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bad stuff thread.


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Be careful with that infection, get your butt to do the doctor and be careful about bad jewellery again.


Letting an infected ear piercing heal over can cause problems when you want it re-done, so it's best to ride it out and get it sorted and put good jewellery back in :).


Last night my landlord had mates over, there were friendly enough, very funny etc, the problem is, they went to bed at 3am after singing very loudly (baring in mind my landlord is about 50 and he was acting like he was 17.), all good, can just about deal with that, but then they wake me up at 9am..


Jesus christ, if I'd been working this weekend (9-6pm, getting up at 6/7am) I'd have been fooked.


The joys of sharing houses. heh...heh...heh.

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i would think its not infected probably moreso an allergy. It would only be infected if it was not healed and the jewellery was unclean


I've had plastics in my ear that have been so cheap and nasty that my earlobe and doubled in size and bleed quite heavily... It's amazing how quickly it heals when you get some decent metal in there (aka titanium/glass). I would do what nightwolf says and ride it out, and put in some good material. If you let it heal over all of the nastiness will stay in there, probably THE worst thing you can do :) Just keep it clean, no chemicals, good metal in there, and it'll heal amazingly quickly

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get your butt to do the doctor and be careful




I found out what was causing my right ear to ring by chance, there is a small nearly imperceptible ringing coming from my Asus Powerline, which I use to get perfect internet in my bedroom. From being next to it for so long it would cause my ear to ring even after I unplugged it so I didn't associate them. So it is good but it also sucks because now I can't use it any more.

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The Sims 3 has decided I've been enjoying it too much lately, so now it won't let me save anymore. Well, not consistently, anyway. Who wants to play a game when they don't know whether or not they'll be able to save their progress? I spent half a day in France only to find out that I couldn't save, eventually stopped trying to save and figured I'd keep playing for a a while longer and try saving again later, only for the game to crash at the end of the day.


This year is off to a bad start. :blank:

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Country restriction on Youtube is bullshit.


True, it would be better if - like a lot of other services - they just opened things up a bit more... to a degree at least, for instance in America you can download Deathsmiles 2 which I would instabuy but alas we only have the original which you can get both on disc and on-demand but yet no sequel for Europe, which sucks. :hmm:

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I think if they could just get people to sit around and watch ads all day, that would be their perfect world.


I was disappointed when I tried to watch the recent Parks and Recreation webisodes only to realize that they were region-locked.


Maybe NBC is trying to protect us from spoilers.

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My damn phone has gone haywire. Haven't received any texts for several days. Which is annoying, because theres at least two people that I know have sent messages. And also two others that I was waiting on replies from and havent had. So now I don't know if they are ignoring me, or if I just haven't had the message.


Gonna go into the 3 store on Tuesday and try and wangle a new phone out of them. Camera is also broken, but I've still got 9 bleeding months on this shit contract.

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Did a factory reset on my phone. Annoyingly it seems to have lost about 50% of my numbers. From what I can tell, all newer numbers that I've gotten since the phone have been saved due to Google Contacts, but all the ones I had previously have been wiped. Which means I have to pick through it trying to think who's numbers are missing.


On the plus side, it's receiving texts again. Still going to take it into the shop and try and get a new phone though - having just wiped I figure I might aswell.

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I think if they could just get people to sit around and watch ads all day, that would be their perfect world.


I was disappointed when I tried to watch the recent Parks and Recreation webisodes only to realize that they were region-locked.


Maybe NBC is trying to protect us from spoilers.


Hidemyass is your friend.


Works for Ultimate Guitar (seriously, region locking guitar tabs? Mental)



You can also change headers using Firefox plugins.


X-header is the plugin I think.




Stuff like that ^.


I dunno.


Just be like a regular person and pirate everything and go to hell for it.

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Wind is really bad up here at the moment. Ridge tiles have been pulled off of the roof, some of which found their way to the passenger side window of my Dad's car smashing it, and it's having a good go at trying to remove the patio doors from their runners (each pane/door is about 2m by 1.5m and has a double layer of glass about 1cm thick which tells you how bad it is at the moment).


Wondering how long the cat run will last as well as the roof is beginning to peel off of that. All the cats are in the house so they're safe thankfully.


So yeah, not a great start to the day.

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The wind and rain in Wales is terrible, well more wind though. Had a really bad storm overnight which bought a tree down on the railway. 2 cancelled trains later, i'm back at home on a days leave. If i stayed at the station, who knows when the next train would have arrived. So called in and took a days leave, better than not being payed i guess.


Edit: Gets worse if i did try to get in, i'd have a 2 hour train journey into Cardiff.

Edited by Jimbob
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