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bad stuff thread.


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One of my friends who used to speak to me quite a bit has removed me on Xbox again. Later on tonight, he sent me a message basically more or less saying that I'm an unhealthy presence in his life because I don't give a crap about him, I'm a bitch who talks behind peoples' backs and that I'm 'sly and ignorant' and selfish. He then says that he doesn't need any stress in his life since a family member has passed away so he's removing it and that apparently includes me, even though I've hardly spoke to him in a few weeks. Also, to everybody, all of this isn't because of his uncle passing away because he's more or less said this to me a few weeks' back when he was stressed about something else.


I just e-mailed him saying how I don't accept the things he said, how I'm not perfect but neither is he and that I've always tried asking him how he is and whether he wants to talk to me and inviting him to play games and stuff but he ignores me. I've said I'm not the best friend but I know I'm a good friend who has always been there in the past for him and will continue to be there for him now if he wants to. He knows my contact details and if he ever wants to talk about anything, to phone me.


I doubt he will and, to be honest, I'm past caring now. He's treated me like shit for the past few weeks, constantly removing me and ignoring me and he has the audacity to tell me I'm a bad friend and that I talk shit about him all of the time when I've done nothing but try to talk to him? There just comes a time to know a lost cause and this is one of them, I guess. It's a shame, really. We got along awesomely at the start but somewhere down the line, things turned to shit. I hate losing people like this. :(

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There's something going on with someone at work and nobody knows how to deal with it. It's related to a new member of staff who started just over two weeks ago. She's been great so far but on Friday she started asking everyone odd questions, was very paranoid about her job and if people liked her and was acting peculiar. She then claimed she had thrown up and asked if she could go home (the boss was out so I said yes).


Today, she started off fine for a hour then it she started with the odd questions and paranoia about various things. Now she's in the middle of the warehouse fast asleep.


One member of staff said that her actions remind him of his mum, who had some mental problems for many years, and that there's not really anything you can do.


We also don't have any next of kin details and there's nobody available at her house.

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We managed to get in touch with someone. Her sister has been and picked her up. She's apparently an alcoholic and has been for years - she was drinking hairspray as it contained alcohol.


We don't really know what to do, but we think we're going to give her another chance.

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I snapped at a few co-workers the other day, i feel bad for doing so but i felt i had to. They were moaning in the rest areas that they've got to take calls on a Saturday and a Monday (these are the ones doing the processing, the work i wanted to do and asked specifically to do). I basically told them to shut the f**k up and stop moaning, you only have to take calls for 1 day a week and 1 in 8 Saturdays whilst i have to take calls 5 days a week, EVERY week. They proceeded to report me to management where i vented more frustrations out.


Nothing will change.

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Came across my Gamecube yesterday. This got me thinking back to how much I love that console, probably my favourite of all time. I truly did love Nintendo during that era. Then they went and realised the fucking Wii.


I haven't bought a Nintendo product since.

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We managed to get in touch with someone. Her sister has been and picked her up. She's apparently an alcoholic and has been for years - she was drinking hairspray as it contained alcohol.


We don't really know what to do, but we think we're going to give her another chance.


Oh, alcoholism... My late mother was an alcoholic. But to be honest, I know nothing about the condition. I hope she can get herself sorted.


@Raining_again I'm terribly sorry to hear that, stay strong.

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So yesterday, I was having a walk to get some exercise in when I had a call from my best friend. I answered the phone.


"Darren, have you read The Sun?"

"No, why? Is there a Doctor Who poster?" (They did two Hunger Games posters last week so I thought they may have done it for the 50th anniversary)

"No, Heather's in The Sun!"

"No way! Has she done another charity walk or something?"

"...no...you won't believe it...she's hit herself with a hammer twice while she was heavily pregnant, get The Sun and read about it!"

...and then we started talking about it for a while...


Anyway, whilst I was talking to my mate, I went to the corner shop, bought The Sun and on page 15, clear as day, was my ex-mate hitting herself twice with a hammer when she were pregnant with her baby that she still has now. My friend said to go over to her house so I said I would. However, I found out a lot of things from last night. She's supposedly had three kids that have been put into care and has had a miscarriage three times. The reason why the kids were in care was because her mom was ill. I found out that she never was. She claimed she was raped by her uncles, a couple of her friends and apparently the school counselor had hit her. She was beaten up by five of her exes and she claimed she had cancer because she lost quite a bit of hair. Also, she said that she gave birth in five minutes in the dark with nobody there and there's an article about this as well if you click here. It's hard to know what to believe and what not to believe when it comes to her.


I guess I feel conned in some way because it made me think whether what she told us was all lies. We were always there for her through the first few years but then on the last year, she started being weird and she left. At school, I stuck up for her because she was bullied and me and my friends have even got into fights defending her a couple of times but I started not talking to her when she accused my friend of trying to rape her. I said that it was a lie and she was saying it was the truth but then I said "He couldn't have because he was in my house with my family watching scary movies and he never left my house all night so I know you're lying". She apologised and said it couldn't have been him. I've never told him and I told my mates who were with me that day not to either because he had enough on his plate at the time. However, that was when I started distancing myself from her.


I saw her the other week outside my place of work. Said hello and how are you and shit. She then told me that she gave birth to The Spitfire Baby. I was like "Huh?" and then she told me about her five minute birth and how her son loves Jeremy Kyle, loves One Direction and knows all the lyrics, uses a laptop and can walk and talk all before he was one. From what I remembered, the kid looked bored out of his skull, lmao. She said she were in the papers because of it and, well, she was.


