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Grrr, was hoping to be fixing my bike tyre at long last today but it either hasn't arrived as expected or one of the folks in my house picked up the package card for some reason (I noticed one one my way out yesterday, but it was gone later). I just hope it's late so I don't have to knock on the alcoholic stoner guy's door downstairs and ask if he's seen anything. That's just a little more than I want to deal with right now.

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Eating a chocolate bar, as you do when you're a binge eater, then bam...one of my larger fillings comes out.


My life sucks.


I know how you feel. This has happened to me quite a few times in the last two years. Either a filling coming out or part of a tooth breaking off. Often when eating something plain like toast or a fruit bar. Makes me nervous to eat stuff sometimes. =(


Last month I even had a filling come out 3 hours after it was put in. I was not pleased as I had paid something ridiculous like £90 for that thing!

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I know how you feel. This has happened to me quite a few times in the last two years. Either a filling coming out or part of a tooth breaking off. Often when eating something plain like toast or a fruit bar. Makes me nervous to eat stuff sometimes. =(


Last month I even had a filling come out 3 hours after it was put in. I was not pleased as I had paid something ridiculous like £90 for that thing!

I can just guarantee they'll lecture me.


I neglected my teeth as a kid, and it's the one thing I regret and it's still kicking my ass.


One time, I had a bit fall off, went to the dentist to get it fixed, but he decided to fix other minor issues first. That tooth completely collapsed in the wait for him to solve it. He wanted to pull it after that, but I wouldn't let him. Never went to that dentist again.


This tooth is one that had a root canal done about 5 years ago, too, so it being exposed is a bad thing.


Edit: Thankfully, as it was just a filling coming loose, they just gave me a new one in 10 minutes. Job done...£50 ;;

Edited by Serebii
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What was the root canal like?

Was quite a long time ago, but I don't get why people whine about it. It was a pain free procedure for me, and solved an issue I was having.


That said, they did have to inject through the tooth because I have a high tolerance for their numbing agent. That bit wasn't fun


Why do you ask? Do you have to have one?

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That said, they did have to inject through the tooth because I have a high tolerance for their numbing agent. That bit wasn't fun


This. I have a high tolerance to all anaesthetics - recently I had a jab to reduce the terrible pain in my shoulder, and the relief that was supposed to come for between three days and a week lasted a mere 25 minutes.

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Was quite a long time ago, but I don't get why people whine about it. It was a pain free procedure for me, and solved an issue I was having.


That said, they did have to inject through the tooth because I have a high tolerance for their numbing agent. That bit wasn't fun


Why do you ask? Do you have to have one?


Nah, just curious in case I ever do. They're a bit infamous.

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It's not exactly bad but I'm more annoyed than anything.


I don't know if you guys remember me talking about a girl from America who I used to talk to all of the time (I dubbed her 'USA' here) and then suddenly, she just stopped replying to everything and ignored me? Well, I've been receiving tweets from her saying how she's in the UK and she's invited me to go to see her tomorrow! Can you believe that shit? Like, what the fuck?! How does someone even have the nerve to ignore me and then almost half a year later, just message me out of the blue telling me to go and see her? What kind of foolishness...


I just done what she did to me and not replied at all. Do you think I'm doing the right thing, guys?

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It's not exactly bad but I'm more annoyed than anything.


I don't know if you guys remember me talking about a girl from America who I used to talk to all of the time (I dubbed her 'USA' here) and then suddenly, she just stopped replying to everything and ignored me? Well, I've been receiving tweets from her saying how she's in the UK and she's invited me to go to see her tomorrow! Can you believe that shit? Like, what the fuck?! How does someone even have the nerve to ignore me and then almost half a year later, just message me out of the blue telling me to go and see her? What kind of foolishness...


I just done what she did to me and not replied at all. Do you think I'm doing the right thing, guys?


Before you ignore her consider the following variables:


1) How much sex do you regularly get?

2) What is the probability of you getting sex if you meet her?


