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I got a call from my Dad, my granddad has stomach cancer. They don't know if they can operate on him yet, but it's doubtful, and he's been quite ill for a while so even if they can, it would probably take a lot out of him. It's not a massive surprise (due to his illness and him refusing to reduce his smoking and drinking), but I've never lost a close family member before.


He wanted to wait until he knew what was happening, but he thought it best to tell everyone over the phone in case someone posted to Facebook - there was a recent incident where a distant family member died (I never knew them) and everyone was told not to mention it on Facebook as her daughter was on her last day of a holiday abroad...and people still posted on Facebook.

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I've been looking to buy a house, but I don't have enough for a deposit. So I was going to buy an old car, sell mine, and the difference would give me an extra ~£4000 to put in my house deposit fund.


So last week I bought a Saab off ebay. The seller said that it just needed the hand brake doing to pass the MOT. I paid £380 for it. However today I took it for an MOT and it need new brake pads, new brake hoses, a new exhaust system and the front tyres are wearing on the sidewalls. The MOT tested listed it as dangerous/ I'm going to try and contact the seller to see if she will take it back, but I'm not hopeful. (She did say the car had been checked an only the handbrake needed doing to pass the MOT).


I think I'll just have to sell it for scrap/spares or repairs and cut my losses. The MOT is still valid until September but I couldn't sell it to somebody without telling them what needs doing.


My Mum got worried and deposited £4000 in my bank so that I wouldn't have to sell my car. Obviously I'm not going to accept it and will pay her back. Or I might keep it as a loan and pay her back later, but I can't just keep it.

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I got a call from my Dad, my granddad has stomach cancer.


I'm sorry to hear that @Cube. :(


I lost my granddad to stomach cancer around eight years ago, you never quite get over losing someone like that, it just seems to "ease" with time.


But anyway, I hope there's something they can do for your granddad, hopefully he'll be OK, there must have been advancements in these kinds of operations over the last few years if it comes to that.


You know where I am if you need to talk.

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Sorry to hear that @Cube, my grandfather passed last year from cancer after being given the all clear. I hope they are able to ease the pain at the absolute minimum.


@EEVILMURRAY I am genuinely considering relocation from China to the US. There are two hurdles - teacher licensure, which is doable but means being a substitute for the first year. Then there's the actual salaries, which are piss-poor in comparison to what I earn now.

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I got a call from my Dad, my granddad has stomach cancer. They don't know if they can operate on him yet, but it's doubtful, and he's been quite ill for a while so even if they can, it would probably take a lot out of him. It's not a massive surprise (due to his illness and him refusing to reduce his smoking and drinking), but I've never lost a close family member before.


He wanted to wait until he knew what was happening, but he thought it best to tell everyone over the phone in case someone posted to Facebook - there was a recent incident where a distant family member died (I never knew them) and everyone was told not to mention it on Facebook as her daughter was on her last day of a holiday abroad...and people still posted on Facebook.


I know how you're feeling, @Cube. My thoughts are with you, your grandad and your family at this time. If you ever wanted to talk or anything, you can always message me.

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A train guard I know killed himself today. He went missing halfway through his shift, drove 20 or so miles to Leyland and threw himself under a train doing 100mph. There's stories in the news about it, but none say that he was a railway worker.


I'm just absolutely stunned. He seemed like a happy, chatty bloke. I guess you can never tell what's going on in someone's head.

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A train guard I know killed himself today. He went missing halfway through his shift, drove 20 or so miles to Leyland and threw himself under a train doing 100mph. There's stories in the news about it, but none say that he was a railway worker.


I'm just absolutely stunned. He seemed like a happy, chatty bloke. I guess you can never tell what's going on in someone's head.


I'm sorry to hear that. :(


I feel sorry for the driver of the train as well as the friends & family of the guy, I can't even begin to fathom doing something like that so he must have been going through something really tough to have taken those measures.

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I've broken my flange.




I've got a Scirocco club meetup this weekend and I was all set to get the car running in time, just had to fix an oil leak, which I thought was just a missing gasket. Turns out it must have been a crack in the flange, which broke in two when I took it off to work on it.


I've got until Saturday to get a new part delivered and fitted. It's on, bitches.

Edited by Goafer
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Was at the derm office for a checkup yesterday. Dr is checking all the blood tests i got done recently in hospital. "oh you got tested for glandular fever and it came back positive"


Well fuck, that's news to me! Apparently, I'm lucky I had the sense to go to a&e when I did.. (about 3 weeks ago) My throat would have continued to swell until I stopped breathing.. :wtf:


Aaaaaaand all of a sudden everything makes sense. Feeling ill for about a year prior, feeling awful after I was treated and discharged.

