MoogleViper Posted June 8, 2014 Posted June 8, 2014 My bike has been locked up in the bike shed at work since December. I finally decide to go and get. As it's a nice day I take a detour through the country park. It takes longer, but it's a nice walk and I'm not in a rush. I get to work, and the bike lock is stuck on. The key won't turn. I keep trying, and eventually start to feel it turn. I turn a little harder, and then...SNAP. The key broke off in the lock. So now my bike is still at work, and I have no way of getting it back home. I decided to buy a hacksaw and cut the lock off (and hope security don't come out), but because of the deotur, I didn't get to Homebase until 4.55pm. So now I have no bike and no hacksaw.
martinist Posted June 9, 2014 Posted June 9, 2014 I just found out Rik Mayall died this morning. That was a real kick in the balls for me.
Charlie Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Kaepora_Gaebora said: to 30, then BANG! Some idiot had his car on 70mph cruise control, can't even have been looking at the road and without breaking ploughed right into the back of us. This is why I don't like using cruise control myself. A tiny lapse of concentration and you can smash into someone. You're in far more control when you have to use the accelerator yourself.
Iun Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 ReZourceman said: Jean Grey got poorly and had to be put down. Very sorry to hear that.
nightwolf Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 Oh Rez I'm so sorry to hear about Jean Grey Big hugs to you.
Iun Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 I have had two weeks in agony every time I lie down - there's a problem with my left shoulder, and it means I wake up several times in the night because of the pain. I've not had a straight2-3 hours sleeps since it began. Doctors have given me pain killers, but with my high drugtolerance, they don't really make a dent. TEven better, I've had thundering diarrhoea for five days. Every time I eat or drink, it all comes out again 20 minutes later. Went to the doctor for antibiotics, which were useless, going back again today.
bob Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 We should have a 'bad stuff that you really shouldn't be sharing with anyone' thread.
Ashley Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 Sorry to hear about Jean Grey ReZ It sounds as shitty as Iun. (I thought you'd appreciate a bad joke right now)
Ashley Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 Feeling more melancholic rather than 'bad', but just wish my friends gave more of a fuck. Just feels like others don't put in the effort, don't respond etc. Emphasis on the feels like because I know I can't know what else is going on in their life, but even so. Just feel kind of isolated. And its going to get worse in a few weeks time. Le sigh.
Iun Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 Ashley said: Feeling more melancholic rather than 'bad', but just wish my friends gave more of a fuck. Just feels like others don't put in the effort, don't respond etc. Emphasis on the feels like because I know I can't know what else is going on in their life, but even so. Just feel kind of isolated. And its going to get worse in a few weeks time. Le sigh. I've found in recent years that my circle of friends has diminished considerably. And it's my fault. During secondary school and university, I saw my friends every day, so it was easy to stay invested in ther lives. Since I became a workaholic, it's gotten harder and harder to find the time to take an interest in everyone else. I've myself to blame, and maybe you have to? I don't know the particular of your situation, but you get what you give.
Ashley Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 ReZourceman said: Why will it get worse? I'm kind of seeing someone, which is keeping me busy, but they're moving to Japan in August. Iun said: I've found in recent years that my circle of friends has diminished considerably. And it's my fault. During secondary school and university, I saw my friends every day, so it was easy to stay invested in ther lives. Since I became a workaholic, it's gotten harder and harder to find the time to take an interest in everyone else. I've myself to blame, and maybe you have to? I don't know the particular of your situation, but you get what you give. I don't feel that I am. I constantly try and arrange things. For example, two weeks ago I messaged a bunch of friends about going for a meal this Friday. Nobody has got back to me. Will chase up, but even so. And last week I messaged various people and days later I'd get a "we should do something at some point" kind of message. I'm always the one trying and after a while it begins to feel like you're unwanted.
