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Big hugs to ya nightwolf! Sorry to hear that!


Sorry to hear that, it is good he saw that though :)


Thanks chuck, I get to see Maxi on Thursday and a lot this Christmas, try to spend as much time with her as possible.


Gaggle - I am sorry to hear about your grandad, bigs hugs to you.


Hugs all round I think - joining to form the Hugzord. Anyone else want in on this, just pile in.

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My upcoming exam is utterly stressing me out. I'm getting nothing done.


I'm currently going through a lot of exams at the moment too. Although I can't say I haven't studied -- I think we all procrastinate sometimes. In fact, I just realised that's exactly what I'm doing now! Perhaps I should write the rest of the message in Italian to help with my exam :p


We all feel that stress, it comes with almost all exams. Don't worry, you'll be over it soon. What is the exam on? How interested are you in the subject anyway? And what must you do in the exam ex. write an essay, multiple-choice questions etc.


I'd take a breather, find how to motivate yourself and realise that it's not too late to begin studying :) I recall you saying it was Wednesday that it's on -- you've got a whole 24+ hours.


Listen to the Wind.

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Thanks. :)


The exam is on Introduction to Classical Antiquity, and it is neither terribly important, interesting nor demanding. It's a four-hour long written exam where we get 4-6 general questions that we have to answer by hand with no assisting tools. Truth be told I feel pretty confident I'll do all right no matter what.


The stress goes deeper than that, though; it stems from the traits of autism I have left in me, namely that whenever the mental burden gets too big, my brain shortcircuits. It's always been like that: when my brain can't handle the mental pressure, when the level rises above a certain threshold, it's like my brain just shuts down, goes into safety mode, and I can't get anything done. I have literally just sat there before, staring blankly into a wall, until I managed to get some sort of mental overview that could help me slowly start pecking away at the things that needed to be done. And with me having moved into my own apartment and facing the demands of uni, I'm feeling like that more or less all the time, except I haven't yet found that overview. I guess that's probably one of the most valuable lessons I'll learn at uni: to better handle stress and find the overview. It'll also help me become less of an academic perfectionist since I'll be forced to be pragmatic about it: how much can I do and how well can I perform without sacrificing my mental health?


Luckily my Christmas holidays begin when the exam ends, so that's something to look forward to. :)

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Thanks. :)


The exam is on Introduction to Classical Antiquity, and it is neither terribly important, interesting nor demanding. It's a four-hour long written exam where we get 4-6 general questions that we have to answer by hand with no assisting tools. Truth be told I feel pretty confident I'll do all right no matter what.


The stress goes deeper than that, though; it stems from the traits of autism I have left in me, namely that whenever the mental burden gets too big, my brain shortcircuits. It's always been like that: when my brain can't handle the mental pressure, when the level rises above a certain threshold, it's like my brain just shuts down, goes into safety mode, and I can't get anything done. I have literally just sat there before, staring blankly into a wall, until I managed to get some sort of mental overview that could help me slowly start pecking away at the things that needed to be done. And with me having moved into my own apartment and facing the demands of uni, I'm feeling like that more or less all the time, except I haven't yet found that overview. I guess that's probably one of the most valuable lessons I'll learn at uni: to better handle stress and find the overview. It'll also help me become less of an academic perfectionist since I'll be forced to be pragmatic about it: how much can I do and how well can I perform without sacrificing my mental health?


Luckily my Christmas holidays begin when the exam ends, so that's something to look forward to. :)

You've endured a lot of mental stress in a relatively short period of time. It's fairly easy to overthink the situation and find yourself worrying about the minute detail. The more exams and the more essays you do, the more relaxed you'll be both about what you are capable of and what is expected of you.


You're right about learning to deal with the stress, and you're right to type it out on here. You will gain perspective - if you go into every exam or essay thinking it's the most important in the world, you will suffer from the panic. If you realise that before you finish uni you'll have done probably a hundred essays/exams (or 50 or whatever), so was each individual one truly that important? You will fail something, you will excel at something else.


Chin up!

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Thanks. :)


The funny thing is, while I'm course nervous about the exam (which is perfectly natural), the main source of the stress isn't even the exam itself; it's everything else in my life that's pushed the stress up to these levels (moving out, starting uni, the workload, the expectations, etc.), and the exam is just the cherry on top. Like I said, I'm actually fairly confident I'll do all right in either case - what's really stressed me out is that the stress has prevented me from getting any reading up done, and that just became a negative spiral.

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Your parents aren't expecting to to pass with flying colours. Of course, they hope that their child is the best child in the universe, but they love you unconditionally and just want you to be happy. Once you start believing that you start working for yourself rather than trying to reach the potential goals of others, or stress about that.


You're a smart guy, man. You'll be fine, mentally as well :) Take some time out maybe?

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Your parents aren't expecting to to pass with flying colours. Of course, they hope that their child is the best child in the universe, but they love you unconditionally and just want you to be happy. Once you start believing that you start working for yourself rather than trying to reach the potential goals of others, or stress about that.


You're a smart guy, man. You'll be fine, mentally as well :) Take some time out maybe?


Oh, no, dude, my parents have been trying for years to make me take it more easy with my school work! :p I'm the one who's been setting the bar too high for myself! :heh: The need to compensate for low self-esteem and all that. :)


Thanks, it means a lot. :)


True dat.


