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Found an angry not on my car this morning telling me that I should park somewhere else as I don't live on the street (I live about 100 yards away), and that I should, and I quote, "PISS OFF!"


This annoyed me for a number of reasons.


There's plenty of parking spaces there. In the little section where I had parked (kind of like a lay by) there was room for another 5 or 6 cars easily. There's also further parking at each on of the streets, as well as another lay-by-esque parking space, and plenty of free space on the road directly outside the houses. I'm not parked outside somebody's house, nor am I preventing anybody from parking there.


Also it wasn't a friendly note. I wouldn't have minded a polite "please could you park elsewhere as this parking is for the residents" etc. But an aggressive note, with no previous contact.


Also to know that I wasn't a resident of the street, I imagine that this person has seen me walking away from my car with my bag or something. Yet they didn't have the balls to actually say something to me. Instead they hide behind a shitty little note.


But the thing that really pisses me off, is that I complied. Not out of courtesy for the person, but because I don't want my car getting keyed or anything. So I've had to park elsewhere, where drunkards walk by and piss about with my wing mirrors and wipers (the reason I parked in there in the first place). And because I have no idea who wrote the note, there's nobody for me to confront should my car get scratched or something.


Fucking dicks.

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Ah notes, notes are great as long as you tell the person which residence so you can have a chat (obviously if it's a nice note.)


Shame, I'd park back there again and leave a note on your car, clearly stating that you live nearby and to whomever left the note that you aren't doing any harm. Specially if it's legal for you to park there (whether you live near or not.) they can't do a damn thing.

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yeah as long as you aren't blocking anyone in/out or causing a problem I don't see what they can do

You can all the police if they're blocking you from bringing your car out your drive, but they can legally park and prevent you from going back in.



This Zelda poster from the symphony thing seems to be too heavy for blu-tack to work effectively. I may have to shell out for a massive frame for it. Can anyone recommend a place to get B1/movie poster size frames?

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You can indeed, remember all the trouble I had at my old place? But given what Moogle said, it sounds like he's no where near blocking anybody and lives in the area.


I'd leave your car there and leave a nice polite note, just stating that you didn't wish to offend and that if you need to speak to you about it, to let you know which address he's at. (or y'know tell him that if you see any scratches on your car, you'll blame them.)



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It's amazing how the atmosphere changes in this house once the landlord is home, it's almost like me and the other house mate become hermits.


Which is a shame as my landlord is a really nice guy, but we're always so worried about doing something wrong - oh dear.

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Hmm.. So a friend (and I don’t have many) got the results from a test on her liver. I haven’t been able to reach her yet, but I found out the results through her mother. She has not one, but 2 types of tumors in her liver, so that’s great. Apparently they’re benign, but one of them could turn malignent. Doctors are working on it, she’s waiting for further advice.

Less troubling but also not great, apparently my brother also went to the hospital for a test, apparently he has the same skin disease Micheal Jackson had. He has some white spots on his skin, but the most visible symptom is his grey hair. He didn’t have any a year ago, and he’s 26.



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My brother’s ok, he’ll live. His condition is not even really bad, like I said, for now, his grey hairs are the most visible symptom, but I certainly hope he doesn’t turn into Michael Jackson. For now, his grey hairs.. “add a distinctive flair” (though I’m sure glad my hair’s still black). We’re half Asian by the way, so we have a nice permanent tan as I like to call it. It’s my friend I’m worried about though.

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to be fair i think michael jackson had a lot more visual abnormalities than just the loss of skin pigmentation :p but yeah I hope its managable.... coming from a person who has had to deal with a skin condition from a very young age, i know its not nice at all.


And hopefully they can treat your friend... all you can do is be there for them and hope for the best

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I know this isn't terrible, especially considering what some people are going through, but in August my mother gets married on her partner's 40th, then a few months later it's her 50th. I had planned to book them and his son (as he'll be with them at the time) a few days in Disneyland Paris as she's always wanted to go and I thought it would be a combined present. Looked into it today and it's not cheap! Even just for a day it's crazy money. Will keep an eye on it to see if I can find a deal in the next few months but the cheapest I found was about £900.


