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bad stuff thread.


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Iun, well done on being a decent human being :) 99% of people would have ignored it, you're the 1% and I think you did an incredible thing for getting involved!


I'd guess you already know this.. but the reason why no one else got involved it because everyone thought you were just some fuckbag involved in an altercation with another couple of fuckbags. =/ No one knows you're a decent human being, everyone just assumes you're up to no good the minute they see you involved in an altercation. If the situation ever presents itself again, make sure you yell out exactly what it is you're doing... "THIS FUCKER IS PICKPOCKETING A LADIES HANDBAG"... Literally scream it out, you will be surprised at how many other decent human beings there are in the world waiting for an opportunity to do their bit.


Massive cudos for doing you're bit dude, and don't feel bad about it at all. 99/100 people would have ignored the situation... Unfortunately real-life isn't the movies... one vs two is a bigger mismatch than it's made out to be =/

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Nothing heroic at my end simple stuff.


Ran out of money, booze and fags on the same day. I thought I had £4 which was going to get me some nasty cider and a cheap tesco value microwave meal. Turns out I dropped £3 somewhere so it's just the microwave meal.


I have a cheque that should clear tomorrow for about £75, but that's got to last a fortnight if I'm medium-lucky, a week if I'm proper lucky and a month if I'm in-the-shit. But I have my friends to thank for keeping me propped up and fed these last few days, leaving me with only what is now half a day to 'struggle' through.


Still annoying though!

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Skipping karate class tonight just from feeling so damn run down I can barely operate my limbs and feeling incredibly bad about it, I need this is my week. Silver lining is I can get some washing done and spend the next half hour doing nothing underneath a hot shower for comfort's sake. Also soup. I've got soup to consume.

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Kinda related; seeing Hull vs. Brighton on the weekend. Iun can I bank on you not zooming over the oceans and continents to super-hero-vise the match?


I can't fly, not yet, anyway.


I just finished The Sarah Connor Chronicles.


Jesus dude... Is there anything we can do for you? I was devastated when it finished.



Still so angry today. Angry with myself for letting those bastards go. Angry with the gawking assholes who watched me sprinting after someone shouting "Thief!" In Chinese.

Edited by Iun
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Damn snfnkdvfgveagvfbe.


I recently had to tell my neighbours to stop parking directly opposite my drive because it was a little tricky to get out (the road is quite small). Since then, they've been great, but now another neighbour (is hasn't ever needed to park there) has started doing it.


Its not end of the world, but its just irritating, common sense etc.

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