My parents were thrilled I passed uni, let alone got a 2:1. Take it one stap at a time Dannyboy :heart:.


Pretty much got a sore throat, annoying, been pestering me since 4am this morning.

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I'm such a knob.


I got my clean sheets out of the cupboard and put them on the chair. I then proceeded to strip the bed and put the old/dirty sheets on the same chair. I then pick up the big bundle and put it in the washing machine. Get back to my room to put the clean sheets on my bed when I realise my error. I was wondering why the load in the washing machine seemed so big!

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Your parents aren't expecting to to pass with flying colours. Of course, they hope that their child is the best child in the universe, but they love you unconditionally and just want you to be happy. Once you start believing that you start working for yourself rather than trying to reach the potential goals of others, or stress about that.


You're a smart guy, man. You'll be fine, mentally as well :) Take some time out maybe?


Imagining my parents' disappointment was the reason i did well at Uni. Whenever i felt like not giving a poop, all i had to do was think of them telling my grandparents how i'd done in a sad tone and i'd turn right around and try harder.


That doesn't mean that they expected it though i don't think.....i'm sure they would have been happy with whatever, it was just a made up thing in my head that they would be disappointed.


I don't think it's a reason to stress though, just a 'motivational tool' that you can use.




A couple of days ago i left the hob on, and then put some dirty kitchen stuff down on it, and ended up melting the chopping board onto a baking tray and had to throw them both away.


Then, yesterday, i got a hugh knife trapped in the cutlery draw and in the process of trying to get it out, hacked a load of chips out of the (wooden) rolling pin. Then, when that didn't work, i unscrewed the front of the drawer to get the knife out. Once solved, i realised that i'd put the screwdriver down somewhere and couldn't find it, so i couldn't put the front of the drawer back on and everything kept falling out the front of the drawer.


It wasn't until the screwdriver fell out the front of the drawer that i realised where i'd put it.


I don't trust myself to go back in the kitchen any more.

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Your parents aren't expecting to to pass with flying colours. Of course, they hope that their child is the best child in the universe, but they love you unconditionally and just want you to be happy.


Nah, my mum would be disappointed, and certainly voice it, if I got anything less than a 2:1. In fact she would (and has) been disappointed with a 2:1.


Good job I don't give a fuck and go tell her where to shove it.


We're a very loving family


in our own way.

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Not parent related, not really bad stuff happening to me, just general frustration at people.



At work one of my colleagues asked me if I wanted to take a kitten off her hands tonight only. I Asked why and it's because her and her boyfriend got this kitten on Monday,


well in that time it's managed to get fleas, and rather then shell out the expense of flea treatment (which really isn't that much) this colleagues boyfriend has said and I quote...


"Get that dirty little shit out of the house ASAP!"


so after owning the kitten for 2 days, they are now wanting to get rid of it due to it picking up fleas.




the reason I find this bad is that it's quite sad hearing that this ridiculously cute kitten (seen pictures and damn I do want him!) who looks happy and enjoying life in this household after seeing the pics, is being evicted tonight due to the fact that the owners are so irresponsible and lazy to treat it for what is pretty common occurrence in new kittens.


I got an email literally before writing this from the colleague saying "are you sure you can't take him, my boyfriend wants him out of the house before he gets home from work!"



what an asshole. The colleague said they'll be taking the kitten to the cat rescue league tonight if she can't find an owner by 6pm tonight.



I know kitten sob stories aren't really bad stuff post related to everyone, but it really annoyed me.

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perhaps its a good thing leaving it at a rescue home rather than keeping it if she can't be arsed taking it to vet/treating minor problems. Yeah people are lazy and shit but at least she's doing the right thing before its too late and the animal gets really sick.


I've seen too many vet rescue programmes on the tv, and what happens when people just abandon animals... and its really shocking :(

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Been off work all week because of a chest infection, which I didn't want to spread in the office and which makes the prospect of talking for 7 hours straight on the phone to people not only daunting but borderline ridiculous. Called to say I wouldn't be in today and they've given me the prep to being let go over the phone... I'm a temp so they can basically do as they please.


I appreciate that 5 days off is hard for any company to cover, especially when I've been pretty much carrying the shitty campaign we were working on. Mixed feelings, but I was going to finish at the end of next week anyway (they don't know this, but they know I'm going to Oz...) - this may just mean that I'll miss out on the xmas party!

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jay I went to work with a bad chest infection, lost my voice half way through my day :/ Definitely advise staying at home. Not only do you feel like shite, you're probably working in an airconned room and likely to make recovery a lot longer with that and the stresses on your throat!


I went to see an orthodental whatsit today about getting braces for my gappy teeth, they did a full examination, xrays with a fancy machine, measurements, etc. Apparently I've got a big overbite, of 7mm, and the normal is 3-4mm.... and she says my teeth clicking is the worst shes ever seen and worth of a party trick.. lol. My own dentist should have referred me years ago as my teeth have been like this since I had my adult teeth in -_- And now I have to pay 2-3 grand privately because they can't even spot a major issue


Asides from that, they also found a fucking cavity... am rage -_-


She saw my medical history (lol) and mentioned speaking to my doc about something called CREST syndrome... *sighface*

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