But if I don't do that I'll get her an iPad for her birthday so at least that's sorted :p (personally I still dislike them but she keeps having problems with her laptop and all she needs it for is web browsing and she likes/can use her iPhone so c'est la vie)

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A regular shop lifter in my store is now apparently waiting for the store to close and following staff down the street the threaten them - I say apparently, because no one else has mentioned anything but that's what's just happened to me. I didn't even acknowledge him and he went on his way. He brought a big buddy one day a couple of weeks ago who tried it on but I managed to simply stare him out of the store. I'll be telling the manager tomorrow morning. I hope this isn't going to escalate, as much as I'd enjoy introducing him to the wonders of Self Defence law I'd like to finish my MA before having to mangle someone like a cat in a trouser press.

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I'm on my 2nd week on the new job now. The marketing office is pretty out of the way, at the back of the building and then up the stairs. It's normally fine as there are 2 offices up here (soon to be 4) and the guy next door is pretty chatty and normally the marketing manager and a work experience dude are in my office. However today, for whatever reason, all 3 of them are away so I'm stuck up here myself. With nothing to do. The task I was given I was finished by 9am (I started at 8, and then fannied about for 20 mins or so). The manager is in a meeting all day so I've got no way of getting in touch with him and there are no other superiors in the building.


Therefore I've got another 3 1/4 hours with nothing to do at all.

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Got my first draft of my dissertation back and had to sit for an hour with my supervisor going over things. Rather close to smashing him in his spectacled face. Half an hour spent talking about analyses for the work, all the while constantly contradicting himself and doing very little to reassure me about what I'm investigating (hell, I sounded more confident than he did trying to explain it).


The rest was ok, not a huge amount that needs to be sorted, but my supervisor is such an arse it's unbelievable. Almost as if he's deliberating doing the stuff he does because he's changed his mind on what I need to analyse 3 times now. Very little time to make changes though as he wants me to do a presentation of it next Tuesday and hand in on that Friday.


Seriously unhappy with the guy (and Uni as a whole) at the moment. What's worse is I may need a reference off of him for a PhD post if I decide to go for it, as one reference has to come from your dissertation supervisor, and that'll just be a whole other thing altogether. So yeah, not a happy chappy at the moment.

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I found out yesterday that my Dad is stuck in Mali after the military decided to stage a coup.


He can't leave because the airports are all closed, and he's stuck in his hotel until they reopen. He says he heard a fair amount of guns being fired yesterday, although it's all gone quiet today, so that's good at least.


Some men came into his room and searched it for government officials, but since they (presumably) didn't find any, they left him alone.


I've skyped him, and he seems fine (albeit a tad bored, not wanting to leave his room in cas ehe gets hit by a stray bullet), but it's a bit worrying!

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My bad stuff doesn't seem all that bad after Bobs post as it's very unlikely I'm going to be caught by a stray bullet in Partick, although perhaps an 'unknown liquid' thrown in my face at my closest ATM!



Anyway, my two best mates who I'm out every weekend have decided to not drink this weekend leaving me with bugger all to do because everyone else is tied up with Uni work!

Edited by Charlie
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Yeah , i think i would be pooping myself if he didnt have the internet, since his phone isnt working. But we've spoken to him, and he seems pretty calm and confident, so that's good.


Bit annoying though that the BBC are barely reporting the story though. It wasn't on the front page, and not even on the 'world' page. Yet a new Olympic tracksuit gets 24 hour rolling news coverage...

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Bit annoying though that the BBC are barely reporting the story though. It wasn't on the front page, and not even on the 'world' page. Yet a new Olympic tracksuit gets 24 hour rolling news coverage...


Yeah I thought that too. I can't remember where I heard about it but it was a tiny article and had forgotten about it until your post.


Anyway, I hope your Dad gets home safely soon!

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Oh dear.


After getting the results back of an essay I did on the history of the Italian Language -- I received an 'F'. I've never failed anything before! Doing my other 2 essays later in the week left me really self-conscious. I've accepted this is what 1st year of college is though *sips wine*



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