If the answer to the first is a low number and the answer to the second is high, you might want to reconsider the whole 'ignore her' thing!

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It's not exactly bad but I'm more annoyed than anything.


I don't know if you guys remember me talking about a girl from America who I used to talk to all of the time (I dubbed her 'USA' here) and then suddenly, she just stopped replying to everything and ignored me? Well, I've been receiving tweets from her saying how she's in the UK and she's invited me to go to see her tomorrow! Can you believe that shit? Like, what the fuck?! How does someone even have the nerve to ignore me and then almost half a year later, just message me out of the blue telling me to go and see her? What kind of foolishness...


I just done what she did to me and not replied at all. Do you think I'm doing the right thing, guys?


If I were you I'd tell her that you're working and that she should come and see you "if she wants." Make absolutely no effort to travel to see her, let her make the effort and even then do not be surprised if she doesn't turn up.

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Absolutely, thumbs up to you. Ignore that bitch like it was 1857.


This actually made me laugh so thanks for that, haha.


Before you ignore her consider the following variables:


1) How much sex do you regularly get?

2) What is the probability of you getting sex if you meet her?


If the answer to the first is a low number and the answer to the second is high, you might want to reconsider the whole 'ignore her' thing!


1) I don't regularly get it. The last time I 'sort of' did it was last year with a friend and that was it and that wasn't sex.


2) Not at all, if I'm honest. Like, when we spoke, we did speak about it but she always said that if I went over to see her, we'd most likely do it. I asked her to come to the UK and she denied. She basically wants everything done in the US. I know her and if I went today, she wouldn't do that with me, she would probably just talk and stuff. Besides, I'm not wasting God knows how much petrol on someone who ignores me and then talks to me when she wants to.


The funniest thing is that I've got a few girls actually looking at me, wanting it, but they're not attractive to me at all. I can't just hook up with someone who just randomly messages someone they don't know for a shag.


If I were you I'd tell her that you're working and that she should come and see you "if she wants." Make absolutely no effort to travel to see her, let her make the effort and even then do not be surprised if she doesn't turn up.


She knows I have a day off today because I tweeted my mate about having a Street Fighter marathon since we always said we'd do it. On the same tweet, she tweeted me saying to go and see her because she's in the UK. Since then, I've sort of been pissed off because I messaged her for ages, asking if she was okay and stuff and she never replied again. I messaged her on Skype, on the dating site and through e-mail multiple times...nothing. In the end, I didn't even say goodbye. I just left it thinking that she would probably get back to me. She never did. For a while, I thought it was me and my being overweight or not good-looking and obviously, the more I thought about it, the more I ate (I'm a tad weird; people usually don't eat when they're stressed or upset but I'm the exact opposite. I eat a lot more). In the end, I just didn't care and told myself not to get upset and just restarted again.


I'm not going to overeat or anything because of this because I just do not have the energy with her to even bother but it's still annoyed me how people are like that. When I fall out with people or stop talking to people, I ALWAYS tell them why. I tell them "I'm not speaking to you because you're a complete bitch" or "I'm not bothering with you because you're two-faced" or "I'm sorry but I think we should just be friends".


If she said that she'd rather be friends...no, actually, if she said ANYTHING as to why she didn't want to speak to me, good or bad, I'd have respect for her. I'd probably be pissed off at the time but later on, I'd say "At least she told you why". Right now, I have no respect for people who speak to you every night for months and then suddenly disappear into thin air, never to talk again.






She's just tweeted me again this morning: If you don't see me while I'm in the UK, I'll be super upset"


....IS SHE FOR REAL?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm more pissed now!

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I'm not one to ruin people's holidays but I have SO got the urge to message back and it won't be pretty either. I'm restraining myself from doing it because now that has got me angry. I know that if I say something to her, she would message back some bullshit excuse. She suffers from depression but I have mates who suffer from it and some of them have severe cases of it and they all still speak to me. I have this awesome mate and she suffers from it but she'll tell me she can't speak to me because she's going through a rough patch but she would ALWAYS message me every couple of days to let me know she's okay. That's thoughtful and nice of her, she doesn't have to do that but she does because she cares. She just didn't even bother.


