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bad stuff thread.


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I always wonder that if I lost an eye I'd get a false Sharingan eye to fuck people up.



Anyways, today is going to be balls at the moment. Was up at 5:30am Saturday for work, then to a Pokémon tournament which lasted 7 hours which I did shockingly bad at, then went out on the piss until 1:30am today. Four hours sleep and it's back to work! I'm going to be knackered as fuck at work. Plus it's raining like hell, so I'm torn between wearing my nice long coat which is nice but doesn't afford protection from a hood, or a different coat which does have a hood but not as long. I'd be using a brolly either way but it'd be nice to have some head warmth.


But I did have a nice chat with a bloke from N-Gamer who took my piccy and gave some tips on getting into the industry (the key tip "move down south"). Hopefully the coverage of the event should be in the next issue.

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Just figured out why I get so monged and sedated after a large bowl of bolognese; it has a fuckton of concentrated lemon juice in it, which in turn contains a buttload of Hesperidin, a naturally occurring sedative in citrus fruits. And it's not the nice kind of sedated where you'll whip your dick out and slap a stranger in the face with it, but rather the depressive kind where your mood reflects a bad coldplay song.

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It's pretty much in all popular brands of bolognese sauce you can get at supermarkets, and in large quantities. In this case it was the Lloyd Grossman Tomato and Chilli ish.

I would say this is probably the cause of it.


But I don't eat bolognese so the lemon shizzle content could be the same as Dolmio or something.

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So pissed. Job hunting, ergh.


My mate had applied for about 3 jobs in his whole life, gets a job in a week at ASDA. I know i would be miles better than him at the job, and i didn't even get a fucking interview. Now my sister, gets a job at ASDA 3 days after applying. I'm really happy for her, but it's so frustrating.


So annoyed, what's so crap about me that i can't even get an interview with ASDA.


I was turned down by mcdonalds and primark when back at uni, now I work for Spotify, maybe you just weren't destined to work in a supermarket. :laughing:

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Get a job in a pub, so social and great to work there.


Shame I never managed to :(



So many of my friends have ended up getting jobs at pubs and they love it. It's social, it's fun and so on. Just go to the Wetherspoons site and see if any of your local ones have a job going and keep checking there

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So pissed. Job hunting, ergh.


My mate had applied for about 3 jobs in his whole life, gets a job in a week at ASDA. I know i would be miles better than him at the job, and i didn't even get a fucking interview. Now my sister, gets a job at ASDA 3 days after applying. I'm really happy for her, but it's so frustrating.


So annoyed, what's so crap about me that i can't even get an interview with ASDA.


I had a similar issue with Asda myself when i was out of work. Except, i was rejected within 20 minutes of sending in the online application. Even went to the store where the job was going to be, picked up an application and was rejected as soon as i handed the form over.


Their reasons as to why i was rejected instantly, they said i was inexperienced. I mean, 6 years retail and 2 years of supervisor experience in the co-operative and a garden centre, and they had the cheek to say "rejected due to lack of experience". What kind of dumb monkeys work in Asda anyway, food ain't that great to be fair.


Get a job in a pub, so social and great to work there.


Shame I never managed to :(


Ditto, i was offered a job in a nightclub once. Turned it down, because i hate club music. Job was offered through an agency though.


Not that it matters at the moment, nice little temp job i got working on taxes.

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What kind of dumb monkeys work in Asda anyway, food ain't that great to be fair.


I used to work for ASDA, 3 Years in the Bakery (2 of it while I was at sixth form) & 1 year in security!


And i ent no dumb monkey!!!!


Also it is because of ASDA and the experience I got from there which helped me into other jobs to further my career!

Edited by Mike1988uk
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So, one member of staff is on holiday, another is off ill (note that there six people in the company). I'm the only other member of staff who can do both of their jobs.


So looks like I'm doing the jobs of three people (and still finding time in between things loading to post on here).

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After waiting 11 days for my computer to turn up, after paying 35quid for it to be here last week, I've got it.


Why in the bad thread you ask? They put a fan so close to the grate that it now clicks repeatedly and very loudly, which defeats the point of having so many fans in the first place..


eurgh, I'll be screaming at someone tomorrow, i'm tired now.

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Just getting over flu and BAM! Sinusitis hits ¬¬


If I were a normal person, it'd be fine...but it's moved to my lungs and add that to my severe asthma, last two nights I've gone to bed fearful that I'm going to wake up having an asthma attack and/or dead :/

Edited by Serebii
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I CAN'T GET MY BIKE! They say I'm not qualified because I've only got 11 guaranteed months left on my contract (although it's blatantly going to be extended) and I offered to pay two months up front but no dice. Also said I spoke to her a few weeks ago and she said it would be fine then she tried to claim she was confused and thought I started in October. I asked you in MID SEPTEMBER, with my ID card that you get WHEN YOU START and said I began IN SEPTEMBER.


Plus I found out the other person's job I'm doing is earning £4k more than me and there's nothing I can do about it right now.




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At DJ Society (hey gurl hey I'm'a learn to spin yo) tonight my ear piercing started bleeding. Kept spotting/bleeding lightly for about an hour after that, and so i just kinda lightly held tissue to it until it stopped. Just been cleaning it as I would normally (with extra effort), and had to pick off the congealed blood, but it's left a black sheen of dried blood on the silver stud. I feel shitty. Apparently new piercings bleed all the time? I'm not worried or anything, it just looks manky. And I HATE how much I've HAD to touch it despite being told not to.

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