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bad stuff thread.


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I just got back from an all night karaoke session with friends as it was their last night in Japan that they can actually do something with friends (they have to stay at a hotel tomorrow night and get an early night because none of the transport opens up in time for them to check in for their flights).


Of course, amazing night, but now I'm down as fuck. These guys have been here since February, so pretty much from day one when I got here in September. People have already left and that was sad enough, but I've felt I was closest to these Australian students to the others. Two of the three of them were in my Japanese class, so I saw them pretty much every day of the week and hung out every time they made plans (though I had to miss a few because of low money/lack of certain insurance policies).


And now, all of a sudden, it's February and they're catching the 4pm bus. One of our friends already succumbed to tears because she couldn't come to Karaoke with us, and I know, considering I'm not a very strong individual, I'm most likely going to break when the bus arrives and I'm going to feel awful for it because it's definitely not easy for them too.


So now, I'm back in my bitter old hedgehog's dilemma mind frame. It's times like this that make me regret allowing myself to feel close to some one. And to think I'm 23, fucking pathetic..

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Had to go to the toilet to blow nose.


Felt an intense pain go right up my back and part of the chest.

Can't walk.

Head feels weird.

Sat down, never getting up again.


Pain. :( Pulled a back muscle I think. Really hurts.


Its annoying isnt it. I somehow hurt my back early last week (i just woke up ob monday morning in pain). So i havent trained all week which did my head in. Hope it isnt too bad in the morning.

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I know how you feel. The only non-Chinese friends I've had for a while have almost all left. The lead guitarist from my old band is moving to Australia in the Summer, and that will leave just me and the bassist (who I pretty much never see) out of a band of eight. Then my best friend lives in another city a few hours away, haven't seen him since 2010. We talk n the phone once a week though.


My advice is to make friends with the locals. It'll shore you p in times of crisis.

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Good advice Iun, and it's a good thing I've already done it. But man, my family of foreigners D:


My one mistake? Making Japanese friends with jobs. Japanese people with jobs are never free haha


UPDATE: Did good until the last hug, but the tears broke! One of them realised the fact I could barely say good bye when I hugged them and I think that set them off just as they were getting on the bus. Ah well, no regrets.

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Were you blowing your nose in a toilet whilst coughing?


I hear it's becoming quite an epidemic.


Neither of the above, it came out of nothing.


I did try getting a day off to see the GP, work said i could have it off on Annual leave. Not heard of sick days have they, everyone else seems to get one.

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Heeey, bitches. :(


It is a bit ridiculous. Weights, fiiine, no real injuries ever suffered there. Twisted knee once after running, that was quite painful. Coughing aaaand blowing your nose at the same time, muscles wouldn't have any of it.


Was incredibly painful. I've never been more aware of my spine before then. The silly thing is that I hurt both my back and chest with that, going to bed for the last 2 nights has been horrible.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I don't even...

The follwing is the truth:


Can't sleep so the TV is on in the background with The Big Bang Theory running while I'm surfing in the interwebz.

Then...a commercial (at night it's generally some naked lady telling you to call her), and I shit you not:


It advertises a device you connect with your computer via USB.

it appears to be a motorized vagina...


You can go to a website, watch some girls take their clothes off while they control this device which..you probably can imagine.



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I believe it can be two-part and connects to the Wi-Fi so that you can, shall we say, not miss the physical contact of your partner while they're away...?


That's about four years too late for me.


I think I've lost weight (don't have scales to verify), but I swear my boobs are getting bigger. I'm almost a B cup at the moment.



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