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Things are looking rather shaky with regards to me being able to take the masters course I've been offered a place on. I've consulted with the parents and the final decision comes down to them re: paying for it, seeing as SAAS only give out loans for some post-grad courses for fees and mine isn't on that short list and the scholarship I was told to apply for needed applications to be in in early July rather than late July/early August which is when I got my placement.


So not feeling great about it, especially as the job situation isn't going anywhere and it was my route to doing a PhD/getting into neuropsychology which is what I want to do. Fingers are tightly crossed on the small chance it's possible but I'm not hopeful.

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Things are looking rather shaky with regards to me being able to take the masters course I've been offered a place on. I've consulted with the parents and the final decision comes down to them re: paying for it, seeing as SAAS only give out loans for some post-grad courses for fees and mine isn't on that short list and the scholarship I was told to apply for needed applications to be in in early July rather than late July/early August which is when I got my placement.


So not feeling great about it, especially as the job situation isn't going anywhere and it was my route to doing a PhD/getting into neuropsychology which is what I want to do. Fingers are tightly crossed on the small chance it's possible but I'm not hopeful.


Have you considered a Career and Professional Development Loan? Co-Op and Barclays offer it and while it is a standard loan you don't start paying back until a month after you finish the course.

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So, paid £110 to get my PS3 replaced by Sony. Got the new one yesterday


This one randomly turns itself off -_- No lights or anything


Hmm, is it in warrenty?. if so, send it back to the fiery depths of which it came (aka back to Sony!!!)

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Hmm, is it in warrenty?. if so, send it back to the fiery depths of which it came (aka back to Sony!!!)

The new one is under a 3 month warranty. I sent it back, they're either sending it or a replacement back tomorrow. However, after the last instance, I'm not filled with hope

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The new one is under a 3 month warranty. I sent it back, they're either sending it or a replacement back tomorrow. However, after the last instance, I'm not filled with hope


Well, if it's a free replacement then i wouldn't argue. Unless the new replacement does the same.

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The one he's sending back is a £110 replacement he got off Sony.


Which means (hopefully) Sony won't charge again for a replacement, which would mean free replacement of the paid replacement.


The issue he's having with the new (or replacement PS3) could be a PSU issue, i know my old computer did the same and it was PSU issues that caused it.

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There were meant to be fireworks yesterday evening down by the pier/beach. We got down there about ten minutes before it started, only to be told it was called off. Probably down to the weather, which was only really a bit of a light drizzle/small trickle of rain for most of the day. Bluddy sissies. I was exercising in that rain and hardly felt a thing.


I think the further south you go, the weaker/softer people become. It makes sense because France is not very far from us.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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It's because you lot up north are all full of warm gravy. [/stereotype]



I have a Sri-lankan mate from work who is always cold, I say wear more layers but he just says it gets hot on the train. Then looks at me funny when I suggest taking the layers off on the train!

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What a shit night! Driving in my car along the A338 and find that suddenly the engine is making a huge noise, like I'm over-revving it. I'm puzzled, and I realise that no matter what I'm doing, the car doesn't seem to be gaining speed. Even when slowing down, shifting down gear and trying to increase the speed from there, nothing is happening. I barely make it onto the hard shoulder. Car won't move forward at all now.


I rang the AA, get told that there will be somebody there within 40 mins. 40 or so mins pass, then I receive another phone-call telling me that somebody accredited with the AA will be coming to get us at 11:25 at the last...this current phone-call was taking place at about 10:05. Just...urgh.


When the guy eventually gets here at 11:15, we get told that it can't be fixed on the side of the road. So, the car has been towed home, along with us and now I have a useless car parked outside with me being unable to drive it to the garage. I start school Monday, Ine has work, both of us will be out of the house by 7:30...WHYYYYY?!


I have had all this time off for summer, why does something have to fuck up NOW? I have had this car for a month (second hand, but still, it's new to me). It's decent, too. Just a complete fuck of a situation.

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I have had all this time off for summer, why does something have to fuck up NOW? I have had this car for a month (second hand, but still, it's new to me). It's decent, too. Just a complete fuck of a situation.


remember what you were saying about us Southerners?


Payback's a bitch.

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What a shit night! Driving in my car along the A338 and find that suddenly the engine is making a huge noise, like I'm over-revving it. I'm puzzled, and I realise that no matter what I'm doing, the car doesn't seem to be gaining speed. Even when slowing down, shifting down gear and trying to increase the speed from there, nothing is happening. I barely make it onto the hard shoulder. Car won't move forward at all now.


I rang the AA, get told that there will be somebody there within 40 mins. 40 or so mins pass, then I receive another phone-call telling me that somebody accredited with the AA will be coming to get us at 11:25 at the last...this current phone-call was taking place at about 10:05. Just...urgh.


When the guy eventually gets here at 11:15, we get told that it can't be fixed on the side of the road. So, the car has been towed home, along with us and now I have a useless car parked outside with me being unable to drive it to the garage. I start school Monday, Ine has work, both of us will be out of the house by 7:30...WHYYYYY?!


I have had all this time off for summer, why does something have to fuck up NOW? I have had this car for a month (second hand, but still, it's new to me). It's decent, too. Just a complete fuck of a situation.


Sounds exactly like what happened to my shitty second car. Bought it for £586, (for work) it as working for 6 weeks, then I quit my job (Friday) and Saturday morning it broke down. Never buying a car that cheap again.

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remember what you were saying about us Southerners?


Payback's a bitch.


I thought you were a Geordie?


Anyway, am crai. :(

I still mean it. The majority of you are wimps. ;) Ohhhhh!



Sounds exactly like what happened to my shitty second car. Bought it for £586, (for work) it as working for 6 weeks, then I quit my job (Friday) and Saturday morning it broke down. Never buying a car that cheap again.


In fairness, this cost around a grand and has been pretty great for me so far. This came out of nowhere. So gutted. Can't really afford anything else.


Car has been collected and will be returned on Tuesday. So tired of this car bullshit. I don't understand how people can dedicate their whole life or base their whole personality on cars. They are fucking annoying. They are expensive. They can cause a lot of problems. Meh. Never seen the appeal and this furthers my hatred for them.

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What a shit night! Driving in my car along the A338 and find that suddenly the engine is making a huge noise, like I'm over-revving it. I'm puzzled, and I realise that no matter what I'm doing, the car doesn't seem to be gaining speed. Even when slowing down, shifting down gear and trying to increase the speed from there, nothing is happening. I barely make it onto the hard shoulder. Car won't move forward at all now.


Sounds like it could be the fuel injection system. Will the car start at all?

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