Beast Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 Ashley said: I'm kind of seeing someone, which is keeping me busy, but they're moving to Japan in August. I don't feel that I am. I constantly try and arrange things. For example, two weeks ago I messaged a bunch of friends about going for a meal this Friday. Nobody has got back to me. Will chase up, but even so. And last week I messaged various people and days later I'd get a "we should do something at some point" kind of message. I'm always the one trying and after a while it begins to feel like you're unwanted. I know exactly how you feel. I've done the same thing before now but everybody's all "Yeah, totally" and don't show up or they're like "We should do something but not right now". In the end, I bin them. They can suck on my chocolate salty balls if they think I'm going to carry on running around after them. There's absolutely no point in being friends with people who have no time for you, even if they can't even chat to you for a minute on the phone. I've gone through the same thing as you and I found the thing to do would be to cut them and make new friends. The thing I've found out is that if you have one friend who is constantly there in your life, you are extremely lucky. I've never really realised it but my circle of friends is constantly changing. Maybe yours is too? You may meet new friends and you'll find they're much better people. I wouldn't worry about it, matey. If they can't make the time for someone as awesome as you, I wouldn't waste my time on them so much. In fact, they're even lucky that you're trying and that you're giving them a chance in gracing them with your presence!
EEVILMURRAY Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 Ashley said: I don't feel that I am. I constantly try and arrange things. For example, two weeks ago I messaged a bunch of friends about going for a meal this Friday. Nobody has got back to me. Will chase up, but even so. And last week I messaged various people and days later I'd get a "we should do something at some point" kind of message. I'm always the one trying and after a while it begins to feel like you're unwanted. I feel that. Everytime I see a friend out and about whilst at work or passing in the street it's "Yeah, lemme know when the guys are out again and I'll join you" "Yeah definately". Don't hear a thing from them but see on Facebook that they've all gone abroad. At first I thought that it was probably booked before I saw them, but this is happened more than once and it fucking annoys me. When I actually ask if anyone fancies meeting up, they're too tired.
MoogleViper Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 Get better friends. 5 or 6 close friends trumps 50 acquaintances.
EEVILMURRAY Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 These were my main peeps though. Going to uni practically severed everything.
Zechs Merquise Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 My friends are awesome! They are always coming over, inviting me out, taking me for meals, calling me up and planning stuff with me! My advice is, if your friends don't want to know you, you need to find people who actually like you and want to know you.
Ganepark32 Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 So despite putting a huge amount of effort into my end of year talk, which everyone who attended said was fantastic (and thanks everyone for the support when I was moaning about it here, definitely helped calm me ), the PhD organiser, who didn't bother to attend my talk and went off on holiday even though she knew when it was and it's her job, is claiming that she thinks I'm still struggling with my project and is attempting to call an interim TMC meeting next week to go through things and, as she put it, if there are continuing problems, come to ultimate solutions. Not impressed especially with the bit I bolded there! She's more or less been on a witch hunt for me for near enough a year and clearly doesn't like my work but when lecturers and research staff are saying my end of year talk was fantastic and that my work looks to be progressing well, and with her not even bothering to attend my talk, she really doesn't have a leg to stand on. My supervisor is away home to Australia until the beginning of August which also doesn't help, but also makes me think is part of the reason she's attempting to call one though she'll get a fright as I do have the Acting Dean of the department on side. Yes, things haven't run as smoothly as I'd like with personal problems at the end of last year/start of this year meaning I just couldn't face work, but because she thinks I shouldn't be bothering with literature research/review and should be blindly running experiments without a solid plan of the next couple of steps, I'm apparently in the wrong. If she'd not been an arse and had attended my talk, she'd have seen the amount of stuff I've had to cover not only to run one experiment but to have multiple one's planned and ready to run (cognition, neuropsychology, neuroscience, evolutionary psychology all to cover bits of emotional enhancement of memory effects and why findings may actually exhibit biases rather than true EEM). And she'd also know that I'm pretty much having to teach myself Signal Detection Theory/Receiver Operating Characteristics because noone else knows about it. Actually fuming about it all. Haven't replied to her about it yet, forwarding the email to my supervisor and the Acting Dean for their thoughts before I say anything but really having to bite my tongue on it considering how rude she was at my first TMC in February. Considering asking of a 1 to 1 to discuss what the problem seems to be and why I appear to be getting singled out from all the 1st year PhDs when I've probably, going by our end of year talks, done quite a bit more work than them. Gahhh Really should've applied to Manchester or UCL for a PhD as they at least know what I'm doing and don't appear to be stuck in the bronze ages.
MoogleViper Posted June 28, 2014 Posted June 28, 2014 3 people have now told me that they thought I was posh. I think I've spent too much time in Oxford. Bloody southerners!
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