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I'm sorry I missed the Wii off at your place. In recompense I'll come over to your place of work this week and whisper sweet nothings in your ear while you drudge away your day on Excel.


Can we do this in the Octagon?




I'm doing some training tomorrow and Wednesday from 10-12 and then planning to take some wine to someone else's office on Thursday afternoon so any time in between that.

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What the fuck. Did she say she loved you back recently? Fuck. Like Moogle said, if theres a silver lining, at least you haven't been together for years. How did it go down?


She said she loved me first.


I met up with her after work and just said things like, I know what you did and we're broken up. I didn't really want to hear her side of it so I just left. She kept calling and texting so I gave my phone to my friend and told her to delete every text I got from her.

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I think it's better to take the moral high ground. Keep your head held high and don't do anything you'll look back and regret. You did the right thing.


As much as I would like to agree with Jay this is the best option.


Although you should listen to her excuses first. See if she tries to deny it or not.

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Regarding the pain in my leg a while ago and the vertigo i got a few days ago. I'm fairly convinced this is a blood clot but nobody seems to believe me. A few days after the pain in my leg dissapeared I woke up one morning and found that i couldn't breath very well, around 5 oclock the clot moved and i could breath fine. A few days later i have a palpitation that lasted about 10 or 15 miutes as it worked its way through my heart and I have a 24 hour headache all day saturday.


I'm convinced the vertigo was part of an ischemic stroke, Now i'm sitting here scared to sleep or eat thinking i'm gonna die of a sudden stroke or something. Will probably go back to the GP tomorrow and say something but hes probably just going to say its nothing.

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Regarding the pain in my leg a while ago and the vertigo i got a few days ago. I'm fairly convinced this is a blood clot but nobody seems to believe me. A few days after the pain in my leg dissapeared I woke up one morning and found that i couldn't breath very well, around 5 oclock the clot moved and i could breath fine. A few days later i have a palpitation that lasted about 10 or 15 miutes as it worked its way through my heart and I have a 24 hour headache all day saturday.


I'm convinced the vertigo was part of an ischemic stroke, Now i'm sitting here scared to sleep or eat thinking i'm gonna die of a sudden stroke or something. Will probably go back to the GP tomorrow and say something but hes probably just going to say its nothing.


I hope you get it sorted out, Martin. :hmm:

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Regarding the pain in my leg a while ago and the vertigo i got a few days ago. I'm fairly convinced this is a blood clot but nobody seems to believe me. A few days after the pain in my leg dissapeared I woke up one morning and found that i couldn't breath very well, around 5 oclock the clot moved and i could breath fine. A few days later i have a palpitation that lasted about 10 or 15 miutes as it worked its way through my heart and I have a 24 hour headache all day saturday.


I'm convinced the vertigo was part of an ischemic stroke, Now i'm sitting here scared to sleep or eat thinking i'm gonna die of a sudden stroke or something. Will probably go back to the GP tomorrow and say something but hes probably just going to say its nothing.


If you're that concerned I'd recommend going to A&E. A few years ago a friend I knew when I was younger had pains in his legs and he went to his GP about it. They told him it was nothing so he thought nothing more of it. However a few days later he was found dead in his uni room. That was a clot I believe.


I'm not purposely trying to worry you, but it's definetly worth checking out, even if it turns out to be nothing.

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So i went back to my GP about this and apparently i'm having a schizophrenic relapse. I told her about the pain in my leg moving to my lungs, to my heart then ending up in my brain. She then said it was "anatomically impossible" for a clot to go from the legs to the lungs without killing me. She gave me some diazepam and if it continues then she might consider a psychiatric referral.

So either i do have a blood clot, i'm just incredibly paranoid or my schizophrenia from years ago has decided to reappear.

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So i went back to my GP about this and apparently i'm having a schizophrenic relapse. I told her about the pain in my leg moving to my lungs, to my heart then ending up in my brain. She then said it was "anatomically impossible" for a clot to go from the legs to the lungs without killing me. She gave me some diazepam and if it continues then she might consider a psychiatric referral.

So either i do have a blood clot, i'm just incredibly paranoid or my schizophrenia from years ago has decided to reappear.


Which would you rather it was?


I would have thought it good news that it can't be a clot, since those are scary. But having not experienced schizophrenia, i don't know if that is preferable...

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Just about had enough of work. Where i sit at the moment is between 2 team leaders, one is nice as pie. The other has a massive chip on the shoulder and wants to impress the department boss. This one makes sure that i can't do what everyone else does, this includes talking, eating, going online and basically anything. This one isn't my team leader, the nice as pie one is mine. I have talked to the one getting on my nerves, basically telling her to leave me be and tell everyone else not to do these things. All she done was snarl and raise her voice at me.


Basically she picks on one or two people and not others. The process of a team leader is to be fair for everyone, not pick on the odd person. Also there are some people on my team who are really annoying me, one called me a lazy s.o.b just because i didn't read an email.


I'm currently jotting things down with pros and cons of this job, cons are 10/1 over pros. And on Monday i wrote out my resignation letter. It's in a sealed envelope along with my greavences. If i have any more from some people, i'm considering handing it in and going to the union.

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Just about had enough of work. Where i sit at the moment is between 2 team leaders, one is nice as pie. The other has a massive chip on the shoulder and wants to impress the department boss. This one makes sure that i can't do what everyone else does, this includes talking, eating, going online and basically anything. This one isn't my team leader, the nice as pie one is mine. I have talked to the one getting on my nerves, basically telling her to leave me be and tell everyone else not to do these things. All she done was snarl and raise her voice at me.


Basically she picks on one or two people and not others. The process of a team leader is to be fair for everyone, not pick on the odd person. Also there are some people on my team who are really annoying me, one called me a lazy s.o.b just because i didn't read an email.


I'm currently jotting things down with pros and cons of this job, cons are 10/1 over pros. And on Monday i wrote out my resignation letter. It's in a sealed envelope along with my greavences. If i have any more from some people, i'm considering handing it in and going to the union.


Go to the union first to see if there is a case? That way whatever happens you still have a job to fall back on.

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I've just spent 2 hours and a bit in a garage and have to go back tomorrow morning, all because of the fuuuuuucking flooding in this part of the world. What annoys me most is that the rest of the fecking school finished last week and I went in today to help out in the Nursery, when I wasn't really needed as we only had a few kids anyway. Will cost at least 90 quid tomorrow to fix the car's problem. In addition to that, it also means I can't go home tonight like I originally planned, so I've lost a day there, too.


Not even sure why I'm helping out anyway. There are other people who should be helping out before me and the pay is shit. Going to put me foot down and say that I'm not doing it again, as I reckon I do enough anyway.

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So i went back to my GP about this and apparently i'm having a schizophrenic relapse. I told her about the pain in my leg moving to my lungs, to my heart then ending up in my brain. She then said it was "anatomically impossible" for a clot to go from the legs to the lungs without killing me. She gave me some diazepam and if it continues then she might consider a psychiatric referral.

So either i do have a blood clot, i'm just incredibly paranoid or my schizophrenia from years ago has decided to reappear.


One of my colleagues hung herself last night. Her daughter (who I also work with) found her this morning in her house.


One of the most lively women you ever could know. Our Christmas lunch felt more like a wake :(


Oh good, everyone's having fun.



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