Where is she and how far away from you is that?


She's in Norwich and it's a three and a half hour drive from where I am.

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That's a long way to go to meet someone. If she really is that desperate to see you then she'd come over.


Exactly and I have work tomorrow. I just love the fact that she's been here for about a week and suddenly, she remembers me. I know several people in the US but if I were to be going there, I'd have thought of her. Obviously I'm not that well-thought-of. I'd rather she didn't even reply to me though. Like, I unfollowed her weeks ago so she must still be following me (God knows why).


My best friend knows about it and she told me to deal with it how I always deal with things and just tell the truth but this feels different. I'm more disappointed and, dare I say, hurt...than I am angry. I just can't stand people who ignore others for no reason. I'd have rather have had a reason of why she didn't want to speak to me. Ugh!


Just reply and say "Baby, you ignored me for six months and you want me to drop Sagat's long legs for yours?! Bitch please."


LOL! I love it!

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Exactly and I have work tomorrow. I just love the fact that she's been here for about a week and suddenly, she remembers me. I know several people in the US but if I were to be going there, I'd have thought of her. Obviously I'm not that well-thought-of. I'd rather she didn't even reply to me though. Like, I unfollowed her weeks ago so she must still be following me (God knows why).


My best friend knows about it and she told me to deal with it how I always deal with things and just tell the truth but this feels different. I'm more disappointed and, dare I say, hurt...than I am angry. I just can't stand people who ignore others for no reason. I'd have rather have had a reason of why she didn't want to speak to me. Ugh!


Just follow Charlie's advice and ask her to meet you. If she does then you'll know she's keen (and you can always air your doubts to her in person). If she declines then you know she's not that interested.


Either way you get some closure. Better than just letting in fizzle into nothingness, uncertainty and disappointment.

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She's probably doing the typical American thing of underestimating how long it takes to travel around in this country. Tell her Norwich (lol who the fuck goes to Norwich) is around a 3 hour trip and if she says it's shorter now they've turned the A11 into dual carriageway, tell her they haven't opened the second lane yet even though it's been finished for a month.

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One of my roomates just came into my room, crying...

She got a letter form her gynaecologist saying she has some kind of 'cell change' (no idea what it's called in English, I just translated it literally).


It can mean nothing serious, but worst case: cancer.


How can her doctor just send her a letter with nothing specific? Just "Yeah, your cells have changed; please come talk to us."


She is - understandably - scared and confused. And I, being the social awkward guy in those kind of situations, just sat there in silence. :blank:

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It can mean nothing serious, but worst case: cancer.


How can her doctor just send her a letter with nothing specific? Just "Yeah, your cells have changed; please come talk to us."


It's because no one wants to be told they have cancer in a letter. If it is cancer then it is far better they tell her in person, if it isn't they probably have a good reason to talk to her about it too.


A phone call might have been better though, in my opinion, a letter makes it seem less serious as they're will to wait a few days before seeing her.

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One of my roomates just came into my room, crying...

She got a letter form her gynaecologist saying she has some kind of 'cell change' (no idea what it's called in English, I just translated it literally).


It can mean nothing serious, but worst case: cancer.


How can her doctor just send her a letter with nothing specific? Just "Yeah, your cells have changed; please come talk to us."


She is - understandably - scared and confused. And I, being the social awkward guy in those kind of situations, just sat there in silence. :blank:


Did the letter say anything about the severity of cell change? It is very likely that it is nothing at all, cell changes happen. Most of the time nothing is actually wrong, or it is just an infection. She might have to have a new test done in a while to see if things have settled back to normal.


This page might give some more information: http://www.macmillan.org.uk/Cancerinformation/Testsscreening/Cervicalscreening/Abnormaltestresults.aspx

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