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bad stuff thread.


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My truck engulfed in flames on the I280 bridge in Toledo Ohio last Tuesday morning. I slid on black ice into the rear end of a semi, who slowed down because of all the gawkers looking at the onramp accident. Then a second truck hit me and after getting out, I turned around to see orange under my hood. Which spread to the whole truck. No injuries and no one was cited.


Fuck Christmas. My year has gone to shit the last two Christmas'. I'm done, time to be a grinch.


Especially with all the depressing shit happening in this thread. Stay strong Martinist.


Edit, Is it just me/opera not resizing that picture and making it fuck all huge? Let me know and I'll snip it into a link.

Edited by jayseven
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Hey @Nolan , glad to hear that you're ok and that no one else was hurt (that's what you mean by cited yeah?). And no it's not Opera being shit that image is rendering huge in Chrome as well for me.


I'm awake at 4:30 in the morning on Christmas eve as my darling wife actually pretended to open the bedroom window when I asked her to. Now have a splitting headache and pretty fucking angry. I'm going into work today to go to my job where shit is getting ridiculous.


Our support documents need an overhaul, which is a massive job that I look like I'm going to have to do on my own and likely in my free time. Only this way can I get on and do the proper bits of my job without being interrupted by by retail customers that have bought kit that is way too complicated for them to install. I'm really starting to despise how current society encourages people to understand their computers so little that the vast majority of people can't understand how to set an IP address let alone understand what it it.


I'm getting so little done at work in a day at the moment that I come home with no sense of achievement or progress and feel like everyday is trudging through treacle whilst gradually sliding backward. Not only that but as a team, we usually get on pretty well but some people I'm genuinely starting to despise and I don't like how that feels.


I'm miserable, tired, angry and I'm struggling to feel like I'm going to be any kind of company during either the day or the evening today. Thanks work. Merry Christmas.

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I'm typing this from hospital. Sad Aneres :(


Around half 5 I felt very uncomfortable 'down there' - pain was agony when I walked, touched it, sat down. Knew it wasn't right so told my mum and said I needed to go get it seen to.


A blood test, urine test, multiple blood pressure / blood sugar tests and emergency surgery in theatre later, I'm now in my hospital bed. They thought my testicle had twisted around itself but the surgery showed it hadn't (there's no other way to check other than opening your ball sack) - but it was heavily inflamed so I am on drugs for next fortnight to clear.


I don't really like hospitals and never been in before, so to go from being fine and enjoying Christmas Day one min, to being in hospital the next to have emergency surgery - kinda sucks. :(


Apparently, testicles twisting on themselves is fairly common, and it's a matter of hours before blood supply is cut off to it meaning it needs removing as it just dies. With that comes infirtility etc. thankfully mine wasn't twisted (the pain I was in I coulda said otherwise...) so the surgeon has put something in to ensure they won't get twisted - which is kinda comforting right now!


So yeah, sad times. Not what I expected Christmas night, but hey ho. I'm on the ward now with some other blokes who are literally all snoring their heads off. I feel fairly awake considering I only came out like an hour ago but don't think I'll sleep much.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas here anyway! Mine was great up until about half 5! Ha

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It's not exactly bad but more annoying would be the correct word. I was at work today and we were all laughing and joking and stuff and then one of them showed us a fancy dress costume he were in and I laughed and said he was vain. He laughed and said he wasn't and I said "You so are! I remember the first time I met you, you were proper worrying about your hair and you said you were cute" and at this point, we were still laughing and stuff.


Anyway, skip to about an hour later and he had a face on him. I asked what was wrong and he wouldn't tell me. So I asked if it was something one of us had said and he was all "You called me vain, I'm not vain!" and I was like "Seriously? You're moody with me because of that" and he was like "Well, yeah". I said I were joking and he claimed I had a serious face on me, which I didn't. Anyway, I said "Dude, no offence but this is a bit ridiculous, you have called me SOOO much worse" (which is true, he's called me fat and stupid and other stuff I shan't say here in case I cause offence). He said "I know but it's annoyed me". I said "Sorry if it's offended you but seriously?". It doesn't help that he's kind of hungover as well, I guess, but still.


Anyway, it was my time to go when the supervisor came and said he didn't appreciate me and him having words on the shopfloor in front of everyone, which is fair enough. I said I admit I was wrong in doing that but I said I find it stupid how he's offended by me saying it and not everyone else when I was with everyone joking the same way. The supervisor thought he overreacted to me as well but said that in future, sort it out in the stock room away from people. I said to the supervisor that I'll shake his hand and apologise once more but I won't be joking with him in future and I'll just get along with him only as work colleagues.


There is no way I'm going to be made to look like a villain just for joking and saying something as stupid as "You're vain" when he's called me a heck of a lot worse. In my book, if you're going to dish it out, make sure you can take it.

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Animal some of your bad stuff posts play out like high school kid drama.


Tell me about it! I guess people react stupidly to things, I suppose. As I said though, it wasn't something to warrant as 'bad' but more 'annoying', which it is. I can't stand bitchy high-school drama scenarios with people acting like bitches. Like I said, if you're going to dish it out, be ready to be served.


I even told him that I have bigger things to worry about, which I do. I have to try and find more work to bring money into the house and I'm due to see the hospital about my nerves, which I'm worried a little. Also, part of my hearing seems to have kind of dulled. I can hear clearly out of my right but not so much out of my left and I've had it for a few weeks so I'm going to try and get that sorted.


Still, just look ahead and try to think happy thoughts, I guess!

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