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bad stuff thread.


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Got mugged whilst I was on holiday :(


In Naples (do not go to Naples, it is shit and horrible, there are piles of rubbish that they just burn in the street) and went to get on the tram with 7 or so other people, and 5 middle aged italians all swamped round me shouting at each other, I got pushed around and jostled and they got off as the trams doors shut. I realised they took my wallet :( but not my phone for some unknown reason.

Something similar happened to me in Geneva a while back. It kind of ruined the holiday (I was only there two days, and also got bad food poisoning :heh:), but it wasn't too bad in the end - I went straight to the police and got a report and rang my insurance, and then I got the vast majority of the money/stuff I lost back from them. I still haven't got round to getting another provisional driving license, hoever...

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Something similar happened to me in Geneva a while back. It kind of ruined the holiday (I was only there two days, and also got bad food poisoning :heh:), but it wasn't too bad in the end - I went straight to the police and got a report and rang my insurance, and then I got the vast majority of the money/stuff I lost back from them. I still haven't got round to getting another provisional driving license, however...


Yeh, I reported it to the italian police, they laughed at me and when I got home I translated their words


"Hah this idiot got mugged"


Also, my insurance doesn't cover stolen cards and you have to pay a 50 pound excess to get back what money was taken...


Which was 50 pounds


Bad one Dom! They knew you needed the phone to keep in contact with me. Was it a lot of stuff you had taken?


Um...Driving licence, 50 pounds (no euros fortunately) Debit and Credit card, student card... National Insurance card, nectar card... Think that was it

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Well presumably you blocked all the relevant cards immediately... the only other thing you need to worry about is identity theft, because driving licenses have your photo, signature, and address on them. It's unlikely anyone will use them, but check your statements and so on vigilantly.


This is why I hide stuff in my socks.

And yeah, it's a good idea to split all your money up, and keep money separate from cards.

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Plus take as little cards as possible. Student card? Nectar card? The fuck?!


This. Why did you have your NI card on you Dom?


Live by the rule of 'hands on your ha'pennys' when you get on trains, buses or crowded areas.

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Kinda dying to try out the new google+. I'm a bit of a social network madman. :)

It's only invite only at the moment however, so it's pretty difficult to get on it.


Got myself an invite today, not sure if I can get you one though.


I don't particularly find it that exciting.

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Got myself an invite today, not sure if I can get you one though.


I don't particularly find it that exciting.


Are you guys just... avoiding the Google+ thread?


There are more invites thrown around in there than... *thinks*


I'll get back to you with that analogy.


Haha ya that's why I threw the post in bad stuff. It's a bad addiction for me. Although for the summer nobody is around posting. That's not to say I don't have other hobbies, but I spend more time on it than I should.


Ya I threw a post in the google+ thread. I didn't think of checking tech before( I know duh right)

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Having a bad mood again. Feel like certain people around me don't really appreciate what I do for them, like waiting around for them to show up (even when they don't), being there for them when they need someone to talk to, helping them out with stuff (no matter how big or small). Or that the stuff I do for myself, creating things, losing weight, is being looked down upon or neglected. Bleh.


Sucks when it feels like no one cares about what you do, especially when it's people close to you.

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I am not the robot I think I am or even sometimes I wish to be. Emotions are confusing. The only clear ones are happiness and satisfaction.


I thought I felt nothing, that was not true. At times I don't know what I feel. I don't like emotions, they are an obstacle at times.


No I am not depressed, this refers to a specific event.

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Having a bad mood again. Feel like certain people around me don't really appreciate what I do for them, like waiting around for them to show up (even when they don't), being there for them when they need someone to talk to, helping them out with stuff (no matter how big or small). Or that the stuff I do for myself, creating things, losing weight, is being looked down upon or neglected. Bleh.


Sucks when it feels like no one cares about what you do, especially when it's people close to you.


I've been like this for a while, I've moved and it's still happening with friends I thought would know better.


I hope you find a solution chuck, they shouldn't be messing with you, you're lovely. :)


Ten hour shift and no sleep. ARGH.

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Having a bad mood again. Feel like certain people around me don't really appreciate what I do for them, like waiting around for them to show up (even when they don't), being there for them when they need someone to talk to, helping them out with stuff (no matter how big or small). Or that the stuff I do for myself, creating things, losing weight, is being looked down upon or neglected. Bleh.


Sucks when it feels like no one cares about what you do, especially when it's people close to you.


Yeah. I dunno. I used to feel like this too, no one notices anything I do, might as well not be here, etc. But now I just make sure to take care of myself. Life is not easy. It only makes sense to treat yourself well :) Relying on other people for happiness is a terrible idea, because people are so volatile and unpredictable. It helps if you have a strong source of inspiration in your life. But you're the only one who can find and identify it, I suppose.


(Basically, this is a botched empathetic/hopefully not depressing post to say that I hope you feel happier soon, and I wish you all the best :))

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