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Hit on girl in bar. Talk for half an hour, ask if girl is interested in sexy times, get rejected, girl has boyfirend, girl thought she was just being nice, get rejected...sad and sexually frustrated martins.


Pfft, as if she could ever love you like I know how to. :kiss:

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My University hasn't as of yet paid me what I am due for the teaching, organising and other stuff I did as part of the Summer School a month back. Due £775 and the money is apparently sitting there waiting to be paid into our accounts and as all we had to do was submit a casual payment form for it (through which they still tax us rather than the government which isn't dodgy at all) but there's no movement despite me having submitted my form nearly a month ago now.


Have emailed people in charge, the school secretary and such, but have had nothing back from that or going to speak to them in person.


Bloody joke, especially as myself and the other tutors who took the summer school are getting paid quite a lot less than the course coordinator who pissed off on holiday multiple times during teaching and couldn't be reached to help in marking or other problems so we had to sort everything ourselves. Gonna keep up asking what's happening as there's no reason for it to take this long as we were told that so long as we submitted prior to the 20th of July, it would be processed before the end of that month. Giving them till the end of the week before I take it any further which I think is reasonable tbh.

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To quote my Facebook status:


If you ever find yourself with a sore throad and think "I'd like the soothing properties of Halls, without the taste of some unknown industrial cleaner" and notice some of these, just save yourself the hassle and just throw them, and everything else you've eaten that day, directly down the toilet.


Thanks Halls. I started the day with a sore throat and ended the day storming the beaches of Porcelain Normandy.



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Struggling with life in general but that doesn't make a change :p


But honestly, geeeeez what a terrible year so far. Ever since I lost my niece in late March this year I've kinda just been walking around as a zombie. I've been suffering on and off with anxiety and depression for years but always managed to overcome it after the odd bad month. Seeing all my family change has been the weirdest. my mom who is always so strong and happy, seeing her so low is really strange and bizarre, my brother is totally destroyed by the situation (understandably as his first son) and just family in general is like ugh, this is so shit.


So many mornings this year I've woken up and wished I was still dreaming, I just cba with life most of the time now. So many days I've just thought fuck it, I'm not ready for the world today and stayed in bed. If it wasn't for work I'd be such a shut in. Luckily I have some close friends who are amazing and I've still seen and hung out with them on a regular basis.


I was starting to think I may be normal again though until this weekend. I used to love going out but haven't properly been out for ages. I went out this weekend and enjoyed it intially but just totally freaked out at one point and had to go home early. I felt bad because the way I left was pretty lame. I just said to the guys 'I need to get some air' and then ordered a taxi home. I text them later saying where I went off to and felt terrible but just couldnt handle being out in public all of a sudden.


My line of work right now really isn't helping my mood either. I'm just constantly surrounded by death and I just can't deal with that right now. A mad man trying to console grieving families is not a recipe for success :p I am really considering quitting right now but keep putting myself off as I think being jobless with this state of mind may be worse than my current situation.

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Having a very mixed week.


So I've been offered a dream job, only as a freelancer but I'm extremely happy about it. Just have to wait a while for all the details to work out, but that's fine.


However, the same day, one of the new people meant to be moving into my flat in two weeks had to pull out, so I've frantically been trying to fill the room before I go on holiday on Saturday. Will be fine, got some good sounding people coming to view, but is a stress that I could be doing without.


Amazon have been pissing me off too. Ordered a new camera lens to take to Cyprus, as I'm photographing my cousin's wedding out there. Selected local pickup, up to 2 business days. Ordered Tuesday. Estimated delivery next Monday. The tracking says it's in bloody Germany. That's not two business days. Went through about 5 live chat people before getting them to send me one out with Express Delivery, so it'll be here tomorrow, and knocked £15 off the price, with the original order refunded. Sorted, but wasted too much of my time.


Worst news this week. One of my best friends is suffering from bile duct cancer. Probably the worst kind you can get. I've spent quite a bit of time at the hospital with him in the last few weeks, things were looking quite hopeful - it was localised and they were going to remove half of his liver this week. They found another tumour in the supposedly healthy part he was going to keep. That's been removed, he's being moved back to Southampton soon for chemo, but that's for palliative reasons and it's unclear whether he'll be able to have the original tumour removed now he's had even more of his liver chopped off. Really scared for him, he's been one of my closest friends for almost 20 years :(

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