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bad stuff thread.


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Well looks like my aunt is gonna die of bladder cancer. The thiing is thay also said the cancer spread to her lungs then they said it didn't. But not they've went back on themselves and said it has spread to the lungs. Since the last scan they've said the tumor in the bladder has gotten bigger and there are another two tumors developing along side it as well as the tumor in the lungs. B000h not really expecting anything good to come out of this.


Terrible news, man. Cancer is an awful way to go.

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My probation meeting was delayed until tomorrow. Got myself all psyched to quit :(


Also, my friend text saying that some of the mortgage stuff had gone through and what not, and then within 30 minutes text saying they had decided to no longer sell it. Similarly, my mother and her husband were due to move today but on Monday evening the owners emailed saying they changed their mind. How can people be so callous? Plus, you'd think they'd like the money!

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Still waiting for the results on the exam paper I handed in January 15th. The re-exam is long over, so if I fail, I have no idea what they expect. At this point I'm pretty sure I could officially complain, but I'm not sure I can be bothered. The organisation is so poor.


The worst part is that I have no idea how well I did on it. Depending on whether my approach was right or not, it might be an excellent paper or a complete failure. The wait is making me paranoid!

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Feeling sick again. Don't know whether I should go to work or not.


Already missed half of the month and since I'm a trainee I'd miss precious time in practice. But if I'm not at 100% of my well being I shouldn't work, my colleagues always tell me.




Think I'll go, talk to my coach and she can tell me what she thinks.


Edit: She told me "Go home and rest."


Well, okay then...

Edited by drahkon
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Fucking Microsoft Word.


I feel like i've been physically wrestling with it for the past few hours. Why is it so fucking difficult?! Why does stuff happen for no reason at all!? How did Microsoft manage to create a program that no-one seems to know anything about! You think there would be someone, somewhere who knew all of its features and how to use them.


I thought i'd write my thesis in Word rather than LaTex since it would be easier. i've used Word loads of times, i thought. It'll be much quicker to write it in Word rather than learn how to use LaTex. Nope.



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Fucking Microsoft Word.


I feel like i've been physically wrestling with it for the past few hours. Why is it so fucking difficult?! Why does stuff happen for no reason at all!? How did Microsoft manage to create a program that no-one seems to know anything about! You think there would be someone, somewhere who knew all of its features and how to use them.


I thought i'd write my thesis in Word rather than LaTex since it would be easier. i've used Word loads of times, i thought. It'll be much quicker to write it in Word rather than learn how to use LaTex. Nope.




You'd be making different complaints about LaTeX I'd imagine. But still complaining. (I spent many hours just trying to get it to put images where I told it to put them.)

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You'd be making different complaints about LaTeX I'd imagine. But still complaining. (I spent many hours just trying to get it to put images where I told it to put them.)


I've used LaTex before (albeit using a template) and found that you and the images very rarely wanted the same thing, even if it was for their own good.


What are you trying to do?


You mean what am i having problems with? Everything. And nothing.


Nothing right now, currently everything is as it should be, but it takes so long to get it to be how you want.


Just now it took me half an hour to get the section heading numbers to increment; they weren't playing ball. Before that the equation numbering wasn't in the right format. Before that, field codes wouldn't update.


I fear the worst problems i'm going to have will be formatting images - but i'm putting that off for now as i can't handle it in my weakened state.


EDIT: My problems look ridiculous now against martinist's. Sorry dude that's a horrible bit of news.

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I fear the worst problems i'm going to have will be formatting images - but i'm putting that off for now as i can't handle it in my weakened state.


Format the image as a square behind text and it generally works pretty well.


I was trying to format some documents today that someone else had made up. I've now come to accept that no one else in the world other than me knows that to get a new page you use a page break (ctrl+enter) rather than just hit enter until you get to a new page.


Page break = heading always at the top

Pressing enter = everything moving everywhere if you make a single change.

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Format the image as a square behind text and it generally works pretty well.


I was trying to format some documents today that someone else had made up. I've now come to accept that no one else in the world other than me knows that to get a new page you use a page break (ctrl+enter) rather than just hit enter until you get to a new page.


Page break = heading always at the top

Pressing enter = everything moving everywhere if you make a single change.


Is this becoming a secrets of word thread? :p

Highlight text then press ctrl+alt+1 (or 2 or 3). Wowzer, it's a heading now.

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Format the image as a square behind text and it generally works pretty well.


Yeah that's what i will try, but it's the captions that always seem to play up. Just now they wouldn't stay attached to the picture, rather ending up on different pages. When i did try to link them, they ended up stuck to the one below rather than the one above...

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Is this becoming a secrets of word thread? :p

Highlight text then press ctrl+alt+1 (or 2 or 3). Wowzer, it's a heading now.


The amount of people who don't know the most basic keyboard shortcuts astounds me. I taught my boss, who is pretty computer savvy, ctrl+c.


(I'm saving ctrl+v for a rainy day)

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First game of the season and I've got a mania/depression episode about to break.


First sign is always a "brain fog" which started yesterday morning - the whole world gets slightly out of sync, like looking at a 3D image that just won't "pop".


Then the fun REALLY begins: if it's depression, the windows will need to be locked. If it's mania, I'm going to have to concentrate all my willpower and every other mental resource I've got into NOT attempting to run a mile in under a minute/climbing up lamp-posts with a carving knife in my teeth "because I'm a pirate"/doing Matrix-style wall-runs/eating the sofa.


Hilarious as it sounds (and boy is it funny at the time) it's a real bastard of a nuisance. But I can control it. Yes. I can control it. All of it.

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I cba for work tomorrow, alas, I should really be asleep right now considering I have work tomorrow. Not exactly a bad thing now, but I'm going to be fuming with myself tomorrow.


Indeed, 'tomorrow Josh' will fucking hate 'yesterday Josh on N-Europe at silly hours'.


EDIT: But when else am I to listen to the Sonic R soundtrack, eh?

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