I saw the video of her doing it as well, I'm horrified. We went on her Facebook out of curiosity and she used to have about 1,000 friends. It went down to 10 in the end and then she deleted her profile. I went on her Twitter, same thing but she hasn't deleted it. I unfollowed her though. I've tried helping her in the past but this is a whole new low for me. We all knew she was a fantasist and an attention-seeker at the best of times but we had no idea she'd do something like this to get it. I'm not sure whether it looks faked in the video or not but I can hear two thud sounds...


People from school have called and messaged me and my friend asking about her and stuff. We just said we have no idea about it, which is true.



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Holy shit, @Animal ...Really hope, you're ok...



Quick info, before I tell my 'bad stuff story of the year':

I am currently living with my mom, because I still haven't found a nice, cheap flat near my university.


Yesterday I left my keys on the living room table. Didn't take them with me to my room, which I normally always do.


Now, my mom has this stupid paranoia that the front door has to be locked all the time, even when I'm/she's at home (that's stupid, right? I think it's stupid :p).

She is at work now.

What's the problem, you may ask? She misplaced my keys and I cannot, for the love of god, find them.

I'm an almost 24 year-old, grown-up man and I can't get out of the house to go to university. :blank:


Don't know whether I should laugh or cry.



Edited by drahkon
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Holy shit, @Animal ...Really hope, you're ok...



Quick info, before I tell my 'bad stuff story of the year':

I am currently living with my mom, because I still haven't found a nice, cheap flat near my university.


Yesterday I left my keys on the living room table. Didn't take them with me to my room, which I normally always do.


Now, my mom has this stupid paranoia that the front door has to be locked all the time, even when I'm/she's at home (that's stupid, right? I think it's stupid :p).

She is at work now.

What's the problem, you may ask? She misplaced my keys and I cannot, for the love of god, find them.

I'm an almost 24 year-old, grown-up man and I can't get out of the house to go to university. :blank:


Don't know whether I should laugh or cry.




You should craugh.

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I don't see what's wrong with that to be honest.


We've started doing it at home for... almost a year. It seemed someone was able to slip into the house, steal my Mum's handbag from the living room and leave without anyone noticing. There were three of us in the house at that time. So doors-a-locked ever since.

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What a state.


Ugh, tell me about it! We all still can't believe we were friends with her. When we all got together the other day to talk about the article and shit, we found out an awful lot of things that were completely untrue.


Like, for instance, she told one of my friends that I flashed her on webcam and that I was quite big. I asked her when she told her this and she told me near Christmas two years ago. I know the situation she was talking about but this didn't happen. What happened was that she kept on asking me to flash her and I said "No way am I doing that!" and then she said "Come on, I'll do it, look!" and then SHE flashed ME and said "I don't even care" and laughed. I still didn't do it though, never said I would.


It's crazy how much I didn't know and how much she did and said!


Holy shit, I saw her in another article somewhere the other day! Didn't realise you knew her @Animal! The girl sounds like she needs some serious help. :(


My hugs and condolences to those of you in this thread going through bad times. :(


@Animal, that's crazy. Woman needs some serious help.


brb giving birth in the advert break for Coronation Street.


She needs some serious pychological help.


Hope you're ok, @Animal.


She's had help before, this much I know is true. As I said, in her final year, she went weird and left. I think it was because she had to get help.


She auditioned for The X Factor and met this nice guy from Wolverhampton through the auditions. I spoke to him for a bit and he seemed cool. Anyway, it started going downhill and he started to go downhill with her but not in the way you think. He started to stress out about her and said that she was lying to him and things like that. I said that she isn't good for him. He took a bit of offence, which is understandable but then I reminded him that I knew her a lot more than he did. He didn't listen at the time but then a little later on down the line, say a few weeks, he started to notice things. Then she ended it with him. He spoke to me, asked me if he should chase her, I said not to but he did and she started creating drama. He started to open his eyes and then left her to it.


It's just craziness and, even though I know it's not about me and that it's pretty stupid, I've started to wonder who is real and who isn't, if that makes sense. If she can do something like that, manipulate people and situations, what can other people do? What have people done? What other things did I fall for?


My mate's sister reckons we should go to the papers and sell stories about her. The bad thing about it is that the Metro have written where she lives in the paper. I just hope nothing bad happens to her family...






Also, I lock the front door when I'm inside the house. I thought everybody did.

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Why dont you all get front doors that require a key?


We have a bolt, interior/exterior lock and chain. The interior/exterior lock can be unlocked with a key from either side, the bolt lock only from the inside and the chain also.


But I kind of demonstrated the flimsiness of the chain when I charged the door after going out for a run and our domestic helper* put the chain on.


Why the hell she put the chain on I'll never know. Also, a week later, we came home early and she and her friend were in our apartment together. We fired her the next day. Should have changed the locks though.



*Context: A "Domestic Helper" is a common thing in most Shanghai households: she cooks, cleans and hangs out the washing for two hours a day, six days a week and costs about 150GBP per household per month. Normally they will deal with three households a day, making 450GBP a month. Doesn't seem a lot? To put it into perspective, the average security guard makes about 80GBP a month, a factory worker 150GBP a month and a fully-qualified teacher 400 GBP a month.

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