still, the will will ensure that we get the stuff, the problem is also to ensure that me and my sister don't have to pay inheritance tax on what my parents own, that could potentially end up as quite a large sum of money and leave me and my sister having to sell everything to pay it back.


TD;LR Basically lots of red tape, in French, headspin.

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Work has been totally horrible this week. We are award winningly amazing, and usually have zero calls waiting at all times (basically). This week we've had between 10 - 30 calls waiting all the time. I hate. I hate. I hate.


I can't even remember if I said this on here....my brain is so fried.

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That sounds rather horrible. Hang in there.


***warning graphic image***


It's absolute torture. My nose is swollen and painful, and I've gone through about a full roll of tissue paper today, just wiping the blood and mucous that's dripping out of my nose. I hope it's not like this for the whole two weeks.

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Sounds dreadful, dude. Hope you recover soon.


Thanks. I hope it's going to get slightly better in a few days.



On a related note, Doncaster hospital is absolutely shit. I've always gone to Chesterfield before, which (by comparison at least) is a very good hospital. When I've had operations at Chesterfield, I've gone straight to a ward, where I've got changed, left my stuff, and been able to relax and read a book or something whilst I wait. Then when it's time, they've wheeled the bed to the theatre.


At Doncaster, I received no indication of where to go in the hospital, other than "Theatre Admissions unit", which for a hospital with 6 different entrances, isn't much help. I went to the out-patients entrance (which was where I went for the pre-assessment) and to the reception. I stood waiting at the reception, for 5 minutes. There were four receptionists on the desk. One was taking a phonecall, one was on the computer, talking to another stood behind her, and one was stood at the printing, waiting for a larger amount of documents to be printed (just stood waiting, not doing anything). This was the same reception, that when I went for the pre-assessment, witnessed a man and child stood waiting for around 20 minutes or more, only to be told he was at the wrong place. In fact, those five minutes would have been longer, had it not been for my mother (who had given me a lift) hijacking one of the receptionists who was clocking off, and asking her (who, after some deliberation, pointed me in a direction, that was completely the opposite to the way the sign was point). I followed the sign, discovering about 300 yards later, that the woman was probably right, as there were detour signs, only visible to those coming the opposite way, meaning I had to head back on myself.


At the Theatre Admissions Unit, I had to wait over 4 hours in the waiting room. I did have a TV to keep me company, which was playing Prime Ministers question time. After about 45 minutes of this, a nurse came over and said, "I think we've had enough of politics" and changed over to Loose Women. This was followed by more ITV shite, where people go to each others houses, and rate the decor, like some sort of shit, budget Come Dine With Me knock off.


Then I was hearded into a room, where I got changed, and had to wait another 30 minutes or so before having to walk across the hospital, wearing my open backed gown, to the theatre. I handed the nurse my bag, who said it would be sent up to the ward.


When I come round, I spend a while in the recovery room, before being wheeled of to the ward, where I seemed to have one of the only two beds in the whole ward that had been there since the '80s. The nurse told me that she would bring me some sandwiches, but she then disappeared. None of the other nurses bothered to come assist me, and my stuff was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't until my parents arrived for visiting, that my father asked the nurse about my stuff. No response, so my mother asked about my stuff, and food. I received both, and this food was the worst sandwich I've ever had. A small, dry tuna sandwich (and I mean, just tuna, on bread) that would be a disappointment at a primary school disco buffet.


Come this morning, the nurse told me that the doctors would be over soon, to discharge me. Sure enough the doctors came (about 6 of them). The entire conversation that we had went as follows:


"How are you feeling?"

"Not bad, thank you."

"OK, I'll get you discharged. I'll give you some nasal spray to spray up your nose, and some cream to put up your nose 30 minutes after that." (No indication of how often or for how long.)


And then he walked away. As he wandered off, a little bemused, I asked, "Am I not able to blow my nose for two weeks?" (Clearly I wanted a little bit more information about the whole thing.) How looked over his shoulder, uttered "that's correct" and walked off. Six doctors, and all I got was a 30 second interaction.


Thankfully the nurse that morning was much more friendly and helpful, and it was her who gave me my medication and explained everything to me.


So, all in all, a pretty unpleasant experience. If I have to have another operation, I'll either use my private healthcare, or specifically request Chesterfield. I've always been an avid defender of the NHS, but if most hospitals are like Donny, I can see why people hate it.

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Moogle, that's a shambles, you should file an official complaint about that treatment. >_<


I mean like, you have your wits about you... what would it be like for some poor half senile patient :/


Even without my parents, I could have gone without any food, and my belonging could have gotten lost.


The reservations I have with complaining, is that there were four nurses who were nice and kind, and I don't them to end up getting into trouble (I can only remember one of their names as well).


There's another thing I forgot to mention. I had some dressing on my nose to catch the bleeding. It would get full with blood, and blood would start trickling down onto my mouth and down my face. Every time I had to ask for it to be changed.

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oh yeah I forgot why I came here


My car was manufactured in 2001, so its a fair age. Get a letter in the door today saying that my car needs to be recalled because "there might be a possibility that, in the event of a crash, the front passenger airbag may deploy abnormally" so uh took you nearly 12 years to work that out??? on a car they stopped manufacturing in like 2006!!



Oh well, at least its the passenger seat :heh:


Even without my parents, I could have gone without any food, and my belonging could have gotten lost.


The reservations I have with complaining, is that there were four nurses who were nice and kind, and I don't them to end up getting into trouble (I can only remember one of their names as well).


There's another thing I forgot to mention. I had some dressing on my nose to catch the bleeding. It would get full with blood, and blood would start trickling down onto my mouth and down my face. Every time I had to ask for it to be changed.


Aye but they don't punish staff who haven't done anything wrong, they investigate it. Stuff like that is usually because they haven't enough staff on. If people don't complain NOTHING ever gets done.

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